Going back home...

Jack being satisfied with his progress thought about home. Even though he really has not much of a connection with his family back in Edensburg.

His father's strictness, his cousin Aiko who always plays with him, his uncle Reinard who always tells him stories, his great-grandfather Muto whom he has become close with for these past years now, who he trains under within the winter season, and Bellamy whom Jack wanted to see for his progress after mana awakening.

All this reminiscing has made Jack very excited.

He no longer wants to stay in Windshore because he has already learned a lot from Arch the bookworm and Suzaku Echnevald the smith. He also has the proper stats to undergo the ritual of Mana points awakening.

But there is one problem with this idea. The idea of going back home was a bad idea due to Noah's condition.

First, Noah is too peculiar in all way's. Second, he has no power to protect Noah if the people who are aiming at him were able to track them. And third, his clan might get Noah to either be sold as a slave to the black market for his looks or being locked up by the clan totally brainwashing him to join for his talent's.

Good thing Noah does not have any elven ear's or else he would have never been able to meet with him.

Sitting below a tree the two were resting on opposite sides. Jack was watching the younger kids being trained by Arch when he decided that he must tell Noah about his plans. Jack finally decided to tell Noah what troubled him this time which made him nervous to tell that he will have to leave him here for a year but still visit him from time to time.

Jack tilted his head up thinking on how he should tell Noah the idea "Noah, I... I plan to go back to Edensburg… I miss my family back home…"

Jack was expecting some response, but Noah was silent.

"I know that it will be hard for you to be left here without any friends that will look after you…"

Jack still heard nothing which made him think that Noah does not like the idea of being left alone. The silence for a minute has pressured him to make the decision.

Jack gave a long sigh "Hays… fine I will bring you with me. But it will be a closed-door environment that will welcome you once we get there."

"…." Still silent.

"Hey, say something. Aren't you curious about my home?"

And still, Noah has not answered.

Jack was confused, he got up and turned around the tree only to find out that the person he was talking to is asleep. Jack frowned for a while but looking at the peaceful expression of Noah sleeping peacefully made him smile.

Jack carried the boy back from the house….

Jack has already made up his mind on bringing Noah with him. Earlier that night Jack went to Arch's room to tell about his decision.

Jack kowtowed at Arch "Teacher thank you for everything, Thanks for taking care of me along with Noah. We plan to go back to Edensberg tomorrow morning. We might never come back again so I give this kowtow as assign of thanks for all the things that you have thought me."

Arch did not really expect this day to come too soon. Arch has valued this student of his very much. Arch felt hesitant, but he knows that a bird that has fully grown all its feathers must leave the nest to fend for itself. Arch was also a very emotional guy.

He looked at the kowtowing Jack and closed his eyes for a few seconds before opening them and gave an answer.

"Live well child. Remember that once you are in troubled waters, you must remember to rest and ponder upon the things you have done. Always look back so that you can properly move forward. I bid you goodbye Jack. "

"But are you really sure about bringing Noah with you?"

"Even I cannot believe that the two of you are related despite Noah's looks. Is he your unknown mother's other child from a heavenly being?"

Jack really has not expected Arch question. First of all, he cannot tell Arch about all the evolution of ability and all the reincarnation thing.

Jack who was taken aback by Arch answered "Well we are a distant relative Arch"

"If that is the case then I would not worry about Noah's safety if he stays with your family"

"Go on, I won't be seeing you off tomorrow, it will only make me mushy and all. You don't want Suzaku and the kids see me like that right? Go to Suzaku, he will also miss his apprentice"

Suzaku was a banished member of the Ignizio clan who is a distant uncle of Jack. His mother is also the daughter of the brother of great elder Muto.

But due to him killing a clan member he was banished. And from that time, he trained to become one of the greatest smiths in the Duchy of Philippi.

Jack went to Suzaku but Suzaku basically brushed him away saying that he is busy and does not want to listen anymore after Jack told him about his departure.

Suzaku really does not want to hear more, basically because he has a hunch that they will meet again someday.

Hunch is his level 1 ability which gives him some future sight type of ability which helps him decide if it's a good day or not. Basically, today is his lucky day so he was doing his best to make as much good equipment today. Jack going back home is also part of the luck.

Jack does not really know that Suzaku's hunch is really going to happen. They will still meet in the future and they will play a role in the foundation of the kingdom he is going to build. Of course, Jack has no idea about this for the time being. He does not even have plans to build a house much more for a kingdom.

That same night he also announced their departure in the morning to the other kids. The older Kids basically supported him but the younger kids who usually love him for helping them in their studies in the library were all mushy crying about him leaving.