
Noah was all hot sweating all over. Breathing heavily and even moan occasionally.

Jack approached Noah and hug the other guy, they are both at heat, but Jack has a high mental fortitude hugging Noah he calmed himself at his best, Noah who has experienced this feeling before despising this feeling even more.

He grabbed Jack's arms, looking at Jack, his tear's stream down.

Jack breathing heavily "Noah, you can do this. Listen to me do not fall into it!" Jack has not known that Noah is in a state of pain all over. Jack's ability which was adaptation was kicking in which was the reason he was not affected as much as Noah.

Noah who was crying can't hold in anymore and directly pounced at Jack.

Jack was originally stronger than Noah directly hugging the guy to turn around switching to the top. Jack also cried at this moment because he cannot bear to see his younger brother this way.

Jack thought of a way and directly cut his wrist and let his blood flow through Noah's mouth…

He finally understood the difference between what they are currently feeling. He finally noticed that he is not suffering as much as Noah.

If he himself is finding it hard to control himself with just a 25% effect from the fruit, what about Noah who is completely suffering from 100% effectivity.

Noah who barely understood Jack's action just went in to suck the blood from Jack's wrist.

Two hours have passed, and Noah is getting a little more control.

The third hour, Jack has fully regained sanity, but he is suffering from too much blood loss.

Currently, he is already feeling dizzy and he is losing consciousness.

He finally loses his grip on Noah and falls to the ground fully losing consciousness.

Noah who saw this happening immediately turned pale and went frantic.

He immediately thought that Jack is dead.

"WWAHHHHHH" full of grief he remembers his past. Thinking that all the people he cares about always die for him. He thought about his parents, his brother Noel, and now it's Jack.

He thought that if he is strong he will be able to protect the people around him. He will not let them suffer for him.

Noah fully absorbed in the nightmare in his head blacked out and fell next to Jack.

"If only I could be strong enough to save them all…" the last tear fell from his eyes.

A few Minutes later a man 3 times more muscled than Jack was standing next to him.

The campfire finally lost its brightness turning the whole cave fall into darkness.

The man has a baleful aura of blackness swirling around his body. Fully black long hair and pupils of bloody red with a black circular ring ins inside.

"You who has been kind to Noah. I shall compensate you properly. To think that an accident like this will force me to come out… hmm this shall be kept a secret or else the other's will look down on me."

The guy bit his palm and punch it with the other "blood feed!"

The blood from his arm totally transformed into a bloody aura directly entering Jack's mouth.

Jack's color finally became better and his wrist fully healed.

looking at Jack the guy suddenly noticed something, he then tried to use a skill of future sight but it failed all the time. The guy noticed Jack's potential and grinned.

The man only stayed till early morning.


Morning time around 8, Jack was awakened by the horse sound.

Jack wiped his eyes got up into a sitting position. Turning his head, he saw Noah topless.

o.0 Jack was taken aback and finally remembered what happened last night, but he lost consciousness after losing too much blood. But he knows there's no way that he is the one who did something.

'AH, no its impossible I know I don't swing that way. Wait oh yeah, I have already adapted to the fruit last night before I lost consciousness.'

Jack was still looking grim. 'Let's just check just to be sure' Jack looked at his thingy and found nothing unusual and gave a big sigh of relief.

Then he noticed that his wrist was fully healed. He checked it again and saw that there is not even a scar left.

Noah started waking up and the sight of Jack being alive made him moved and directly pounced on Jack crying. "I thought you already died... next time please do not overdo it, I will never let you sacrifice for me again."

Jack was feeling at fault about what happened last night and even made Noah worry till the end.

"OK now, I promise I will not die, I want to make this new life more satisfying than before"

"Please never die and never leave me alone till the end of time"

Jack felt like scratching his head about Noah's wish, but he still nodded and said "Yes, I promise. I won't leave you. You're my little brother now aren't you"

Noah smiled and was finally calmed down, wiping his face.

Jack was still thinking about what happened last night. The 3 unusual things that have happened in which his wrist fully healed without a single scar and him feeling healthy despite losing a lot of blood. Along with Noah being almost totally naked.

"Noah, umm... What happened after I passed out?"

Noah looked at him in the face and tried to remember what happened. He also noticed his clothes ripped apart making him cringe from fright.

Then he remembered that after Jack passed out he himself also passed out from grief.

"I did not really know, I… I passed out a few moments after you passed out because I was totally engulfed by grief"

Jack showed his healed wrist at Noah "Hmm, strange even my wrist is totally healed, and I feel even healthier"

Jack and Noah then opened their god panels if there is anything wrong.

Jacks stats were normal, but his strength for some reason got doubled.

Name: Jack Kinsmith

age- 8

race: human







Noah was the who was even more surprised with his stats that even jacks face turned green with envy. Jack totally thinking that its totally unfair that after getting raped, you get stats for free without training. He thought that it is the work of the one who healed his wrist.

Name: Noah Reilfortz Elderstein


race: half human, ¼ elf, ¼ dark elf







Looking at Noah's stats, his strength went from 0.6 to 1, defense from 0.7 to 1 and lastly his speed of 0.8 to 2.

Is this a joke? Jack has trained to reach his stats through training not sleeping overnight.

And there is more from Noah's stat which was the ability which was totally shown as ???.

Jack was now thinking if they should eat the fruit again and stay here overnight might as well suffer again, maybe this time he will be gifted with the same stat bonus and ability.

Jack quickly dismissed the idea because he is already immune to this type of DEbuff.

Jack pulled himself to reality and looked at Noah who is smiling back at him. Jack felt like being mocked and want to punch this good-looking demon in front of him but dismissed the idea as he can see that Noah is smiling purely, He is the only one who is thinking that he is being mocked.

"Noah, we should start packing. The sun was already up a long time ago"

Noah nodded and excitedly packed even humming at the same time, totally happy about his stats.

Jack watching this felt like puking blood. He cannot stand watching Noah's cheerfulness which reminded him that he almost did not gain anything. He turned his back and quietly packed his bed.

The two got out of the cave and went south-west of Irubin forest. They reached the Swangle river at mid-day, taking a bath fully exposing their lean muscles. Jack also refilled the 2 of the 5-water bottles which are made from leather from the river.

They continued their journey south-west till sundown and camped in another cave. During these trips, they occasionally find some wild beast but thanks to the beast incense they got through it.

They followed the road and sleep in caves for the next 8 days until they reached Burgel town where they replenished their supplies.

Jack bought another ration of dried meat worth 100 copper/ 1 silver jumong, enough for another 10 days.

The price increase was basically due to Burgel Town lacking in meat production. Bergel town is only abundant due to its thriving copper mine deposit around it.

Jack also went to buy another beast saliva Incense class A worth 2 silver jumong.

The reason for him needing another class A was due to a minor accident 6 days ago, meeting a Fanged Sigbin which is notorious for following the prey until they gather up enough strength. The class A incense was used to make them disperse totally crushing their ideas to gather even more.

The fanged sigbin is fast and agile which makes them harder to catch, but their strength is low. Their level ranges from 1-5. They also have the ability partial gaze distortion. Making them hard to capture because of the effect turning them invisible at 50 meter's range and above. They usually scout alone and wait until the other members of the pack to gather if their strength is lower than the prey. Using howls like the wolves to communicate they know which member has found a potential prey.

The fanged Sigbin was basically a wolf-like creature, but half the size and having a long tail the size of its body. The tail was covered with thick hair which is the reason for the hunters to hunt these guys. It also has a valuable fang used to make daily equipment for the commoners.

The furry tail is a luxury item used for clothing and other ornamental products.

Buying all this stuff has left Jack's pocket with the original 4 silvers and 50 copper jumong to 1 silver and 50 copper jumong.

Jack felt his heartache in the process of looking at his leather wallet.

=> Guy's I will totally slow down from now on so please bear with me from the previous chapters totally skipping time almost all the time. I will also give more character background in the next chapter. I planned to explain More of Noah's backstory when he was on earth but oh well I have gone totally out of my plans.