
I do not really see anyone commenting about reading this last 3 chapters so I do not really know if...

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Mages just like warriors also have their own item's that enhance their stats like light boots, robes, staffs, wands, rings, necklaces, and more. The items were also tiered on what power can they reach at most starting at tier one. Every tier was also divided by iron, bronze, silver, and gold, platinum, adamantite, world treasure, and holy item. Tier 1 to 3 has its highest quality at gold, tier 4-6 at platinum, tier 7-9 at adamantite, 10-15 at world treasure, and tier 16-20 at a holy weapon.

Jack who was looking at his stats then closed his godpanel and went to look at the dried-up corpse of Gustro. Noah following Jack also checked the guy out.

They both rummaged through the body and found some interesting treasures. First of all, Gustro was an apprentice bloodline keeper of the elves. He is currently lvl 22 and a close combat mage. A maniac who was sent out to hunt half-elves outside their kingdom because of his wide range search capabilities. His wand is actually a decent tier 2 bronze quality item that adds 5% wind spell damage and 3 speed. This item is kept for Jack who is nearing lvl 11 to use tier 2 items. His other items were all trashed by Noah. The inner steel armor that he wears under his clothes was full of holes. His spatial ring was the only Jackpot for them. It has 30 gold coins, 200 silver, 23 bronze, 1 tent, foods, and 2 stealth potions. This guy clearly left out his riches and only brought with him a few items.

The two then disposed of the body in the inner part of the cave, feeding it to the molerats.

The night came by quickly and a sudden scream was heard. A scream full of horror.


"Stopp, Brother please!"

Jack startled by the noise got up only to see Noah fully covered with flying shadows that look like skulls.

Jack panicked and got up to Noah.

"Oy Noah, huOY Noah wake up. What the heck is happening? Noah come on..."

Despite Jacks action trying to wake him up, Noah cannot even hear a single word he is saying. Noah was sweating hard. His face completely reddish pale and was crying so much. Jack after checking the godpanel remembered the special skill Noah have. A truly gruesome ability that tortures its user.

The night passed by and Noah woke up in his dreams while Jack stayed the whole night awake wiping his sweat and tears. Seeing Jack, He threw himself towards him and gave a tight hug while crying.

Jack hugged him and patted his back "It's ok now, everything is fine"

"Its because, iit's because I saw you die in my hands brother. I… I am a monster. Mom, dad, Noel all of them died because of me. And seeing you die in my own hands... I really.." Noah sobbed.

Jack hearing his dreams did not really take it seriously "Noah, it's all a dream. Your nightmares are only showing you the thing's you do not want to see. Remember this. Us brother will go on to conquer this whole world together making many friends and having our children's have the same peace we felt when we are on earth. Let's make our own earthly paradise here. But of course, we still need to become stronger and also to find Ian the little kid"

"umm" he nodded.

The day passed, and the storm continued.

The 3rd day and they were already very bored. The meat was available but now they are starting to lose supplies, especially for the fire because they were unable to prepare due to Gustro's timely entrance.

Jack was clearly still feeling lucky. Its already the 3rd day of the storm and he was bored. He went to his godpanel and tried his godpanel golden lucky gashapon. He first went through the rewards.


Black-Very common: no reward, 1 bronze, 1 silver, 1 gold,

White-Common: tier 1 skill all elements, tier 1 item gold quality, 10%-30% basic elemental affinity, 100 novice proficiency random. 2 more spins,

Green-Rare: an upgradeable spell in the basic element, upgradeable item gold quality, 50%-70% basic elemental affinity, 30%-50% higher elemental affinity, 100% master proficiency, 10 more spin, ability rank 2, random familiar based on best affinity up to gold quality.

Blue-Ultra-rare: 100% random affinity, 100% expert proficiency, 20 spin, ability rank 5, rare profession, random gold to heavenly familiar.

Gold-Legendary: heavenly familiar, heavenly profession, Elementalist affinity, Rank 10 ability, 100 spin

Jack looking at the rewards was drooling, and his eyes were shining. Contemplating if he should spin the gashapon now to see what will drop or do it later. His index finger is all ready to spin it when Noah who was behind him suddenly Asked. "Big brother, we no longer have any wood"

Jack looked at Him "Just burn some of the old dudes' clothes"

Jack who was looking away accidentally swiped his fingers making the spinning wheel move a little. A green ball dropped below the wheel and shone brightly.

"AHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhh" 'You stupid finger I was about to click the x button' Jack thought.

The bright light went out showing 10 more spins as a reward.

Jack completely seeing his reward almost popped out his eyes. He never believed his luck was so good.

His confidence at a high horse he went to spin again.

1-black-no reward.

Jack completely ignoring it went to spin again.

A white ball came out this time showing 10% affinity. Jack felt happy and added it to wind making his wind affinity rose to 50%.

Jack went to spin again, he no longer cares because he received a reward anyway.


4-1 bronze


6-1 bronze

7-white- 2 more spins


At the 9th time, a blue ball came out. After the blinding light came the reward [random gold to heavenly familiar], Jack, seeing the reward almost puke out blood.

"Oh my Gosh! That's so sick! Am I going to be the new legendary tamer!"


[Familiar Shiro Fusha Aquired]

After the notification a blinding light illuminated the cave giving them a warm feeling.

A small albino earth wolf that looked like a fox except for the standing hair at it's back that looks like a porcupine appeared.

Jack recognized this type of animal because back when he was back on earth, he is a big cat lover, even though this one belongs to the hyena family, he still knows about them.

The looks were quite different the fur from its body was very white while its quail like hairs at its back looks like silvery metal. The pinkish stripes and purple eyes were very beautiful.

Noah who was curious looked at Jack like asking for permission.

Jack moved first directly grabbing the puppy size thing.

The little earth wolf woke up and started stretching its front legs and started yawning.

Jack studying the cute little thing started lifting its ears and opening its mouth. Looking for any more differences.

Jack noticed a small bulge in its head like a growing horn. When he tried to touch it, the Earth wolf gave a cute squeak.

The cute little thing cooperated well even after Jack turning the cute little thing to check out its gender.

"Hmh, let us see what's down here. Ahah... a female, I knew it"

The cute little fox-like creature looked at Jack with puppy eyes like he understood what Jack said.

Jack want his pet to be something ferocious like a dragon breathing fire. His imaginations being an otaku that is loving to become an ultimate pet tamer, undead king, the best guardian etc. He is a little bit disappointed but then a novel he read came out of his mind.

"The fox lady, that's right just like the prince and the fox"

Jack who loves to read fantasy novels immediately think of something cool. The cute fox and his master. A really cute scene was playing in his mind.

Noah looking at the pondering Jack was quite confused. Jack was really acting like an otaku. Jack was talking to himself is something he rarely sees.

Noah did not know that Jack was really an otaku. Jack, acting really cool the whole time was him trying to act cool like a hero in the new world.

Jack who was done daydreaming found Noah looking at him weirdly. Jack immediately turned red

'Ah that is so shameful, I totally blew my cool act. Ahh Noah will think I am an otaku now'

'Having a pet in this world was completing one of my otaku dreams has totally blown my cover'

Jack scratching his head was smiling "Ehh, Noah, umm, what do you think should we name this cute earth wolf"

Noah also did not pursue Jack's embarrassing actions and replied with a serious face "Why not Pink porcupine"

'Eh, maybe I should have not bothered asking'

'What a weird naming sense'

"I think I should name her Mystique"

"That's also fine"

The cute fox then nodded its head cheerfully.

Jack does not even know what quality is the familiar. Jack tried to use the godpanel to identify the quality of his familiar but it's not shown. Jack was then thinking that maybe it's a regular familiar. Jack no longer put the unknown quality of the pet.

[Shiro Fusha] (Mystique)

Special bloodline: Sangreal





Intelligence- 500



Leadership-30 [30x2x2] =[120]

Innate Ability-

[RANK 3]Trust- born to be a leader. Special skill leader


Attract- release pheromones to attract a beast for protection. Will last for 5 minutes if it's a higher-level beast and makes any lower level beast becomes its subordinate.

Queen's roar- directly paralyze anyone with a higher level by 5 seconds and paralyze anything with lower level by additional 5 seconds per lower level.

Special Skill-

Born to be queen- leadership is doubled

Leader- double leadership

Note: leadership accounts for the number it can control. The pet cannot control anything that is higher than its level. Every level of a controlled beast will use up the same amount of leadership.