Weird dream (1)

"These techniques, they don't seem to be so hard", he said that after imagining him doing the movements as they were described.

With his eyes still closed, he was combining some techniques and skill, even imagining using cultivation among the techniques. If he mastered the union of the three, he would be unstoppable.

"I have to do it." He spoke with a resolution in his voice. Beyond getting into the mixed type of school, he had a new goal. To master the union of his techniques, skills and the cultivation, a big goal for someone still in the first level from the Beginner's real, and beyond this, not small fact, that person had trouble in cultivation.

Would this be a step too big for him? Would his destiny allow him to achieve greatness or was just a selfish dream, from a naïve boy?

He closed the book and tried to remember the movements, it was an easy task in a few minutes, while standing still he did the visualization of the movements in his mind. The visualization, it's imagining what you are going to do before you actually do it. About martial arts, the visualization was the easiest part, most of the times the problem was executing the movement in training because in your imagination you can do whatever you want, while in reality there are some movements that require a lot of training.

"Tsk…I will have to improve my body…" His hand went over his face, he was thoughtful, although he trained his body, he knew too that be good with 'the monkey staff' he would have to train more, way more, to be honest. Because in one of the cultivation realm's, usually the spiritual energy improved the body and this was common knowledge already. With a proper training, the physique when he would achieve this realm, if he even could do that, would be way more notorious.

Although aiming the sky while being an ant in a vast earth, he knew this path would be troublesome, and long, years until he reaches the last realm, hahaha, would be years just to achieve the second.

Yun Hao sighed heavily. This problem with his cultivation, was really annoying, forcing him to stay behind just because of the quantity.

He opened his eyes and grabbed another book, this one was 'Cultivation heroes', by far the thickest of all this. Its cover was black and with delicate and golden letters, probably the scholar who wrote this one was the same that wrote 'Cultivation, what is and its importance."

"The heroes…in the future there will be a chapter about Yun Hao."

His eyes were filled with fire, the young man was hyped about the future, while stuck in the present.

This book there was nothing to add, just some famous cultivators and their adventures, few ideas went by Yun Hao's mind, although none of them could be doable, because the continents from those heroes, weren't nearby. Sadness hit the young man, hard.

There was nothing to do, he put the books aside and slept, it was a good dream, in the beginning.

3 A.M

Yun Hao was dreaming, indeed he was having a nightmare. Seeing from the third point of view, he was cultivating over a mountain, it's summit was plane and he leveled up quickly. He just stayed there meditation and increasing his spiritual energy by the hours, basically, each hour was a level. When he finished, he went through a hole realm just in a day. Quickly after that, a monster came towards him, it was a monkey with black fur and a staff in his hands, he was making the staff dance, his ability with the weapon was amazing. That animal did some crazy and free movements, that move set wasn't in the book. Yun Hao's eyes shone, it was unbelievable. "I got so into it, that I even dreamed about, haha."

With his heart beating surprisingly fasting he woke up, the spot where he was sleeping was soaked, the young man seated on the bed and ran his spiritual energy through his body, there was no change, it was just a dream.

He sighed heavily. Although the chances of being real were slim he had to try. He had to.

He went back to sleep, and something that he wasn't expecting happened, the dream kept going on.

He was in front of the monkey, the animal was battling the air with his weapon, making amazing moves, they were sharp and precise, that was a good word to describe that scene, amazing.

In a fast slash alike movement, the monkey with black fur and blue eyes slashed the air, air slash went close to Yun Hao's Head, the distance between the slash and the head was just 2 centimeters, the monkey smiled.

Using strength in his leg, he stepped the floor, and a wooden staff rose from the floor, a word to describe was magical, but the real one could be a phrase to describe it, it's just a dream.

The wooden staff was floating in front of Yun Hao, just by his face was visible that the boy was amazed. The monkey nodded slightly to him. Watching him Yun Hao did just one thing, he grabbed the wooden staff.

A weird sound went through Yun Hao's ears, it was a deep voice.
