New Beginning

Metropolis city. Earth. Year 2024.

*squeak squeak* A series of squeaking sounds echoed in a brightly lit hallway. The hallway was made up of white tiles and walls. A young man was walking down the hallway in a white doctor's coat while carrying a clipboard. He wore a name tag that said James Dawn.

James heard some noise from the other end of the hallway and turned to look. A group of nurses and doctors turned the corner pushing a stretcher with a man covered in blood. As they passed by James pushed his back up against the wall while covering his mouth. "Ugh, that was gross. I definitely made a good decision choosing not to be a surgeon." James saw the stretcher be pushed through two big doors. Above the doors was a sign that read EMERGENCY ROOM in bright red letters.

James thought to himself, "That should be the place. I've come too far to back down now". With his chest raised in confidence James walked through the double doors into the emergency room. The room had a man and a woman in green scrubs operating on the patient that was just rushed in. Nurses were on standby to help if needed. Upon entering the room, a nurse glanced at James then disregarded him as she watched the surgeons work.

James leaned back against a wall with one foot pushed against the wall and his arms crossed. He chuckled to himself, "Heh, this is definitely my best success so far. God that's gross though. Why would anyone choose to be a surgeon?" The surgery continued for about 30 minutes before the nurses and one of the surgeons left with the patient on the stretcher.

James looked at the remaining surgeon dressed in green scrubs. She was wearing glasses and had her long brown hair tied in a single long braid. She looked to be in her late thirties and appeared exhausted from overwork. The surgeon turned to look at James. She froze for a second when she saw him before bursting in anger "JAMES MICHAEL DAWN, WHAT in the HELL do you think you're doing HERE?!?"

James gave a small grin and replied, "Hey mom, I missed the school bus so I thought I'd be productive with my day by shadowing you at work. I figured since I'm a graduating high school soon I should start studying the family business! Although after watching that I don't think I can follow in your footsteps and become a surgeon." James lowered his head in a slight bow and spoke "Apologies for not being able to follow in your footsteps mom!"

James mother facepalmed listening to this. She looked too tired to even be angry. She spoke in a hoarse voice, "James, you can't keep doing these things. Last time you snuck into a business meeting at a fortune-500 company. The time before that you pretended to work for a newspaper to interview the mayor. You've even pretended to be a substitute teacher for a day instead of a student. When is it going to stop?"

James replied with a grin "Am I not amazing? No one ever questions the uniform if you act like you belong. Bring a clipboard and act busy and you can get in almost everywhere! Maybe the FBI will see my talents and recruit me right after I graduate! No, wait! I'll sneak into the FBI headquarters and leave my resume on the director's desk! It's perfect!" James struck a pose "Then when I get an interview I'll introduce myself with: The names Dawn, James Dawn! I bet they'll make movies about me some day!"

James mother looked irritated. She scolded "Do you even realize what you're doing is illegal? Impersonating a doctor is a felony! You're not a minor anymore. If someone else caught you then you could very well see yourself in prison! I'm done! Go home and we'll discuss this with your father tonight."

James gave an honest grin "What's for dinner tonight mom?" His mother yelled "GO HOME! RIGHT NOW! If I see you for 5 more seconds you'll be eating my foot for dinner!" James bolted out the emergency room doors yelling "See you later mom, love you! Bye!".

James took the elevator to the hospital lobby. On his way out, he noticed a woman that appeared to be in her late 20's sitting at the front desk. She had long black hair and a dazzling smile. James grinned and headed into the nearby bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror. 70 inches tall. Dark green eyes. Short black hair. He looked himself over making sure his doctor uniform looked good. Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. He took a business card out of it that was eggshell-white in color. In bold print it listed: James M Dawn, Department Director, and his cell phone number.

James exited the bathroom and headed for the young woman he saw sitting at the front desk. He glanced at her nametag and it read Mary. He smiled at her "Mary, I fell in love with you at first sight last month when I saw you working the lobby. Please allow me the honor of taking you to dinner! Here's my business card with my phone number so we can make plans."

Mary made a puzzled face at first, but then smiled at James, "So you fell in love with me at first sight? What made you fall in love with me?"

James secretly fist pumped where Mary couldn't see. He thought to himself "I'm so in!" James replied, "I saw you helping an elderly woman at the front counter. You were so kind, and your smile was so brilliant that I just knew you were the one! Please let me be selfish and buy you dinner".

Mary smirked "That's pretty amazing considering I just started work here last week. You may want to work on your pickup lines in the future. I'll take that dinner though. Not that often a doctor hits on me. Meet me here when I get off at 8?"

James smiled awkwardly "Haha I got caught but I'll definitely be here at 8! See you then!" James left the lobby and started walking home. He did a little jig dance in celebration on his walk home. He then heard his phone ringing.

James answered, "Hey Dad."

His father responded, "Your mother tells me you snuck into the hospital and impersonated a doctor? Are you still being bullied at school? Is that why you keep doing this?"

James sighed, "No dad, the bullying stopped years ago. It's just the classes are boring and doing this is fun."

His father spoke, "We'll discuss this more later. Just remember I'm always here if you want to talk."

"Right Dad. I'll see you tonight. Bye."

James sighed to himself as he got lost in thought. When he was in middle school he was the school fatty in the drama club. He got bullied a lot and eventually started skipping school whenever he could get away with it. Before high school he decided he wanted to change his life, so he started working out and got in shape. He then transferred to a school over an hour away where no one knew him. He went out of his way to wear nice dress shoes, slacks, and a dress shirt on the first day of school to look good. He thought, "With this I definitely won't be bullied anymore! I'm fit and I dress well. I'm going to be popular!"

Unfortunately, James was wrong. On his very first day a jock slammed him into his locker before the first class even started. Frustrated, James decided to get revenge. he walked into the jocks classroom and wrote Mr. Dawn on the board in front of the class. He saw the student textbooks were for Spanish class. He spoke "Hello class, I will be your Spanish teacher this semester, Mr. Dawn. I believe in jumping right into things so we're going to go ahead and get started." James pointed at the jock that shoved him in his locker and spoke "You. Stand up, open your textbook to chapter 1, and start reading out loud to the class."

The jock stood up and started reading. He fumbled over his words repeatedly and pronounced the Spanish works so poorly that he sounded autistic. 10 minutes went by before the jock stopped and asked, "Mr. Dawn, shouldn't someone else be chosen to read by now." James spoke in a stern voice, "Keep reading until I say to stop. Unless you'd prefer to be written up for shoving people in the hallways?" The jock grimaced and then continued to read.

Another 10 minutes went by before the classroom door opened and a middle-aged man walked in. The man spoke, "Sorry I'm late class. I got a flat tire on the way here". The man glance at James and saw the name written on the board. He spoke, "Who are you and why are you teaching my class"?

James smiled and put the textbook in his hand down. "I was covering the class for you as requested by the principal since you were late. You can take over now." James handed him the book and walked out of the classroom. He then sprinted down the hallway and jogged all the way home.

James chuckled to himself when he thought back on that incident. Because he skipped school that day and wasn't even enrolled in Spanish it was several weeks before the school caught onto what happened. James ended up making quite a few friends and was viewed as a class clown due to it. It was true he wasn't bullied much after that happened. However, James enjoyed it so much he started impersonating other professions. He snuck onto construction sites, into businesses, and even other schools pretending to be different professional workers. His mother got fed up with it and begged him to stop but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. It was the only thing he found that really made him happy.

James was so lost in thought that before he knew it he was already back home from the hospital.

James home. 7:00 PM.

James and his parents were eating dinner. James ate lightly since he knew he had a date in an hour. His mother had already scolded him to hell and back while his father watched quietly. While James was taking out the trash his father followed him outside to speak with him. "James, my favorite actor. You're definitely going to make it big and take care of pops in his old age right?"

James looked at his father. He had black hair with a lot of gray streaks despite only being 40. He still wore his clothes from his job as a car salesman. James smiled "Ya Dad, I'll make it big and buy you a sports car."

It was commonly accepted among James friends and family that he would go to college to become an actor. He was in drama club in middle school and in high school he constantly impersonated people to sneak into places. They believed he was born to be an actor although James wasn't sure himself what he wanted to do yet. He liked impersonating professions but it's hard to say if acting in front of a green screen is comparable. He also knew the career prospects were bleak.

James father spoke, "Good! Anyways you need to start thinking about which college you're going to. Your mother and I can afford it. You really need to settle down and stop making your mother and I worry though. You could get in serious trouble for what you did today. You need to focus your talent in the right direction. If you do that then you'll be surprised how much you can accomplish".

James smiled and returned to his room. He got dressed in a sharp black suit for his date tonight. He had used the suit several times to sneak into business buildings corporate offices. He had a bouquet of flowers he picked up on the way home. James prepared to go out the door when his mom saw him. She scolded "Where do you think you're going without telling us at this time of night?"

James ran out the door and yelled "I've got a date tonight. See you later mom. Love you. Bye!"

James was halfway back to the hospital when he stared up at the sky. The stars were beautiful tonight and a full moon was in the sky. It was almost 8PM, the agreed upon time to pick up Mary at the hospital. He smiled to himself, but then he saw one star was getting bigger. James noticed it growing bigger and realized it was a meteor heading straight for him! He started to run in a different direction only to notice the meteor was somehow following him! He ran faster and faster while sweat covered his back. He glanced behind him only to see the meteor shoot straight into his back. James tripped and slammed into a concrete wall in front of him. He coughed out some blood and his vision started fading. The flowers in his hands fell to the ground. The last thought James had before losing consciousness was "Fuck! Are the heavens cockblocking me from my date tonight?" Then he passed out.

James vision slowly started to recover. It was noisy. Men were yelling out loud in a language he couldn't understand. His body was wet and grimy. He felt like he was being suffocated by something on top of him. When his vision finally returned he saw a dragon as big as a skyscraper breathing fire down from the sky. Men in different uniforms we're charging at each other with spears, swords, and other weapons. Some were mounted on various beasts such as tigers or bears. Only these beasts were three times bigger than normal and had other unusual features.

James glanced at what was suffocating him. It was a corpse missing it's left arm with a hole in the stomach. James was covered in the dead man's blood. He felt nauseous and sick. He pushed the body off and threw up. He looked around and saw men, beasts, and blood everywhere. Fire, water, wind, and earth we're being hurled through the air by what he assumed to be mages. James felt dizzy and passed out from shock.

Several hours later. Sunset.

James woke up again. At first, he hoped it had all been a dream as it was now quiet. He glanced around and saw thousands of dead bodies. James started to hyperventilate and thought, "What the hell is going on! What am I supposed to do?!?"

Then James heard a ding in his head. [Welcome to the Uniform System, James Michael Dawn! Scanning local area. Two uniforms detected. Currently enough energy to create one low-level uniform. Please select a uniform:]

1. Common soldier uniform – BlueWoods Kingdom

2. Common soldier uniform – Drake Kingdom