Uniform System (HIATUS)

Uniform System (HIATUS)

Fantasy34 Chapters555.5K Views
Author: SnoozySloth
Table of Contents

Some people believe that the uniform makes the man. Others believe the man makes the uniform. Both are wrong! It's the system that makes the uniform and the man!

Follow James Dawn on his adventures after being transported to a world of war and magic where he relies on his uniform system to scam his way to the top!

More about the main character James: Expecting a cool, suave MC that handles every situation with ease? Well James isn't that MC! He's shameless, cowardly, and a bit stupid. However, he keeps a positive attitude despite living in a scary unfamiliar world.

About the novel: This novel has a lot of comedy. It focuses on adventure and takes place in a world of magic. My writing flow starts out a bit rough at first, but it rapidly improves in later chapters.


Chapter length: Chapters average 2500 words.

Chapter Updates: Novel is on temporary hiatus. It isn't dropped and will be picked back up in the future. I will not start a 3rd book before finishing this book and my other book. I'll reboot the book in the future with large chunks of it rewritten to flow better. I apologize to anyone I've disappointed by going on hiatus. I've always been very frustrated when it happens to my favorite series. I really wanted to avoid doing it, but I had to. Sorry!!!

Check out my other novel Steampunk Apocalypse: https://www.webnovel.com/book/11594443706436005

22 Reviews
Translation Quality
Stability of Updates
Story Development
Character Design
World Background
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Hey all. Author here. I'm giving myself 5 stars because this is clearly the greatest story ever written. That's my completely unbiased objective opinion. You can trust me, I'm an author! As of now I have 2 chapters out. I originally only planned on writing 1 for the fun writing prompt, but since I got positive feedback I think I'll stick with it for a while. I've never written a story before so this is a fun new experience for me. Anyways, anyone who reads please leave feedback (positive or negative). That's what inspires me to keep writing. Thanks!

6 years ago

**Burtal Mode Engaged** at sadistic Authors request "*squeak squeak* A series of squeaking sounds echoed in a brightly lit hallway. The hallway was made up of white tiles and walls. " . WTF the hallway has walls? Who wudda thunk it? And whats with sounds in asterisks? Can't you just write "a series of squeaking" oh wait you did. This was a good start to a trash novel which was terribly ruined as outlined below. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This story is a poor attempt at a trash novel. It tries, it really does. The info-dumping is subpar it needs way more walls of text telling the reader what is happening, there is far too much showing. The descriptors are not up to the standards of a trash novel. The MC acts logically even when pulling off a comedic outlook of being transported to another world with a system. This brings us to originality **Originality** - 0/5 of **** me a system novel. Wait. Uniforms which disguise the MC from “catch me if you can”. Hmm, despite being used in two Mangas as a superpower that has to lift it off 0/5 doesn’t it? Nah ****it. 0/5. **Story** - 5/5 this is where the author fucks it right up. They had the opportunity to be a trash novel but the story is too engaging. To qualify as webnovel contracted trash your MC needs to be inconsisten and illogical. They also need to do stupid fucking things because the author is too dumb to think of a better course of action. The world needs to be paper thin and you need much much more wish fulfillment. Try again. Go and find a top trash novel and use Crtl-C and Crtl-V change the names. Voila. Lolol character gets in trouble. Magic plot device truth potion out of trouble. Character cannot speak local languages struggles for one chapter. System - here you go ****er. You can now speak every language no need to struggle. **Character** - 5/5 Ah **** I have to read more so I can find another character other than the MC. I am sooo lazy that this is a chore. Shit Beardy face doesn’t speak intelligibly keep reading. Oh. Great. Cliché woman in authority. She’s perfect in every way and the MC is not smitten at all. Ok lets keep reading I bet your balls Lumi falls for him for no reason in a chapter. WTF chapter 4 and she still doesn’t trust someone she just met with the strangest story she has ever heard? And you call this a trash novel? FAIL. **Flow** - 4/5 The Flow is excellent. Another FAIL for trash novel I didn’t have to reread anything to decipher your bull****. I take one point off for over use of names. James did this. James did that. James, James, James, James, James, James, James, James, James, James, James, James, James, James, James, James, James, James, James, James, James, James, James, James, I FUCKING GET HIS NAME IS JAMES!!!!!!! Suggestion: give up. you suck at writing trash novels.

6 years ago

There once was a old man living in a certain town. He was peerless in strength and nobody dared to defy him. One day, he walked in a bar, grabbed a bottle of hard saka and chugged it all down. Suddenly, in a drunken rage, he yelled "Wuxia novels suck!" And he ran out. They found his body 2 days later.

6 years ago

Reveal Spoiler

6 years ago

cerita yang menyenangkan, aku sampai terbawa suasana ketika membacanya. tetapi sangat disayangkan bila hiatus. saya berharap studi anda akan berjalan dengan baik. jangan lupa bab baru saat kembali semangat!

6 years ago

A Very good story short of the slightly r*tard*d main character for his rants and random action that proved to be utterly stupid such as not even bothering to check his system completely and, rather than increasing his strength just to open the fucking door that he can't even do or increasing his chance of survival he upgraded his system... author I'll say this story and even the pacing everything else is amazing just that the main character are a little bit stupid.

6 years ago


6 years ago

I like it more more updates more more more more updates more updates more updates more more more updates more updates more more more more more updates more more updates more updates more updates more updates more updates more updates more updates more updates more updates more updates more updates more updates more updates more more more more more more more more more more more more more updates more more updates more updates more updates more updates more updates more

6 years ago

i havent seen or read something this greatly developed with personality i can assure if anyone starts reading it it will be a bit sloopy... who wasnt when starting But Snoozy over here is a NATURAL he is the only original author i ever saw to sync togheter the comedy.. drama so well idk how to describe but after chap 4 or 5 you see that its god damn professional how the world background, character development and story development are done even the writing is a god damn 5 star so idk what his problem is about his writing he already writes like any other pro ffs i hope i dont sound toxic if i do then it bcs i will be god damn disappointed if this novel will be left in the desert... this hidden gem will be forgotten in between the sands of eternity

6 years ago

The writing is good, but my criticism lies in the later chapers, in the early chapters his goal was first to avoid capture, and second to become a student in the acadamy. These aren't exactly long term goals but they built up exitment and created interesting situations. Now after that he's in his master's intense training and deadlines became that goal. But now the goal has slightly stagnated into formlessness. Please be sure to give him a big goal(besides divinity) and sub goals (like entering the acadamy). What does our MC want and what lengths will he go to get it? How does it chang him and the way he interacts with other people? How do other people's goals intersect / get in the way with his? **. Communication with the system is fun and I hope to learn more our our jaded system friend.

6 years ago

*Remember, This review is based on the first 5 chapters* Constructive Criticism: The only thing I see as any issue, which I expect you will fix when you know the answer, is not telling us when this novel will be picked back up.;,;. Positive Feedback: Well written, good update rate, good story and character development thus far, world background is being explained where needed.;,;. Personal Feedback: Until about 1/2 way through chapter three, I did not plan to continue this novel... not because it was bad... just because everything I had seen up to that point had been done, with maybe slight variation (IE uniforms instead of something else)... However, upon finishing chapter three, the bait finally worked, but you still had yet to fully real me in... I worried only until 1/2 way through chapter 4 that the line would break, but nope, you reeled me in.;,;. I will continue this novel at another time, and I hope that maybe by then you might have come back to it.;,;.

6 years ago

i love this novel. its extremely refreshing to read and easy to understand the characters with the way the writing was done among other things. good job. i wish to see more chapter in the future.

6 years ago

ABSOLUTELY LOVE THE STORY. I was face palming myself so much because of the MC but it is so interesting! It took me forever to write this review not because of how slow the story is, far be it but because of how you want to read the next chapter and you can't what to see what happens next. LOVE how self righteous the MC makes himself be but is actually good hearted deep, deep, deep down inside. The author takes you from earth, to a battlefield, to a camp, dungeon, city, sea port, library, coal mine, a guild, an academy oh and the WEDDING! Omg the wedding! Seriously I just can't words omg! So my only complaint is the name really beardy, Skeleton, Metal? ugh but other than that fantastic.

6 years ago

Hey there! I love both of the author's work. Different genres but same coolness. About James.. sometimes I like his monologue, sometimes I don't hahaha. Anyway it was entertaining. I wish the system's ability wouldn't be broad in the future. I think that's what makes most system novels annoying. I'm still on chapter 5, so I still don't have much idea about the entire world. But so far, it is nice, and has huge potential. Ps. Sad about it being on hiatus. I'll continue reading this once you return in writing it again. For now, I'll just read your other work. 🤣

6 years ago

Time for a lazy review. If I ever gain a real chunk of free time I'll review again properly. I dislike system novels. But I like this novel. Have to say it didn't grab me right from the beginning, but around chapter 12 I started to get into it. The MC is a bit of a goofball and my favorite is his master. Their interactions were great. I was intrigued by the making of the house, but the mc doesn't really care about that. We will see how everything goes with the recent events. Also, review score, I command you to become visible!

6 years ago