
The guards continued to walk James towards the prison. James was constantly thinking on how to escape. He kept hoping for an opportunity to present itself. James thought to himself, "If I was the main character in a novel, then right about now is when a mysterious expert would save me for some dumb reason." James looked all around him. "Yeah… I didn't think so. I'm clearly not the lucky type. What can I rely on to escape? These guys are stronger than me and my hands are tied. Can I use my superior intellect to trick them? No. I already confirmed I'm not that smart when I first came to this world. My acting skills then? No. They already know who I am and I already tried that. The only thing I have left to rely on is the uniform system… Oh God, I'm fucked!"

James lifted his hands up to his eyes and rubbed them to open the system display. Fortunately, his hands were tied in front of him instead of behind his back. James pressed the [Uniforms] option. Then he pressed a button to scan for nearby uniforms to attempt creating a new uniform. The guards gave him a funny look. All they could see was James pointing his finger randomly in the air at nothing.

[Scanning for nearby uniforms. Uniform located. Drake Kingdom Common Soldier Uniform. Note: Uniform already exists in system. Duplicate uniforms are not allowed.]

James sighed, "Fucking figures. I'm already used to it by now. God, in my next life I want a Super Saiyan system. Then I'd be able to keep getting stronger every time I lost in a fight. In life and death battles I'd be protected by plot armor where I always surpass my previous limit! I'll use the dragon balls to wish for immortality, my own harem, and a Nintendo Switch!"

James and the guards were halfway to the prison. A shout woke James up from his daydreams, "Oy! Captain! Are you on patrol tonight? We caught the guy you were looking for." James rose his head and saw Beardy-face heading towards him. Captain Beardy glanced at James and laughed, "Ha! We finally caught you! It's been months. I figured you split town a long time ago." Captain Beardy looked at the two guards and spoke, "I'll bring him to the prison. You two can return to your post." The two guards saluted by putting their right hands to their chest in a fist shape. They shouted, "Yes captain!" Then the guards turned to head back towards the shopping center where they were originally stationed.

James looked at Beardy-face and sighed, "Long time no see Beardy-face. Don't suppose you want to have another drinking contest?" Captain Beardy shook his head, "No. I won't fall for that again. And don't call me Beardy-face. It's Captain Beardy!" Beardy-face reached into James pockets and began to search him. He grabbed a silver flask and took it. "I'll be taking this back now." He opened the flask and took a swig. *Spshhh* Beardy-face spit out the alcohol and yelled, "What kind of crap alcohol did you put in here?! Bastard!"

Captain Beardy gave James a shove and they started walking towards the prisons. Captain Beardy spoke, "How did they catch you anyways. You've escaped from Lumi and I twice. Both of us are stronger than those guards. They're only 1st-grade knights." James responded in shock, "They were only 1st grade?!" Captain Beardy nodded, "Aye. They're well trained and near the peak of the 1st grade. They're young so they'll probably get stronger in the future but it's clear they have no talent."

James had a complicated look on his face. To think he would be caught by knights that were only a bit stronger than him. He escaped stronger enemies when he was far weaker than he is now! James questioned, "How strong are you and Lumi anyways?" Captain Beardy responded, "I'm a 5th grade knight. Lumi was a 4th grade magus when you first met us. She's probably reached the 5th grade by now. However, she slacks in her knight training and can barely be qualified as a 2nd grade knight."

James was surprised to hear they were that strong. He questioned, "How did I escape from you two then? It really doesn't make sense." Captain Beardy thought for a moment and spoke, "Well I suppose the first time doesn't really count. We didn't get a chance to chase you at all. The 2nd time I almost caught you but then you disappeared. Lumi claims you changed into the naked man we saw that day." Captain Beardy glanced at James face to see if any changes on his face admitted to this fact. However, James face stayed completely the same, giving no indication of his current thoughts or emotions. Captain Beardy spoke again, "As for Lumi… She also almost caught you. You had a big head start and were in advantageous terrain. It isn't easy chasing through alleyways since you can easily lose track of the person. She would have caught you if she dived into the sea after you. She also could have caught you by using a spell, but that's against city regulations. Again, that's all based on the assumption you were the naked man that day."

James nodded and spoke, "Tell me the truth. What's Lumi going to do to me?" Captain Beardy laughed, "You'll be judged by the courts. Not Lumi. She won't even be back in the city for a month. Even if she was here the courts would still be the ones to judge you. Lumi can't circumvent the law either. Honestly, you'd probably be better off getting caught by her though." James questioned, "Why is that?" Captain Beardy gave James a look of pity and spoke again, "If Lumi had managed to catch you outside the city then you'd probably just be killed. If she got caught afterwards she could claim self-defense. Even if she was made to swear an oath on a beholder stone she'd still technically be telling the truth since you snuck up on her and stole her clothes while she was bathing. The courts won't sentence you to death, but the Drake Kingdom is strict when it comes to punishing law-breakers. Due to the perverted nature of your crimes then chances are they'll make you a eunuch. Then you'll probably be sent to a low-level noble to act as a servant."

James eyes widened in fear and yelled, "You're joking right?! They're going to take my little soldier from me? He hasn't even gotten a chance to see action in combat yet!" Captain Beardy laughed, "You're still a virgin at your age?! Haha! That's hilarious! Is that normal in your world? I don't think I've ever met a man past the age of 15 that was still a virgin! Why didn't your father take you to a brothel?"

James replied in shock, "Why in the hell would my father take me to a brothel?" Captain Beardy responded in confusion, "Eh? Every man in the Drake Kingdom is brought to a brothel by their father at age 15. It's a coming of age ceremony." James responded, "I thought the Drake Kingdom was uptight and obsessed with the law. Why don't they make the men visiting brothels into eunuchs' then?" Captain Beardy frowned, "What do you mean? There's nothing wrong with a man visiting a brothel. The women work hard, earn good money, and do it because they want to. The men need a safe place to take care of their needs as well. You sure come from a strange place."

James sighed, "I guess our worlds have different morals then. It's not like I never wanted to go to a brothel. It's just that Nevada was too far away from where I lived." Captain Beardy shook his head, "Nevada? It's too sad for a man your age to meet such a fate. I'm going to take you to my favorite place! You better be thankful! If you dare try to run away I'll crush your balls myself!"

James gulped in nervousness and nodded. He thought to himself, "This is my chance to escape! I'd rather die than lose my family jewels! Thank you, God, Buddha, Mohammed, and whoever else helped give me this opportunity!" Captain Beardy led James to a nearby brothel. It was only about a five-minute walk from the prison they were originally heading to.

They arrived at a tall stone building. James looked up and thought, "It must be at least 100 feet tall." There was a horde of men constantly entering and exiting through the front doors. The duo entered the lobby. They walked towards the front counter and Captain Beardy spoke, "Give my friend here Beth." He turned to look at James and slapped him on the shoulder. "Beth is my favorite. I visit her every week. The rope on your hands stays on. Don't even think of trying to break it. It was manufactured from 3rd grade dire-beast furs. You've got money for the prostitute, right?" James nodded and replied, "I've got one gold coin left." James struggled to grab the coin out of his pocket and then put it on the counter where the receptionist sat. Captain Beardy spoke to the receptionist, "There you have it. Make sure Beth doesn't untie the rope. I'm taking this man to prison after this. Also, put him on the highest floor. I don't need him jumping out any windows."

The receptionist led James and Captain Beardy to an elevator. They entered the elevator and the woman pressed a button. An earth magic-beast core shifted the stone to raise them up to the 9th floor. The receptionist opened the door to a room for James. The room had a big bed, a bath, and lights that shone a light-red color. James entered the room and awkwardly sat on the bed. The receptionist spoke, "Beth will be up in a few minutes. Make yourself at home." She closed the door and headed back towards the lobby. Captain Beardy yelled towards the closed door, "I'll be waiting right here. Don't even think of trying to escape!"

James waited patiently for a minute before heading for the bath. He could tell his wound had stopped bleeding, but it still hurt a bit. There was a big mirror in the bathroom. James struggled trying to take off his soldier outfit. He wanted to get it off so he could clean his wound. Unfortunately, the rope that tied his hands made it impossible. Then James had an idea! He rubbed his eyes to open the uniform system display. Then he selected the option to remove the soldier uniform. James height decreased to 70 inches, his hair turned black, and his skin turned pale. He looked like a handsome young man again. James was now wearing his blue tunic and black trousers. However, the important thing was that his body was now much thinner than previously!

James struggled to pull his now thinner wrists and hands out from the rope tying his hands. "I did it! Haha! The system was useful for once." James removed his tunic. He then unwrapped the rope from his torso and set it aside. This was the rope he had bought at the market and hidden under his clothes earlier in the day. He looked in the mirror and saw a big red gash. He grabbed a cloth and rinsed it in the bath water. He slowly cleaned the wound. After cleaning it he felt relieved. He had been extremely worried about it getting infected.

James picked up the rope and his tunic. He set them down by the bed and sat down. He was just starting to relax when the door opened. A woman in pink lingerie entered the room and shut the door behind her. James looked at the woman and his eyes widened in shock! He muttered in disbelief, "She isn't the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Nor is she the sexiest. Without a doubt though she is the fattest! She has to weigh at least 400 lbs.!"

The woman winked at James and spoke, "I hear it's your first time." She licked her lips, "Don't worry honey. I'll take good care of you. Are you ready to get sweet and sassy with me?"

James crawled backwards on the bed and cried, "I changed my mind! I like being a virgin! I always wanted to become a wizard and I only have 11 years to go!" The woman smiled, "Now don't be shy baby. Everybody gets nervous on their first time." The woman walked towards the bed while swinging her hips. James kept shuffling backwards until he fell off the bed. He landed on the pile of rope and his tunic he had set aside earlier. He grabbed the tunic and threw it at the woman's face. He then grabbed the rope and ran towards the wall behind him. He hurriedly pressed a button and the stone wall shifted down to reveal a window.

The woman took the tunic off her head and smiled. "The window opened is nice. We can do it in front of the window too!" The woman saw the rope James was holding and growled, "Grr! Do you want to do bondage too? I like masochistic boys." James screamed, "I'm not into that! I'm not ready for this! God! Buddha! Mohammad! Whoever! I'll never steal women's clothes again! Please just get her away from me! Beardy-face! What the fuck is wrong with you! How is this woman your fetish?!"

James looked out the window. He was nine stories high. He would definitely die if he jumped. James searched for something to tie the rope to but there was nothing close to him that could act as an anchor. The woman was getting closer. James searched desperately through his pockets to find something to throw at her. He felt a soft, moist cloth in his pocket. James pulled it out and threw it at the woman! *Splat!* The item he threw was the pink panties he used to cover his wound previously!

The woman felt the bloody panties cover her eyes. She screamed, "Gahh! What the hell?! Is this blood?!?" James looked around in panic for an anchor to use for the rope. Suddenly, his eyes widened in realization. He exclaimed, "That's it!" James ran straight towards the fat woman. He wrapped the rope around her and quickly tied a knot in it behind her back. He threw the other end out of the window. He then squeezed through the window and began to climb down.

The woman screamed, "Gahh! Somebody help me!" The woman slammed into the window. However, her fat blocked any possibility of her falling through it. James had his feet positioned against the wall. He jumped backwards and fell a few feet before swinging back onto the wall over and over again. Each time he jumped the woman slammed into the window again. James only had three stories left to go when the rope suddenly snapped!

"Ugh!" James landed on his feet and fell to the ground. When he tried to stand up he felt a sharp pain in his right ankle. "Looks like I sprained it. The rope probably got damaged when I got shot by the arrow earlier." James glanced back up and saw that the woman was no longer blocking the window. Instead it was Captain Beardy looking down at him. His face was red from anger and he screamed, "James!!! You really were the naked man Lumi chased that day! How dare you run after the kindness I've shown you! You even hurt Beth! You better pray to the Elder Dragon I don't catch you!"

James hurriedly limped off into a nearby alleyway. All he wore now was a pair of boots and black trousers. He had nothing else except for the two keys he used to enter the shops earlier. James sighed, "Fortunately Captain Beardy couldn't fit through that window. If he could I bet he would have jumped straight down to catch me. The sun slowly rose in the sky. James had limped across town before reaching Scuttle's stall at the market. Fortunately, Scuttle started work as soon as the sun rose each day.

James saw Scuttle and smiled, "Scuttle, I need your help!" Scuttle turned around and saw an unfamiliar man who was limping, shirtless and had a big gash on his ribs. He spoke, "Who are you mister? What do you need?" James face froze for a second. He just realized he had forgotten to reequip the Drake Kingdom Common Soldier Uniform. Scuttle had never met James in his original appearance before. James felt dizzy from the previous night's blood loss and pain. He struggled to speak once more, "I'm James…" James passed out and fell to the ground.