Prologue- The Ending

Onto his way as his grand army marched the earth, slaying the evil on the way and helping the needy with his righteousness, spreading the word of God as not a messenger but as a believer.

His kingdom was far and wide, taller than Himalayas, his army was filled with absolute warriors. His generosity knew no end.

He fought to help the good and exterminate the evil. His travel lasted decades or even centuries.

He sought for technological enlightenment allowing his kingdom to prosper into new era.

During his travels he met many primitive and barbaric civilizations causing havoc and mayhem in this world. Small villages being pillaged and burned as the Barbaric civilizations invaded.

His travel came to an end when he reached the furthest on Earth. Where civilization of humanity no longer reached its influence. In there he walked through a passage between the two great mountains.

In here he met a tribe. The tribe, that was cut off from the world, as it could be seen through their primitive way of living, and primitive to the point the king and his mighty army could not communicate through common language.

However, due to the desperation of the tribe, they described to him the other tribe that was wrecking havoc on the earth, through the usage of hands and gestures.

Listening to the people he decided to judge for himself as he visited the evil tribe as they called. He entered their den through absolute stealth and watched the way people acted.

They couldn't even be considered a human due to their undying thirst for blood. This civilization contained these characteristics which made them incompatible with civilized humans; Primitive, Bloodthirsty, powerful, reproductive ability thousands times greater than humans, Defying morality.

With such though in mind, as soon as he came back he rallied his grand army and was ready to slaughter these heretics. In spite of that, he changed his mind as if something has told him to do so otherwise.

With his superior technology he built a fire thousands of meters high and used it melt the iron to the point it became near indestructible.

He sealed the primitive tribe through barricading the valley between the two mountain peaks.

And the Grand King told the people of earth

"The Evilest of Human Kind has been sealed off by the Great Wall, however the wall will crumble apart as humans' society collapse under its obscenity and immorality. This shall be the warning for the future generations to come!"


Humans has been an intelligent species from the beginning of time. They gathered natural resources, built infrastructures, ruled the nature, and nothing could harm them. However, while they were intelligent, their greed and lust knew no end.

Humans hid their sexual acts behind the doors as it was considered a sacred ritual between man and woman. Unfortunately, as the culture, "progressed" sex in itself lost its sacredness. People naked on the street became a common scene, with some even displaying their affairs of action in public.

This was the evolution he wished against. And one day all according to the Grand King, the wall shall see its ruin.

The wall cracked and turned into dust after a huge orgy party was held in the city center of Bangkok.

Soon, Trillions and billions of tribal monsters swarmed the world. They came the mountains, turning the city into rubbles, nuclear warheads ineffective against their sheer number, every billion killed another two billion swarmed out of their origin. The oceans dried up as dead bodies of theses primitive creatures piled on top of each other.

There wasn't any place on earth that wasn't touched upon by these insidious creatures. Soon 99% of the human population went to their deathbed. 1% barely surviving in a secret underground shelters with bare minimum food that may or may not keep them fed for another month.

As the primitive creature looked everywhere and found no humans, they thought that they have caused the humans to extinction. With that in mind they decided to attack the heaven with their mighty number. The creatures raised their bow up to the sky. With a hoarse voice sounding desolate and disgusting, every creature on the world shot their arrow. To their surprise the arrows came down with blood stain on its tips.

The insidious creatures thought that now they conquered the heavens and the Earth and became the true ruler. In their celebration they started raping their women. But unbeknownst to them deadly disease caused by sudden emergence of bird started spreading among the primitive tribe.

Few days were more than enough for the deadly disease to kill of the entire species of the primitive creatures. Even so, humans underground had no idea such had occurred as the fear kept them underground.

These 1 % of the survivors were all the rich merchant or people from powerful families. With their elitist mindset they abandoned the humanity and escaped for their own safety bringing their most powerful guards with them.

Evolution was in process above ground as nature's restorative process have begun. Rain poured for ten days straight, fertilizing the destroyed lands, and new animals came to light as they were forced to adapt to the extreme conditions set by the primitive creatures.

Mysterious energy all differing through regions to regions started flooding the world.

Earth has started its evolution.