Chapter 1

A man once said "Silence is the origin of curiosity"

With the sudden silence that swallowed the earth, people underground couldn't help but become curious of what happened on the surface. Without food, people started to starve to death, and with desperation came great confidence. Many confident(starving) men started exploring the forbidden world. The Outside world.

To their surprise what laid ahead of them was a completely new scenery, a world filled with green and small animals.

With many rushing back to their shelter to tell of the story the civilization of earth has begun its reconstruction, as survivors flooded the earth. United States reformed its government and centralized their power in Texas led by the now President of United States James Mattis.

Small city states started popping out everywhere on the globe. Common Wealth of Japan has announced its founding together with, Democratic New China, Ancient Soviet, and Arab Union.

When the citizens thought that world was finally rebuilding to its past, wealthy elites were replaced by the armed organizations through military coups all around the world. The powerful military organizations already made a pact among themselves to help and support their replacement to power, this helped stabilize first world countries.

National Military, Mercenary, Cia, KGB, Secret Police, and all the special organizations all centered around their military prowess had a secret agreement where "whence they got out of the shelter thee shall allow each to prosper and fight those that threatens them."


In a dark cave 100 meters underground, rested a monk sitting on a lotus position.

"Hmm" the monk opened his eyes as sudden surge of powerful current entered his body.

Through confusion, the monk jumped and looked around to see no one but himself in this dark cave he carved in order to worship.


"Detestable bakemono do you dare!" The monk shouted in order to see if any living/non-living being were causing trickery upon his belief.

However, after 10 minutes or so passed and nothing happened. But during this time, the monk was feeling more powerful than ever.

"Wha, What is this? Why am I feeling so much more powerful?" With many questions above his head the monks decided to try out this new power of his by punching the wall of the cave.


With a loud thud the wall started crumbling into pieces. It was due to all the correlating factor favoring the destruction of the old rusty cave.

With crumbling cave in sight, monk searched for a passageway leading to outside and rushed with great speed. Breaking the tight shut door open with his new found power, he felt the sun shine upon his face. Momentary blinded by it, "Ugh, the sun's too bright, I should go find a shade or something" after his complaint he found an old rusty gas station.

"I can't believe it, I was able to wield such a power" the monk mumbled, and looked up. "Its' been a centuries or so that I have come out of my dwellings, and it seems like the world has changed by a great margin", he said as he looked around his surroundings which was covered in rubbles and stench of blood everywhere.

Buddhist energy on earth has been on great decline ever since the rise of industrialization, with its polluting aftermath. However, where the monk mediated in lotus position was a famous cultivation ground for Zen monks in Japan.

As a Shike himself, he enjoyed the luxury of Buddhist energy vein all for himself, and through countless tampering he gained longevity many sought for. Even so, as war above raged on, the vein started to crumble and the monk had approximately less than 3 years left for his life.

People of Zen Buddhism starts from, Shami, then Jushoki and finally reach where the monk is at Shike. The journey of Zen master is long and comes with hardship that no ordinary man can take.

Unexpectedly, through his centuries of hard work continuously increasing his meagre life-force he was able to experience the millennial prosperity that the world above shall meet before anyone else.

"First, I must visit Dharma dwellings and thank the sir with his blessings upon this old man." While he acted unsightly when a sudden sanction of Buddhist energy invaded his body, usually he has a calmness of Buddha and kindness of Dharma.

With that decided he started his adventure to the north.


"Langley are you sure it was alright to kill the president?" James asked with worry and expectation for what's to come.

"Everything will be alright president, he as a president of United States obviously held great connection with the Rothschild family. By severing our connection with them we are finally free from those greedy bastards" Langley with his great confidence answered the now president of United States James Mattis.

"With the power of CIA and the United States military force nothing will stop us"

"I believe in you Langley, I hope you don't disappoint me" James said so while in his head,

Harrumph, you think I don't know the fact that you are already bought by those cunts, I will let you live for now but I already surrounded those money whores to death, I would love to see your face after I tell you that.

"Of course president, I would never betray you" and the man left the room.

"President! President! Something big has happened!" the secretary of states came rushing to the presidential room. "Huf Huf....Huf"

"Calm down, drink the water and take your time…"

"*gulp* *gulp* thank you president *huf*, its just, an unknown entity has entered started overflowing from underground, it contains unimaginable power, estimated to be 10million times more powerful than the biggest atomic bomb in the arsenal!!"

"What! Something that powerful exists!? I can't believe it, is this confirmed by our scientists?"

"Yes sir, it has been confirmed, an unauthorized investigation was done due to the sheer force the energy contains, erm….. should we punish them for their act sir?"

"Bring in the scientist who found it! Punish them by forcing them to continue the research of such energy, we must surpass our neighbors and conquer back our AMERICA!"

"For Democracy and Freedom!!", a new form of chanting created in order to keep the morale of United States citizens all time high. This was due to the current war against the small states to conquer back their 'home land'.

Even with the country having superior arms force and technology, against the small states that numbers thousands, it was difficult for a single super power of United states to fight alone as it had become taxing of lately.

It has been a decade since the war for retrieving their homeland back has started, and during this period of time the United States of America successfully laid their influence on most of the southern states. Mostly thanks to the support of the Southern citizens of the small city states.

But, the sudden military campaign by Latinos and Mexican forces has put the current war into stand still unable to advance further.

"Yes, for Democracy and Freedom!!"


The monk followed the concrete path, and during his rest he meditated. With every second meditating, the monk could feel his life-force becoming stronger and stronger.

"Buddhist energy has become abundant again, maybe with this much energy I could revive our lord Dharma, but that is impossible until I get the holy scripture from the Dharma dwelling."

The monk has been walking the concrete path for a day but to no avail he couldn't find any living human. Only traces of houses that have become one with nature, as plantations and vegetation grew abundantly on it.

"The houses and the buildings has advanced greatly but….why isn't there any one in sight? I entered the dwelling when the Satsuma and Chōsū attacked the Imperial family, but why do I not see any clan sigma on any of the houses?"

As part of the Ikko-Ikki uprising, the monk was one of the young soldier that fought for better life. He was Sohei. Powerful monk army that supported the peasants that were oppressed and was left with no protection from Samurai.

He fought with a common spear and slaughtered his way through the battlefield, and was once called the Sacred Spearman. For every enemy killed, he prayed for their reincarnation to be prosperous.

Monk looked around in amazement at the advancement of technology in Japan. He remembered just a few centuries ago, most of the people would be living in the cities surrounding the capital city under Tokugawa.

But by the looks of it villages seemed to have disappeared from Japan and was replaced with large towns with no walls covering the area. He scavenged food from many of these unfamiliar buildings and seeing the abundant amount of food in every town he visited, he couldn't help but imagine the life of a peasant has become a lot better compared to the past.

With anticipation for what's to come, the monk couldn't help but become excited for his future encounter with a human being.

"Calmer than a lake and kinder than Buddha…..phew" the monk calmed himself by reciting one of the verses in the scripture. By now the monk could already tell that his life-force has become 10 times more saturated than during his time in deteriorating cave. He felt that his strength had a drastic upgrade, no samurai of the past would be of match of current him.

"With this strength, I have a confidence in fighting 1000 man katana samurai all by myself. I may be inflicted with minor wounds but without a doubt those 1000 heads will fall cleanly on top of their dead body….hehe….NO, what am I even thinking, I am Shike, the man known as the prestige and generally owns the respect of being a true Zen master, a living symbol of the Zen monastic tradition, the quintessence of Zen virtues ideally incarnating wisdom, spirituality, strict discipline, individuality, and yet gentle social personality…..fuu"

Taking a deep breath, the monk while acting unbefitting for his position adjusted his mindset.

If it weren't for my master recommending me to the highest order, I wouldn't be able to achieve such prestige. I really wish to revive him back but unfortunately, his body is already lost in the war against Tokugawa's clansmen.

To revive anyone using the Buddhist scripture, one needs the body of the man being revived all fully intact. The success rate of the revival increases if the man is on lotus position, as it's the best posture to be in, due to the fact that it opens the key pores of human body that helps in absorption of Buddhist energy.

Because his body stopped growing when he learnt the art of freezing vital cells for aging, his mindset was similar to those of 30s or 40s. Even then, during his time such age was already considered old enough to die.

"I believe I've absorbed enough Buddhist energy to see what happened in this area…."

In part of the scripture he was bestowed upon, had a descriptive method on reversing time for limited area and showing what happened. The time it can show depends on the user's Buddhist energy, and with his current power, he could at most turn back 10 years.

"…but should I spend my Buddhist energy for this and not for searching my disciples…? No, to search for my disciples I need to understand why and what happened to the country of rising sun."

To search for his disciples, he needs to use a karma searching method, where ancient monks used to track their disciples secretly, incase of any dangerous situation were to occur the master can rush to save his disciple.

After deciding to see the past, the monk raised his palms and concentrated his energy onto the right hand and gently placed his palm on the wall.

「Buddha, The almighty, lend your glorious hand to the mere mortal as he shall see the forbidden past of the world, and set the sight upon to receive the blessings of knowledge….」

The monk started chanting using the words of Buddha, a common scriptural language used by many monks. As soon as the incantation finished, light shined originating from the monk's hand and engulfing the entirety of the buildings and everything till two blocks away from it.


"Ghuaaaaaa " A swarm of primitive like man and women covered in the bloods of its enemy could be seen blandishing his sword.

"Kyaaaaa" screams of women rang as blood dyed everyone, with every death came thousands more screams.

"Help, Help meeeee"

"no, no , no , NOT MY SON, nooooooooo"

Millions of the primitive creatures rushed to the town smelling the living as they thirsted for blood. The town was flooded with the creature all killing everything on sight. Buildings collapsed, houses burned, women raped, men torn apart…..



The monk due to sheer amount death aura invading his body, vomited blood, and the projection was forcibly stopped. The death aura still roamed inside his head as it cried for help, all asking for their souls to be released from the torment.


Unbearable pain could be felt through every cell of the monk. As if, billions of needle stacked inside his body piercing every vital points, ravaging his organs tearing apart every thing in sight.

「I didn't wish for this to activate, however, it seems my disciple's destiny is too great and will be followed with countless dangers.」

Suddenly, as the pain increased to an indestructible level, the talisman around his neck started shimmering, showering the monk with healing light.

The monk slowly regained his consciousness, and with that his talisman broke apart and scattered surrounding the monk. He felt his body become heavier due to the exhaustion and trauma from the attack.

"huf, huf….wha, what….. in the world were those vile creatures…"

He started circulating the Buddhist energy healing himself from the death aura that engulfed him. As his situation stabilized, he soon realized that he couldn't feel the familiar talisman around his neck. His hand reached his neck only to find nothing hanging in the thread gifted by his master.

"How, what? Where is my talisman? It's a important gift given by my master before his death! Did I drop it on the way?"

In panic he was about to go trace back on his footprint, but to his surprise he saw an already broken talisman scattered around his location.

"Did the talisman save my life? Master did say it was for my protection? Hmm, I have a lot more to learn"

With new understanding of the world, the monk, with vast knowledge deduced what saved his life, and decided to move on.

"If my disciples were to see me now, it would be too shameful. I have to keep my dignity as a Shike."


"Sir, our scientists were able to extract the energy and experimented on some of the beggars"

"What were the results?"

"We tested on 3 beggars, and two of which died due to explosion, however, one of them survived and made him astronomically stronger than any average human being!"

"Were the scientists able to find out the criteria for the acceptance of the power?"

"Not yet sir, but with more specimen the scientists have stated, they would be able to produce an elite army in matter of years"

"Hmm, how many did they ask for?"

"10 thousand, sir"

"10 thousand!? That's too much, why would they need such an amount of humans, can't they test it on a rat or something?"

"Sire, have you forgotten, rat have gone extinct? And the scientists could not find a suitable animal to replace the rats."

"Fine, I will send one of my squadron to capture some dirty Mexicans and those bastard north barbarians for this, also keep this thing under wraps for as long as possible. I don't want those dogs sniffing out our plan!"

"Yes, sir!"
