The Strange Rubik’s Cube

Zhang Heng looked straight at this irregular shape cube with at least 20 faces. He turned slowly in midair. His first reaction was to look around. The second action was to slowly go forward. Come, carefully poke the Rubik's side.

The Rubik's Cube has no reaction.

Zhang Heng took this in his hand, following the lines on the Rubik's Cube, and his hands were in the opposite direction. In a moment, the Rubik's Cube came to the cross of the machine.

It is not a metal, not a sound like a plastic product, but a special sound that Zhang Heng has never heard before.

Unclear, not brittle, but not as thick as it is, but it seems to penetrate into the soul as wonderful.

"What a ghost thing."

Zhang Heng is somewhat puzzled. This irregular-shaped Rubik's cube has no color distinction at all. The whole body is metallic silver, and numerous cracks are criss-crossed on each face, dividing the cube into various irregular blocks.

However, although these shapes are irregular, they seem to follow the theorem of a golden ratio. It seems to be very harmonious, without any slight sense of abruptness.

If these are not magical enough, then the real magic is that it can be suspended in a vacuum…

When Zhang Heng saw the first look of the Rubik's Cube, he looked around, but he was in his own rented house. The square was more than ten square meters. Apart from a bed and a table and a cabinet, there was no way to arrange it. The place of mischief.

Therefore, Zhang Heng basically ruled out the possibility of man-made.

However, if the mischief is ruled out, where does this cube come from?

Is it still impossible to make it out of thin air?

Zhang Heng is more entangled, but he is not idle in his hands, his hands are trying to turn the Rubik's Cube until the Rubik's Cube makes a slight bang!

Zhang Heng suddenly narrowed his eyes.

He saw that in his unintentional rotation, the Rubik's Cube showed a special shape, and this shape just happened to expose the hole of the Rubik's Cube with a finger thickness.

This Rubik's cube design is flawed!

Zhang Heng eyebrows jumped, he did not play the Rubik's cube, in general, the most common magic convenience is the cube third-order cube. That is, there are six faces, and each face has nine ordinary cubes.

At this time, the Rubik's Cube in his hand is hundreds of thousands of times more complicated than the third-order Rubik's Cube that is usually seen. It is reasonable to say that this irregular shape is impossible to form the Rubik's Cube, because the primary element of the Rubik's Cube is the law. The Rubik's Cube itself has no rules, so who else can put it together?

This is something that designers can't do.

The result was the same. Zhang Heng turned a few times and turned a loophole.

No, this is not a loophole…

Zhang Heng's eyes became a seam. He suddenly found that the hollow edge on the Rubik's cube in his hand was very neat, giving the impression that the alien cube had sUCh a form.

If this is not a problem, then the void is dark, and even if you can't see what is in the void, it is amazing.

Subconsciously, Zhang Heng lifted the Rubik's Cube in front of his eyes, closed his left eye, and looked at the hollow with his right eye.

"What a ghost thing…" Zhang Heng once again uttered the same sentence. He was in the hollow and seemed to see a vast expanse…

What is the vastness?

Zhang Heng slammed, and he felt that he was the first to see the material in the cavity, but those substances gave him an indescribable familiarity – it was an infinite bubble, and it was not a bubble. , but the vast world of innumerable bubbles gathered together!

Yes, Zhang Heng has no way to describe it in other words. Every bubble is infinitely large, but since it is infinite, why is there another infinite bubble that overlaps with it?

Logically speaking, it doesn't make sense.

The key point is that the existence of these bubbles gives Zhang Heng a feeling of incomparable familiarity, just like, like these bubbles, all the time around human beings…

These bubbles, each one, is a universe!

Suddenly in the mind, sUCh an idea, the next second, Zhang Heng's right eye optic nerve suddenly came with an unparalleled light, just like the moment of the big bang!

At the same time, an indescribable pain has also come, through the optic nerve directly into the depths of the brain, as if the comet hit the sea, the pain swiftly swept the whole brain!

Zhang Heng only had time to make a scream and lost consciousness.


The icy electronic sound rang through the room.

The air is full of formalin.

At the moment when Zhang Hengyi opened his eyes, he remembered all the memories before his coma in his mind, and figured out the current situation in zero and one second.

At this moment, he is lying on a bed in a ward of a hospital. There are several devices sUCh as monitors, electrocardiograph pacemakers, etc., where the electronic drip sound is from the electrocardiogram. Issued on board.

On the north side of the room, a double-glazed glass door made entirely of frosted glass straddles the wall. Through the frosted glass, the sticker bearing the "ICU" letter is glued to the outside of the glass door.

Obviously, this is the intensive care unit of a hospital.

It seems that there is something wrong with it.

Zhang Heng couldn't help but blink, and an uncomfortable discomfort was brewing in his mind. He subconsciously pinched his fist. I don't know how long I have been in a coma, my arm doesn't have mUCh strength, but I can still do it by unplugging my arm.

He dropped the needle with blood off the bed, he couldn't wait to get up, and pulled off the other needles on the temple again. At this point, he completely licked.

I don't know why, the vision seems to be different from usual. He just sits up for a few seconds and notices something wrong. That is…

His right eye is blind.

Subconsciously, Zhang Heng reached out and toUChed his right eye.

The eyeball is unharmed, and even when the finger toUChes the eyeball, the eyeball has a sour toUCh. However, the intact lens projects the scene inside, and reflects the vitreous body without any hindrance, transmits it again into the optic nerve, and finally penetrates into the brain. After the distance split, the visual signal is truncated.

What seems to be a problem in Zhang Heng's brain.

At this point, the ECG lost its sense of the host, mistakenly thought that the host's heart stopped beating, and then controlled the monitor to make a harsh alarm. At the time of Zhang Hengfa, two doctors and several nurses rushed in. .


One day later, in the indifference of many doctors, Zhang Heng walked out of the hospital door with a numb face, and no one outside the door greeted himself.

As a senior in the biology department, he was experiencing an internship period when he first entered the society. So he did not live on campus, but found a pharmaceutical company in the city to work.

On the day he was in a coma, he was just heard by the landlord and then sent to the hospital. Otherwise, it is very likely that even his life will be lost.

I bought a few pounds of fruit on the side of the road, and then slowly walked back to the rental house, a three-story building built privately in the village. As a famous nail village in the whole city, the environment here is not so beautiful.

However, as Zhang Heng, who has just stepped into the society, what the environment can do will be fine. His pharmaceutical factory is only 3,000 yuan a month. Apart from rent and living expenses, there is very little money left. Coupled with this hospitalization first aid, thousands of pieces that had been hard to beat have been completely lost.

After thanking the landlord, in the frown of the landlord, Zhang Heng had to promise to move out of the rent at the end of this month. After all, who is willing to let a person who is ill at any time live in his own home?

He was sent to the hospital the day before yesterday, and he was only afraid that there would be three long and two short ones. As the owner of the house, he could not escape the relationship.

This is the case in this society.

Back to his room, Zhang Heng was lying tired on the bed, and then seemed to think of something, picking up the phone from the desk, a dozen missed calls came into view.

The three are the bosses of the company, and the rest are all calls from their own family.

At this time, when I saw the family's phone call, Zhang Hengcai suddenly realized that he had indeed gone away in the ghost gate, but as a party, he really did not have mUCh toUCh.

Perhaps it is numb by this ordinary life as if it were a dead life?

Shaking his head and throwing these unrealistic thoughts out of his mind, Zhang Heng quickly pressed the family's call back.

"Hey, Dad… Nothing, I'm really fine. I lost my phone these few days, so I copied a card today. Um… Don't worry, don't send money, my salary this month is enough… Ok, I will tell you something when I will…"

Exhaled, Zhang Heng finally escaped the parents' inquiries, and then he called the boss again.

"Hey, the leader, the day before yesterday… Oh, ok, ok, I understand."

Zhang Heng's face suddenly seemed difficult to look at. As an employee who was only in the internship period, he did not go to work for three days and had no connection. Obviously, he had been completely fired.

It seems that I am looking for a job.

Zhang Heng's face is more bitter, but even if it is a big blow, is there something more unfortunate than blindness in his right eye? Fortunately, as long as you don't say it, parents and outsiders can't see it.

Thinking of this, Zhang Heng suddenly thought of something, quickly got up and looked for it in the room. At the bottom of the table and under the bed, I searched all over again, but the room was a total of 20 square meters. Even if I turned the sky, I still couldn't find what I was looking for.

The Rubik's Cube that appeared out of thin air was gone.

Zhang Heng dared to confirm and affirm that the Rubik's Cube is not simple. Although his medical record is written by a stroke and brain hemorrhage causing brain damage, resulting in permanent blindness in the right eye, Zhang Heng does not think so.

He is sure that he will be like this, and has a great relationship with the mysterious Rubik's Cube!

But at this time, the damn Rubik's Cube was gone!

Zhang Heng first thought of being taken by the landlord, and second, that is the alarm!

The Rubik's Cube is by no means simple. It can be suspended from the air and is harmful to the human body. Anyone who sees it knows that it is not an ordinary toy. Therefore, he is sure that the landlord will never return it to himself. Then, he only has an alarm.

But the next second, Zhang Heng is deflated, what about the police? Do you want to tell the police yourself that you have lost a toy that can violate gravity?

However, at the time of Zhang Heng's entanglement, in the empty room, there was a hum of a spring-loaded bite…

Zhang Heng's face is completely stiff…