Dimension Star


Only the snoring that Zhang Heng can hear in the ear. It is neither crisp nor thick. It is not a musical instrument that can be emitted, but it can affect the soul and is very strange.

This voice, not from the outside world, but from the depths of the brain – through the cerebral cortex, directly shakes the eardrum, except Zhang Heng himself, no one can hear.

"The host is locked."

"The neurons are being debugged and the neurons are connected."

"Starting to detect the brain environment, the brain environment is normal."

"Starting the Smart Assist program."

"Intelligent helper is on, please wait…"

Zhang Heng's consciousness suddenly flashed such a piece of information!

Strictly speaking, this information is not in the form of words or voices, but a signal of consciousness, but this signal can be easily understood by Zhang Heng, so the above words will appear!

However, this is not the point. Why is there such a strange message in my brain?

Zhang Heng's facial muscles couldn't help but twitch, which is the instinctual physiological response of the nerve endings caused by shock, shock and other stimuli. At this time, he seems to be fixed, the whole body is stiff, and the air is in a stagnation!

In this deadly silence, Zhang Heng only feels that the whole world is about to collapse. He doesn't know what happened, only the feeling of a squally shower is coming to mind!

However, when this information passed away, the mind was once again in silence, and it seems that everything before it was just the illusion of a whimsy.

Illusion? Or is my brain insane?

Zhang Heng relUCtantly stood up straight and moved his legs to confirm that he did not have any discomfort. This made him sulking.

However, just when he thought that everything was an illusion, the snoring sounded again!

"Intelligent helper program is enabled, virtual personality setting… Please choose virtual personality – personality options are good kindness, neutral kindness, chaotic goodness, orderly neutrality, absolute neutrality, chaotic neutrality, orderly evil, Neutral Evil, chaotic evil."

"Cushing trough!" Zhang Heng seemed to jump three feet high as if he had an electric shock. He fell down on the bed, and the bed seemed to be unbearable, and he made a dissatisfied scream!

"The host mental disorder is excessive, the system is determined to be a random choice, and the choice is…"

"After the selection is completed, the virtual personality is determined to be chaotic and evil."

"Please choose a virtual personality image."

"Follow the preferences of the host memory, the virtual personality image is automatically generated…"


"Welcome to the 'Dimensional Star', the only remaining humans, I wish you good lUCk."

At this time, Zhang Heng was already full of cold sweat, and his heart rate and breathing were rushed to the extreme. It is reasonable to say that he could not receive the slightest information in this state, but this information seems to be imprinted in his mind, and a word has not been missed!

"Calm, calm down!"

Zhang Heng quickly took a deep breath and wanted to force himself to calm down.

He rubbed his hands, took a box of cigarettes from his pocket, barely pulled out a mouth on his mouth, and then lit the lighter with his trembling hands until the spicy pass into the lungs, carbon monoxide and nicotine through the alveoli Blending with the red blood cells, I finally let my spirit gradually return to calm…

"Call…" After spitting out a smog, Zhang Heng fell into a dead silence. Until then, he still had an illusion that he could not distinguish between reality and illusion.

However, the large section of information that appears in the air out of my mind is not bad.

However, just when Zhang Heng thought that he could rationally look at this sudden incident, in his mind, another little girl-like silence sounded up –

"Uncle, are you setting up a magic contract to summon Youlian to this world?"

Zhang Heng suddenly rounded his eyes. He was sure that this voice was not the flow of information before, but the sound of the sound was all in his mind. He looked around and determined that there was absolutely no one around him.

Until then, he finally determined that there is indeed an unknown thing in his brain!

Is it the missing magic cube?

Thinking of this, Zhang Heng finally calmed down. He took a deep breath and tried to respond. "You, are you talking to me?"

"Yes, I am the one-of-a-kind smart star assist system – Julian!"

With the sound of this appearance, a small ROI of the Q version of the second element suddenly jumped out!

Little Loli is in the orthodox loli, with two pointed horns on her head, a pointed tail with a finger on her butt, and a little devil's appearance!

Not only that, along with the Q version of Xiao Loli's appearance, there is a string of episodes similar to the blood anime around his ear, with Zhang Hengmu's stunned expression, it looks awkward and strange.

Zhang Heng has been numb, he just blinked blindly, but found that even if he closed his eyes, the image of the little Loli appeared in his mind without any hindrance!

Because the other person does not appear in front of you but appears on the retina! Moreover, it is the retina of the right eye!

"Stop BGM first…" The background music is very burning. Zhang Heng has some brain pain, and he can't help but rub his temples. At this moment, he has been completely appointed.

"You are a system? Also, what is your relationship with the Rubik's Cube?" Zhang Heng slightly thought, and then cast doubts.

"Since you have asked sincerely, then You Lian will tell you with great compassion!" The second Yuan Loli put on a high-ranking posture, said in a very familiar tone of Zhang Heng, "Uncle said in your mouth." The Rubik's Cube is actually the Star of the Dimension, and Yu Li'an is the virtual personality created by the intelligent assistant system of the Star of the Dimension!"

"Wait, the star of the dimension? What is it, why is it in my mind?" Zhang Heng hurriedly spoke.

"Haha, I asked the key so quickly?" Yulian turned a circle, and suddenly a microphone appeared in her hand. She saw her in the tone of the variety show host. "If you want to know the specific situation, please see the VCR!" "

Suddenly, Zhang Heng's right eye's line of sight changed, and there was a strange picture:

I saw a middle-aged man facing the camera. The man wore a pair of glasses, kept a slap in the face, supported the table at the elbows, crossed his hands in front of his mouth, and had a cold and morbid temperament. The background behind the middle-aged man seems to be in a high-tech laboratory.

"Here, the person who is watching the record, hello, I am the NERV Commander of the NERV."

"Hey!" Zhang Heng said the first sentence in the other party is completely calm, "Wait, who are you talking about?"

Wuyuantang is the father of the male "EVA" who played the game more than ten years ago. The cold and uncle is also a cold uncle!

"When you see this image, I am afraid I am already dead." Obviously, this is just an image, and there is no ability to communicate with Zhang Heng, so I just care for myself. "As the X897 generation master of the Dimensional Star System, The only thing I can leave you after the failure of the mission is this image."

"I don't know which dimension of the human being created by the plane of the dimension, but the power it possesses is far beyond the existence of our plane. Even if the 'God' is in front of it, it is not worth mentioning. When I When I became the owner of the system, I learned from the images left by the former owner that each human plane was attacked by an evil force…"

"No, it is said that the evil forces are somewhat general. We should say that… Every human plane is attacked by natural or unnatural forces, just like the law of the universe must completely erase humanity, all human places. Faced with some kind of curse…"

"Really, do you dare to say something more?" Zhang Heng gradually calmed down and simply picked up the popcorn that had not been eaten on the table, and spit it while eating.

"In order to fight the curse in the dark, against the power of 'it', I launched 'that'…"

"Where is the 'that' you are talking about, is the famous 'human complement plan'?" Zhang Heng originally leaned on the seat and heard the 'that'' slammed forward and rounded his eyes.

"I thought I could change the destiny of mankind, but until the last moment, I found out sadly that in the face of 'it', how powerful my power is… even if it is 'that', it is simply not enough. It's against…

"That's so arrogant, the result is not hanging!" Zhang Heng back to the seat, erected the middle finger.

"As far as I know, the plane I am in is the plane that is left undestroyed in countless trillion human planes. When you see this passage, there are still tens of thousands of seconds in every second. The human plane was destroyed by 'it'…"

"How many megabytes?" Zhang Heng's hand trembled and popcorn fell to the ground.

"Don't feel lUCky, as you develop more and more 'dimensional stars', the more you will find out how powerful the plane that created the Dimension Star is, but even if it is powerful like that plane, in 'it Under the attack, it is still disappearing in the universe."

"And, as your predecessor, I have to remind you that sometimes the auxiliary system of the Star Star is not credible…"

"Finally, dedicated to all the still alive human beings, I wish you good lUCk…"

At this point, the image flashed and disappeared completely. Zhang Heng was wrong. "Is this finished?"

"Yes, this is the message of all the hosts on the Star of the Dimension." Yu Li'an once again appeared in Zhang Heng's mind. "Now the host uncle should understand the situation?"

"So, why did you choose me?" Zhang Heng said with a self-deprecating statement, "I am just an ordinary college student. Why do you have to give me sUCh a heavy and long-term responsibility?"

"Because the host you are now only an intern of the Star of the Stars, it is not an easy task to really be the host of the Star of the Dimension." Devil Little Lolly suddenly took a flashlight from behind and took photos from below. His face reveals a horrible look. "If you want to get the approval of Youlian, you have to complete the trial task. Now, are you ready to accept this trial?"