School Saint (8)

After the national singing competition, I would not have expected for the after events to happen to me. You see, no one knew that in the audience there was someone who could make you rise to the top or drop you to the bottom pits of hell. The youngest and most powerful person in the investment world; he has the rumor that if he invests in a project it will become the number one thing on people's minds.

It all happened a month after the competition, I was back at school and I was super happy about the win and honor it brought to my school's name. The students who attended the stated calling me Angel-chan because of my voice, 'I honestly don't hear it but who am I to argue with the masses.' I thought.

One day I was thinking about how to use this win and accomplish Mayumi's dream when I got a call from home. "Mayumi, dear. You need to come home, right now!" My mother called with what could only be glee and worry in her voice.

"I can't just go home all of a sudden. What happened, mother?" I asked her in a calm voice.

Just before she could answer my father must have taken the phone because he spoke in a slightly angry voice, "Just come home and bring your sister. I'll contact the school, so be on the first flight.

He didn't give me any time to respond before hanging up, 'I guess I don't have a choice, but I wonder what is going on for these parents to contact me.' I thought as I went to look for Yui.

When I tracked down Yui I could tell she really didn't want to be anywhere near me, but I couldn't blame her I mean in her eyes I am the obstacle in her pathway to success. By the time we got home, I was shocked to see our parents waiting for us, "You're finally here, come over and sit down," mother said while guiding us to the living room.

I sat there listening to my mother go on and on about how proud she is about the win and how great her daughters are, while my father just kept looking at me. 'I wish they would get straight to the point instead of dragging it out with this superficial conversation.'

After a couple more minutes of nice pleasantries, my father finally talked, "The reason we called you here is that I was contacted about an offer that will really help the Sunohara family."

There was a silent pause before he continued, "One of the biggest investment companies around stated that they are going to be working in the music business, and they want to recruit some talent." He said while looking at me.

'Yes, this is what I need to help Mayumi. I can let the world hear her talent and she might find love and happiness along the way,' I thought with an internal fist pump.

I was in my own world thinking about the future when my father's voice broke me out of my trance, "I was told they wanted to make a Sunoharea shine like a star, with that in mind I believe Yui is our best option." He said while smiling at Yui.

If this guy really wasn't my father I would have to think he truly hated me, but I know from Mayumi's memories this guy shares my blood, so why does he act like this. "Father, if that is what you wanted to tell us, why did I have to attend this meeting?" I asked with a sigh.

Father gave me a hard stare and said, "I was also told they wanted to hear an angel-like voice, I know how you sing but I believe Yui being younger and more social can bring the image they want. So while she is the front you'll be in the back giving the world the voice they want," he said with a serious voice.

I could only look at my father with a calm face and keep my boiling emotions at bay, 'Momo, what happens if I really hurt these so-called parents of Mayumi?'

[Dear host, if you hurt them it would disrupt the balance of the world.]

'Even after how they are treating Mayumi like a pawn that can be used whenever they want?' I asked while truly trying to stay calm.

[Dear host, sorry. That is just the fate of the villainess, to be used to rise up the female lead.]

I tuned out Momo and started to think up some other plans to punish this family, that is when Yui decided to finally speak. "Father, mother, I don't think we should do this. It would be wronging Onee-sama," she said with a concerned look in her eyes.

My mother instantly got upset with Yui's statement, "Nonsense! It's only right for the oldest to help her younger sibling, besides this what is best for the family. Mayumi, you'll do this for the Sunohara's name, right?" She said while giving a cold smile.

'Mother, how could be so cruel to your own daughter,' I thought with a sad frown.

Seeing the usual family dynamic of how they wanted me to give up for the betterment of Yui, I was starting to really get upset. Not wanting to lose my temper I stood up and excused myself.

"Family, I believe this is a big decision. This affects my future as well, while I do care about Yui I need to think about myself as well. With that in mind I need to some time to think about some things," I said while leaving.

Not wanting to give them any time to stop me I rushed to the car and went straight to the airport. '. 'That family! I feel so sorry for Mayumi, having to live with people who don't care about her at all,' I thought as I could only sigh at the life Mayumi had to live through.


Yui's PoV

After Mayumi left I turned to father with a worried expression. "Father, everything you said is truly correct? Will I really be able to rise to the top of the music world?"

My father gave me a warm smile and brought out some documents, "Of course, dear. AB Music sent this a couple of days ago."

I looked over the forms and couldn't help smiling, especially when I saw that one of the main project holders is Sakamoto-san, the CEO of A Investments.

I started to giggle with joy, "Mother, it's really happening! With this, I will become known throughout the world and everyone would know the name of Yui Sunohara," I said as I jump up and down.

My father and mother were smiling while they watched me but then a sudden thought explodes in my head, "Father, this would only happen if Onee-chan agrees, but what if she decides not to help?" I asked him with tears forming in my eyes.

'Mayumi already ruined my chances at the competition, if she decides to go against the family again then my dreams will never come true,' I thought as I felt the weight of her decisions.

"Don't worry. I thought of a plan just in case she does something foolish like last time, you just get ready to be a star."

I smiled at my parents and then looked at the forms again, 'With father on my side, Mayumi you don't stand a chance. I always get what I want in the end.' I thought while imaging my wonderful future.


Sakamoto PoV

Sakamoto-san did you get in touch with the Sunohara family about my proposal. I looked up from my desk at the kid lying on the sofa, I wonder why he is putting so much effort into this project.

"Yes sir, the family believes a partnership is a wonderful idea. They have to get something sorted out on their side and would be contacting us soon to sign the paperwork.

The young chairman sat up and gave Sakamoto-san a serious look, "Did you make it clear that I will only invest in Mayumi Sunohara."

I was shocked at his boss's word, he rarely mentions a person he needs for a project, that only meant that this time his boss is personally taking charge.

"I told them that you wanted the Sunohara with the voice of an angel, form your investigation there is only one youth that meets those requirements," I told him while handing him the forms I sent to the Sunohara's company.

The chairman looked over the forms and gave a dark chuckle, "For now, whatever happens, don't interfere. I know a little about how the Sunohara proceeds with business and I'm sure they have a surprise for us." He told me as he got up and left.

When he was gone I grabbed the forms and thought in wonder, 'What kind of surprise could they bring that makes you smile.'

Not wanting to investigate more into the young boss's mind I sit back down and focus on my work.


??? PoV

'Mayumi Sunohara, I'm sure your family won't help you. I wonder what you are going to do next,' I thought with a smile as I got into the car.