School Saint (9)

I haven't had a moment of peace since the meeting with my family, making me wish I never attended. When I'm at school, Yui follows me around trying to get me to agree with father's decision; telling me all the benefits I will receive. When I'm bothering with Yui then it's my mother, she calls me at least once every day telling me how she disappointed that I'm not thinking about the family. The only time I can have even a little peace of mind is when I'm in the rose garden maze. Ever since the incident with President Kei, Yui hates the garden and avoids it with a passion; I leave my phone behind and just relax without having to think about my family.

'Momo, how much longer do I have to stay in this world. I honestly don't know how long I'm going to be patient with this so-called family of mine.'

[Dear host, the moment you help the target complete your wish then you'll exit this world.]

Just before I could respond to Momo I see someone walking up to me, "Sunohara-san, what a pleasant surprise," Watabi-san said.

I was shocked to see Hana Watabi-san, in Mayumi's past life the two of us didn't get along very well, but that was mostly because of Yui. Since Yui and Watabi-san lived in the same dorm house, she had more opportunity to talk about Mayumi in a negative light. When the two were finally introduced to each other, Watabi-san had a picture of Mayumi that wasn't easily forgotten. In this life things are completely different, also I have to say it's because of Yui. Ever since failed to frame me and because Watabi-san was used, the older girl couldn't stand being around Yui. Also, Watabi-san helped work with me while preparing for the competition: because of the long hours, we became close friends.

"Watabi-san, how many times do I have to tell you, call me Mayumi." When I said that she started to laugh and then came to sit near me.

"I would but then you have to start to call me Hana." She said with a smile.

"Deal. Did you come out here for a reason?" I asked.

"Actually, I said I was surprised to see you but I was hoping you will be here," she said losing all the once joyful smile. Whenever I saw Watabi-san get serious like this I knew she was in her vice-president mode.

"Well, you found me, what did you do have to ask?" I told her.

"Many of the students have said that your younger sister is causing more trouble, she has also been telling others that she will be signing a contract to a record company. Is any of this true?" She asked.

When I hear what she said I was shocked by the shameless act of my sister, 'Do you honestly think by spreading rumors it will get you what you want,' I thought. I looked at Watabi-san and respond, "True or not, why do you mind?" I asked her thinking about why the ramblings of a first year are on her mind.

She gives me a warm smile, "Usually, I wouldn't care about such things but Yui has been acting more differently than when I first met her. While I'm still disappointed by the actions she caused two months ago, as the vice-president I have to look out for the students."

I really looked at Watabi-san and finally, understand that this girl is a really kind person. In Mayumi's past life if Yui didn't interfere so much, these two would have been very close friends. "What Yui is saying is false, those her dreams. As to the trouble she is causing then I advise that you become more strict with her, she acts out because she believes that she won't be punished."

At my statement, she gave out a laugh, "No matter a person station in life, one should always worry about the downfall." I laugh with her wholeheartedly agreeing with her comment.

'Watabi-san, if only you knew how warped my sister's mind has become,' I thought while watching her leave me once again in the garden.

When I was alone I looked up into the sky, 'The big moment that changed Mayumi's life around will be coming up. For her dreams and her last wish, I will become a name no one will forget for years to come,' while thinking that I looked at the forms I just signed for AB Music.


??? PoV

"So has she signed the contract?" The young chairman asked Sakamoto-san.

"Yes, but I found out that the Sunohara family had two contracts sent back to AB Music, they are stating that their eldest sent out a contract and it's the youngest that AB Music is looking for," Sakamoto-san said.

The young chairman broke out in a laugh after hearing what he said, he couldn't believe that the Sunohara family is trying to play him for a fool. 'Mayumi Sunohara seems to have figured her family would do such a thing. I believe that I can make out this situation,' he thought with a wicked smile.

"Since they can't figure out who the contract was originally meant for how about we make it so that they are painfully aware. Let AB Music know to accept both of them for now, in the next two weeks we will have a showcase that will make the Sunohara family weep in sorrow," while saying this he couldn't contain his joyful emotions.

'Mayumi Sunohara, because you let me enjoy so many wonderful performances I'll give you a gift. Hopefully, you won't disappoint me,' he thought while watching Sakamoto-san carry out his orders.


Yui's PoV

When father told me that AB Music accepted my contract I was super excited but, later I found out they took my sister's contract as well. Now I'm in the president's office waiting to sign but I can't believe Mayumi is ruining my special day. I looked over at her and she has that annoying smile on her face, acting like this is not a big deal.

"Onee-sama, isn't it great that we both get to sign to this company?" I asked putting as much positivity in my voice as possible.

Mayumi looks over at me with a look I can't read, "It's truly is a great thing that they accepted both of our contracts. I was shocked when they told me you also sent one even though you knew they wanted me but as they say, this is fate." She said with a warm smile.

I really wanted to slap her when I heard her comment, 'Are you saying I don't deserve this and you do? Mayumi, I'm going to make sure you never thought about rising about me,' I thought with an internal sneer.

We stopped the conversation and an eerie silence enveloped the room, it was broken by the entrance of the president of AB Music.

"Hello, my future stars. I'm Nick Lee the president of AB Music," he said with a joyful laugh.

I gave him my best smile and stood to introduce myself, "Hello sir, my name is Yui Sunohara. Thank you once more for signing me to your company."

He shook my hand but gave me a frown at my statement, "Well you are a sweet girl, but I didn't call you two here to sign. As you already know we offered our deal it was for one Sunohara girl."

I was shocked if they didn't want to sign me then why did I have to come down here? "We have heard about the offer but we had some confusion about who you wanted, that is how we ended up sending two contracts back," Mayumi said.

He gave us both a meaningful look and then showed us two sets of documents, "You see one of our partners came to us and said that one of you girls have amazing talent. Since there was confusion on our part we decided to make a fair competition where the public will decide who had the talent our partner wanted to invest their time and money on."

When I heard what he said I was shocked and a little bit upset, I wish he could just send my sister away and sign me, then everyone would be happy. I looked down at the forms he gave and couldn't believe my eyes, a showcase. This is how they are going to choose between the two of us?

"In two weeks time, we will have a huge showcase where the public can live vote on who is the best between the two. This is for a singing contract so I hope you girls can show me who has the angel-like voice." He said with a smile.

As we were walking out of the company, Nick Lee's voice kept running in my head making me my blood boil with rage.

'Angel-like voice, I'm so tired of people saying that,' I thought.

When I looked over at my sister she gave me a small smile, but her eyes held a slight glint which made me want to claw them out.

'Mayumi, you think you already won, huh. You ruined my chance at the competition, this time you won't get in my way. This time you need to disappear,' I thought this while pulling out my phone and dialing a number.