School Saint (10)

It has been two weeks since I met with Nick Lee, I was ready to perform my heart out. I knew that this was the moment were Mayumi's life will change, in the past, this is the day she took her life. I have to be very careful because I know that Yui has something planned and according to Momo my life could still be in danger.

I was in the school's private music room listening to my performance piece, it was the only place I knew Yui couldn't do something, seeing as this room is only available for the upperclassmen. Just as I was finishing up I had a very unexpected visitor, President Kei.

"Hello, Kei-san," I said with a sweet smile.

"Hello Sunohara-san, are you ready for this showcase that everyone has been talking about lately?" He said with a smile.

I giggled, "I'm shocked. I would never have believed you were interested in the entertainment scene."

He smirked at my statement, "I'm usually not, but seeing as it is the only thing people can talk about around here I tend to keep an open mind."

"Well then to answer your question, I'm am quite ready," I said as I sat down on the sofa in the room.

Kei-san came and sat near me, "You don't sound so happy. From what Watabi-san tells me this could really make your future as a singer." He said with a gentle smile.

I looked over at Kei-san and felt touched, since the music competition we sort have become friends. "I would be over the moon about this opportunity but I have to compete against my younger sister. I wish I could make both of our dreams come true," I said with a sigh.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Kei-san's expression becoming darker at the mention of Yui. "Sometimes in this world, you have to make hard decisions, for you, it's to rise above your sister. Besides, the younger Sunohara will have more chances."

I could only sigh again at his words, 'These words, I would be glad if Mayumi's parents thought the same as this young guy,' I thought.

I got up and grabbed my bag and walked to the door, before I left I turned to Kei-san, "You really don't know how much your words have made me happy. It was nice talking to you President Kei, have a nice day." I said and left the room.

If I had stayed I would have noticed Kei-san giving me a confusing smile with a sneaky glint in his eye.


Yui's PoV

It was the night before the big showcase and I was standing in an empty warehouse with my mother. We were meeting with a group that could help me with my sister and gets her out of my way. "Mother, are you sure we can trust these guys," I asked giving her an innocent look.

My mother smiled and patted my head, "Don't worry. These guys can get any job done."

I trusted my mother's words but was still a little nervous when facing the big boss of this group. We were waiting for a while as the scary guys were staring at us, just then a very big and terrifying guy enter.

"Well, the madam of the Sunohara family. What can I do for you today?" Mystery man asked.

My mother giggled and took a seat in front of the mystery man, "Mr. X, charming as always, today I have a job for you from my daughter."

Mr. X looked over at me giving a hard stare, saying I was beyond scared was an understatement, "So little miss what is it that I can do to help you," he said giving me a scary smile.

"I want you to make my sister disappear, at least for a day," I said with a serious face.

He had a shocked reaction from my request, "Are you serious? Madam Sunohara, do you really want me to accept a job to get rid of your daughter."

I looked over at mother and saw that she had a very hard expression very unlike her normal self, "Mr. X, you should realize that when I come to you I'm always serious. Call me heartless but I feel that I should support my youngest and my eldest is getting in the way of her dream. Now when we say disappear we mean to make sure she is not seen during the day, I want her back at home at midnight. Also, don't forget she is still my daughter, so she should be unharmed and safe, got it." She said giving Mr. X a very hard and scary glare I never saw before on my mother face.

I was so happy my mother would always be on my side, 'I wish I didn't have to share her with Mayumi,' I thought with an internal sneer. Even if Mayumi is a thorn and even if my parents favor me, they would still protect a Sunohara.

Mr. X thought about this request and thought it was cruel that a mother and sister could do such a thing to their own blood but a job is still a job. "I will accept this request at the usual rate, Madam Sunohara. You will see your eldest daughter tomorrow, safe and sound on your doorstep." With that said he left with his group following behind him.


??? PoV

In a black car with tinted windows, the young chairman watched the mother-daughter duo get in their car and drive away. "Make sure you bring Mayumi Sunohara to my office, I have my own plans." He said.

Mr. X sat across from the young chairman, "Sir, if I may ask, why did you accept this request? You order us to protect her before."

The young chairman laughed and gave Mr.X a cold stare, "She would be more protected by my side, besides I want to see an amazing show and I know that Mayumi Sunohara will not disappoint me." He said with a smile.

Mr. X sat in shocked looking at the young chairman giving a warm smile, for all the years he worked for the kid never saw him give out a warm aura.