School Saint (11)

Finally, it was the day of the showcase, if everything goes well I can leave this world and get one step closer to figuring out why I was chosen in the first place. Even though I felt this way I was really confused about my current situation, Yui hasn't done anything to stop me from performing. Since I was currently staying at a hotel close to the school, I had to catch a taxi to get to the venue. I was so deep in thought I didn't notice the black van parked in the alley of the two buildings, just as I was passing three guys came out and grabbed me from behind. I wanted to scream but my mouth was covered when I looked for help, I noticed a large group of guys coincidentally covering the incident from onlookers. Just like that I was put into the van, blindfolded and drove to an unknown location.

When we stopped I have pulled along to a building and was told to sit and wait, when I heard the door shut and confirmed no other was in the room I took off the blindfold. I was shocked to see a well-decorated room fit for a queen. I walked around and looked at my surroundings, 'For kidnappers at least they have style,' I thought as I looked at the clothes in the wardrobe. Now that I calmed my nerves at the realization that if the people who took her wanted to really harm her then they wouldn't have put her in such luxury confinement.

'Still, to be kidnapped on today of all days, I can't say I'm not surprised,' I thought as I looked at the decorated artwork. Today was a big day for me and being kidnapped is no shocker but to pull something of this big was grand even for Yui. 'Oh, Mayumi I truly feel sorry for you, to have parents who treat there on flesh and blood like this is so horrible.' I thought as my commitment to help Mayumi grant her wish became stronger.

While I was in my own world trying to get out of this predicament, I became startled when the door open, and silently looked for something to protect me if some situation occurred. What I wasn't expecting was the shocking appearance who walked in, "President Kei, what are you doing here?" I asked while jumping off the bed. Instead of answering me President Kei chuckled and walked into the room and shut the door, then he proceeds to sit at the table in the room.

"Please, take a seat Mayumi Sunohara, we have a lot to talk about." He said while giving me a confusing smile. All the time Mayumi has known Kei-san he was always sporting a cold face with an even colder aura surrounding him, but never has he gave out such a warm smile. "To say I'm surprised is putting it lightly, please explain why I'm here?" I asked Kei-san as I sat down across from him and watched as he gave me that confusing smile once more.

After a moment he chuckled and became the serious President Kei that I remember, "The reason you're here is simple, I have a deal for you and hope you can help me." With that said he pulled a small recorder and I heard the conversation between my mother and sister plotting to have me kidnapped. After it was done I noticed Kei-san looking at my reaction to what was played, 'I can't even be upset, in this world this is how my family treats me. I realize that I can't change my place in their hearts so I wouldn't try to foolishly please them.' I looked at Kei-san and gave him a warm smile, "That was a very interesting recording but I figured something like this would happen sooner or later."

Kei-san got a dark look in his eyes after hearing my statement, "You knew this would happen? Why aren't you upset that your family treats you this way?" He asked me while turning red from anger.

I was shocked to see him getting so upset, why did he care about my feeling of my family. "President Kei, I long understood my parent's mindset, they care for me in their own way but unfortunately I'm not as favored as my younger sister," I said while giving him a gentle smile. I said those words for him to calm down but it seems he only got angrier.

"Mayumi Sunohara, I have known you for a long time and we may not be close, but I consider you a great person in my own right. That is why I hate seeing you be treated this way, especially by your own family. So, that is why I decided to help you so you could soar far away from those who wished you harm." He explained.

"Help me? What are you talking about?" I asked him while tilting my head.

Standing up, Kei looked out the window, "The offer you recently got for AB Music, didn't you wonder why such a huge company went out of their way to contact your family. At first, I started to help you because I found you interesting, but then I wished for you have more so your dreams could come true.

Crossing my arms, "That's nice and all but you still haven't told me why you had me brought here." I said narrowing my eyes. Looking over his shoulder, "My deal for you is to have you put on a great performance and show those people what happens when you treat a fish eye as a pearl." His words were kind but also showed his hidden cruel intent, and it made my heart flutter. 'Why is this boy being so caring towards me,' I thought while avoiding his eyes.

"President Kei, why are you being so kind to me. Even in school we are only classmates at the most, and have very few conversations." I asked him seriously. Kei-san grabbed my hands and looked deeply into my eyes, "My reason is simple, I invested in you and I'm never wrong about my sight. I knew you were a star when I saw your freshman year at the school opening concert. You were the first person I started to see in color in this black and white world. Always going at your pace and not letting others affect your world, striving to make your dreams come true, Mayumi Sunohara, you are a living saint. That is the reason I'm going to this length to see you shine."

I could only stare at Kei-san in total shock, never would I have suspected he would feel this way, 'If only he would have spoken up Mayumi's past life, I wouldn't have a reason to be here today.' I thought while silent tears formed in my eyes. Mayumi's dream was to become a star or at least happy in her career, but maybe Kei can solve the part for having someone who cares for her and treat her like the star.

"I don't know what to say, thank you. No one has told me something so kind before truly thank you, Kei-san." I said to him with a small voice. Kei-san stood up and pulled me to the outside balcony, "Look at this city, this is where the legend of Mayumi Sunohara will start, in the future, everyone will see you as the saint you truly are and the star you were meant to become,' he said while showing me the view.

I took in the city view and visualized the future, "If I really want that dream, I have to be at the showcase." I said giving him a determined look. Kei-san laughs and pulled me into the room, "Choose your outfit and we will leave, the stage is waiting for you Mayumi." With that said he exited the room.

'Kei-san, you really are an interesting guy I don't know what is really in your heart but for today I will think of you like my fairy godmother. I'll walk on the road to making Mayumi's dream come true.' I thought this while picking out a beautiful purple and black dress.