Sugar Queen (5)

When I woke up the next day, Tan ZiHe was already gone but that worked just great for me. After getting dressed in a light pink top and a black business skirt, I said my goodbyes and made my way to my family's company 'Sugar Smiles.' Walking into the building many of the employees gave me different kinds of congratulations and greetings. I was happy with the acting skill that I got from Mayumi's world. Not only did it let me put on a perfect performance, but it also let me see behind other's words, my own personal lie detector.

Going to the top floor, I was greeted by An Su Mei's loyal assistant, Li Na. Before I could even put my bag down, I was engulfed in a hug. "Miss An, I so happy for you or maybe I should call you young madam Tan." She said with a smile.

Sitting at my desk, "Thank you, I wish you could have been there to celebrate with me." I told her. Li Na shook her head while still giving me a smile, "I wanted to be there as well but I had to be there for my grandmother." She said giving me a sad pout.

Waving my hand, "No problem, you know I believe in the value of family. Now tell me about the little project I asked of you, is everything going as planned?" I asked her while picking up the files that needed to be done today.

"Everything is going great, I already spoke to our inspector in the police and they were able to follow the lead you asked for and found only one paper that could be related." Li Na said getting into business mode.

Looking at the paper Li Na was talking about I could only frown, I now understood why this world enemy is so hard to catch. Dismissing Li Na, I let out a sigh and looked out the window, 'I guess I'll have to follow the flow of the world if I want to solve this problem.' I thought.

Finishing all my work before lunch I told Li Na that she could leave early once she finished her ongoing work for the day. I then made my way toward 'Cafe CoFe', hoping to bump into the female lead. According to Momo, this would have been where she first met the second male lead and they would continue to have surprise run-ins with each other.

Sitting around and drinking a delicious cup of hot chocolate and eating a strawberry crepe, I waited for my target. Just as I was digging into the fluffy crepe I heard a scream and dishes falling to the ground. Looking up I saw a petite blonde on the floor with a fruit drink spilled all over her yellow dress and tears forming in her eyes.

"Look at what have you done!" An old man yelled.

Getting up on shaky legs, "I'm sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going, I apologize." She said in a small voice.

"You think saying sorry will make everything better! Look at my suit, I have an important meeting this afternoon!" The man yelled.

Walking over toward the situation, I stood in between the man and the female lead giving the former a smile. "Sir, if you're really upset about your suit I don't see how yelling at the poor woman will the problem," I said calmly.

"Who are you!? Mind your business!" The man yelled getting upset that this unknown woman got involved.

Helping the female lead up, "If you are worried about your suit, all you need is to go change before your meeting. By yelling here all you're doing is making a bad image in the public eyes." I said turning back to him.

The female lead easily picked up on my meaning, "She's right, I'll pay for your suit to get clean and a replacement so you can still get to your meeting."

The old mand looked at the female lead and completely rebuffed her claims, "From the looks of it you couldn't possibly afford to pay for the damages. Do you know how much this suit cost?" He said crossing his arms.

I could tell the female lead wanted to say something in response to the man's claim, "Listen to you talk in such a manner. I didn't know that you could read minds and know how much someone is worth just by looking at them." I told him with a smile.

The man started to talk but I cut him off, "If you are so powerful, then I'm sure you can look at me and figure out my worth." I said waiting for a moment and when he still didn't speak I started talking once more. "Let me tell you, this particular suit doesn't cost much and I can easily get four and in different colors," I said smiling.

By the time I finished the door opened and Boris, my bodyguard walked in holding a fresh pressed suit bag. He brought the suit over and offered it to the angry old man, "Here you go a nice suit that looks completely the same as the one you're wearing." I told him giving him a bright smile.