Sugar Queen (6)

"What is this?" The old man asked giving me a confused look. Still smiling brightly, "Why it's the new suit so you can make your important meeting. Wasn't this whole situation caused by your very special suit getting ruined?" I asked tilting my head.

I watched as the old man turned red from anger, "Listen! I don't know who you are but you better mind your business!" He yelled pointing at me.

Giggling, "I'm a person whos peaceful afternoon was ruined because of this whole event. Now I understand being upset when your outfit is ruined especially when you somewhere important to be, but it's a limit to how upset you should be. This poor lady already apologized and offered to pay for damages but that wasn't enough for you. If you are truly going to go so far it's better to replace the suit and forget the whole thing; that way we all can resume our day." I said with my arms crossed.

The crowd looked at the man with disappointed eyes, fully agreeing with my logic. The man seeing those stares pointed his way, he grabbed the suit from Boris and storm off, but not without giving me a glare.

Once he was gone, I walked back to my table to finish my lovely afternoon dessert. Sitting down, the female lead walked over and smiled at me. "Thank you for your help." Fan MeiLi said. Looking up I gave her a smile, "Don't worry about it, I was just a little upset that he was yelling about and ruining my day."

"How can I pay you back for your help?" Fan MeiLi asked.

Resting my head on my hand, I looked at Fan MeiLi in wonder, 'Momo is it a fundamental law that the female lead has to be so cute.'

[Dear host, my boss makes the leads in the way the people of the world would always accept. With that in mind, my boss gave this female lead a white lotus aura to help her along the path of her destiny.] Momo explained.

Listening to Momo, I could only nod my head and stand up, "You don't have to pay me back, everything I did was for my own interest. Now you have a nice day." I said placing my money down and grabbing my bag.

Walking toward the door, Fan MeiLi hurriedly grabbed my hand in order to stop me. "Before you leave, can you at least tell me your name?" She asked in a small voice. Looking over my shoulder I gave her a small smile, "An Su Mei." I said and walked out the door.


Fan MeiLi's PoV

When I bumped into that old man, I could tell from his reaction that he wouldn't accept my apologies but I had to say sorry for my carelessness. As he yelled at me I tried to keep calm but when the other customers started to stare I felt scared. Standing back up on shaky legs, I tried to say sorry once more but was only greeted by the old man getting more upset.

Hearing about how expensive the suit was I offered to pay for the cleaning, but then he talked about a meeting that he had to get and I was at a lost for words. I didn't know what to do especially in front of all these eyes and it only made me sadder. Just as I was going to bow and apologized again, I heard a sweet voice.

Looking to my side, I saw a beautiful lady in business attire walking over to me and giving the old man a cold stare. Helping me stand up steady, she gave me a warm caring smile and then return a cold glare to the old man. After completely turning the tides around and making myself into the poor victim, it made me look at her in shock.

Who was this woman that strode in and helped me as a white knight? When she made the old man leave I followed her to her table, hoping to get to know her better. She even refused to let me pay back the cost of that suit or help her for her favor, all she did was give me a bright smile.

Seeing her grab her bag and getting ready to leave I did the only thing I could and grabbed her hand. Stopping in her track the lady looked at me and I asked for her name in a small voice and a nervous heart. The beautiful lady gave me a bright smile and told me her name, 'An Su Mei.' She left before I could ask her more, looking at the door I hoped that I'll meet that kind lady once again.