Sugar Queen (10)

"Let me pay for a meal, maybe lunch. I don't have much else but please let me do this as an offer of my gratitude." Fan MeiLi asked me with wide eyes. Not caring much about the who situation, I nodded my head, "Do as you wish. You may get my contact information from Zi He Ge." I said then walked away.

While walking away I heard Tan Zi He say goodbye in a very kind voice before joining me at the door. In the car, the two of us didn't speak once more even though I could tell my dear husband had something pressing on his mind. I did feel sorry for him a little bit, he finally meets someone he truly likes but he can't have her without hurting me. Closing my eyes, 'Don't worry, I create an opportunity for both of you to have a happy ending.

Finally, back at the Tan Manor, I got out of the car and made my way to the door when I was stopped by Tan Zi He. "Su Mei, we need to have a talk." He said in a low voice. Stopping in my tracks I looked over in my shoulder with confused eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"About Miss Fan, I..."

Walking back quickly and covering his mouth, "Those words that are on the tip of your tongue, don't you think they shouldn't be spoken where anyone could hear." I said with a smile.

Realizing he almost made a mistake, we made our way back inside and into our room. Sitting on the bed, "Now, tell me what you have on your mind." I said with my legs crossed.

Letting out a deep breath he sat next to me, "You told me that if I ever met someone I like then we should get a divorce, correct?" He asked looking at me.

"Are you telling me you wish for a divorce, only one day in on our marriage."

"No, I..."

"I'm mean if you really did find someone who made your heart flutter, then I won't get in your way," I said.

"Su Mei, that's not what I..."

"We'll have to find a reasonable reason to tell our families but I'm sure the two of could figure something out." I finished closing my eyes.

"Su Mei! Stop" Tan Zi He yelled startling me. With my eyes wide open I just stared at him, "I didn't say anything about divorcing you so stop talking about that topic." He said giving me a cold stare.

Standing up, "I only mention this particular topic only because I started to feel something for a certain lady. I don't know where these feeling would lead me but if it progresses to something more than I just want to let you know." He said.

My heart actually felt tight when he started talking about another woman, I guess it was the feeling leftover by the original host. Also standing up I held Tan ZiHe's hand, "Listen Zi He Ge, no matter what happens I'm still your friend. As your friend, I wouldn't want you to live a sad life no matter what happens in the future."

"Su Mei" Tan Zi He said giving me a sad smile.

"Now if you'll excuse me I going to get ready for bed." With that said I left Tan Zi He in the room with his thoughts.


Fan MeiLi's PoV

When Tan Zi He and his wife left I felt a little sad seeing Tan Zi He figure walk away from me. Sitting back down I was met by my bestie giving me a curious stare. Choosing to ignore her look I worked on finishing my meal. "Are you really going to just eat and not explain." Su Lulu said.

Raising my eyes as I sip my soup, I put the spoon down, "What's there to tell?" I asked.

"Um, how about the sparks flying between you and Mr. Hottie."

"You mean Mr. Tan, married to the nice lady who also happens to help me when I was in a troubling situation," I stated.

"Oh, MeiLi, I didn't mean anything by my words. I know you're not that kind of woman, it just that I felt like something was between you two." Lulu said giving me sad eyes.

I could only let out a sigh, my best friend is too good at reading my emotions. When I first met Tan Zi He I just thought he was a very attractive man. Then when he helped me earlier my heart wouldn't stop fluttering, he felt like my knight in shining armor. What Lulu said is correct, I'm not a type of woman who would break a marriage but it was getting harder every time Tan Zi He came on my path.

Seeing him tonight, I started to believe that maybe it was fate playing their hands to keep having me meet Tan Zi He. But when I saw who he was married to I quickly put those thoughts in the back of my mind. The kind lady who helped me is also the wife to the man that made my heart skip a beat, and I couldn't possibly wish to hurt either of them.

When I contact his wife to repay her I'll put my feeling away and never act on them, I will respect him like a boss and love him from afar. Leaving the restaurant, I made this vow and I could only hope that I won't become crazy and never break it to be with Tan Zi He.