Sugar Queen (11)

A whole week went by since my conversation with Tan ZiHe. Ever since then the mood between us has been awkward whenever we are left alone. Of course, I had Momo spy on the relationship between the two leads, but something was weird. I can tell that they both have started to develop deep feelings for each other but Fan MeiLi has started to back away.

'It seemed that the only way for the two to be together is if there's a strife between myself and Tan ZiHe.' I thought with a sigh.

Right now, I was in my office waiting for Li Na to return with an update. Today was the day my sneaky cousin called a board meeting, in hopes of taking my position. Unfortunately, for him, I knew all about his plans and sent a little present for our loyal board members. The company would always rather have a female CEO than a shady one who has a habit of illegal dealing. An Wei should just be a quiet worker and be lucky our grandfather didn't kick him out of the An family.

While I was deep in thought a ding from my computer brought me out of my trance. I broke out into a bright smile, it seems the An family really does have a sneaky mole. Opening the program, it showed me a recently sent e-mail. Apparently, it was telling the receiver about the unsuccessful results of the board meetings. I could only let out a loud sigh as I read the content of the e-mail.

Not only was my cousin super sneaky and annoying, but it also seems he was a puppet. Retracing the e-mail, it looked like it was sent from a person named Tang Mei. Giving that name to my info squad not only minutes later was I given a full biography on Miss Tang Mei. According to her file, she was an excellent employee. Got into the company on high recommendation, always a team player, and a quiet lady who keeps to herself.

'Momo, in the original version, did An Wei take over the company when An Su Mei was kicked out.'

[Yes, he was the majority voted by the board members, dear host.] Momo said.

Leaning back in my chair I closed my eyes and smiled. 'So, my enemy wants to hide and also send a honey trap, very interesting.' I thought. Standing up, I sent my findings to Tan ZiHe and the location of the receiver.

'You want to play games, fine, let's play. A game of cat and mouse that is, I can't wait to see you run!' I thought walking to the sofa just as Li Na came in to give her report.

Tan ZiHe's PoV

I was out on a business lunch with my partners when I got a text from Su Mei. I could only sigh, seeing the information that my friend is working hard to capture an enemy of ours. But I'm stuck in my head because of a petite blonde. Fan MeiLi started t distance herself from me and no matter what I did she would run. I couldn't blame her because what right do I have to put her in a role that I know the whole world would see and say.

Every time I see her back away, I want to her hold her tight and explain everything. About the secret plot, my marriage, and An Su Mei. Pocketing my phone, I tried to forget my struggles and focused on my meeting. When I got back to the company building to pick up some documents, it started to downpour.

Taking a glance out my window I saw Fan MeiLi running in the rain. Having my driver stop, I called out for her only to have her look at me in shock. "Miss Fan, would you like a ride?" I called out.

"No, it's fine. I'll catch my train if I run." She said and was about to continue running when lighting stroke above us. Opening the door, "Miss Fan, I think it'll be safer if I escorted you home." I told her in a cool voice.

Before she could refuse again, "Look, your soaked and because of this downpour, your train might be a delay. With me, you'll be able to get home and be warm faster." I told her with a smile. She looked at the sky and then at me and let out a sigh. Getting into my car she gave me a shy smile, "Thank you, Mr. Tan." Then she looked out the window as we drove off.

Once in the car, I put up the privacy barrier and stared at Fan MeiLi. "Miss Fan, could you explain to me why you are so openly avoiding me."

Turning to me with wide eyes, "Sir, what are you talking about?" She asked.

"Well, you refuse to bring documents to my office. When I'm on the elevator you always wait for the next one. Even now, you rather run in a rainstorm than let me give you a ride home. Now if that's not avoiding than I don't know what is." I said giving her a smirk.

Fan MeiLi opened and closed her mouth and then looked down, "Listen, sir, I just thought that I should have some distance from you."


"I won't lie to you, Mr. Tan. I don't know when but I started to develop feelings for you but I refuse to act on them. You're married and Mrs. Tan is a very nice lady, so the only option for me is to stay away." She said with tears running down her face.

Now I was the one to stare at her in shock, but mostly in disbelief at the knowledge that the girl I let enter my heart for the first time felt the same way as me. Then her words entered my mind and I grabbed her hands in shock.