Sugar Queen (12)

Fan MeiLi's PoV

"No, don't say such a thing! I'll be honest with you as well, Miss Fan, I have deep feelings for you as well." Tan ZiHe said. Hearing his words, my tears started to fall even harder and it felt hard to breathe. Pulling my hand out of his I got as far away as I could in the car and avoided looking at Tan Zi He. 'He can't like me, I knew getting in his car was a bad idea.' I thought.

"Listen, Miss Tan, I know this sounds crazy but I have so much to explain. Just know that when I do everything will make sense." He said in a low voice.

We just stared at each other in silence, I couldn't put my thoughts together fast enough to come to a logical reason. Why would this great man say he has some kind of feelings for me when he is already married. The car came to a stop in front of my building, and I made a hurried rush for the handle but was stopped by a hand on my arm.

Refusing to look at him, I tried to pull my arm out of hands but with no luck. "Let me go, Mr. Tan. Let's forget we ever had this conversation and just go our separate ways." I said.

"No! If I let you go now I know that I'll never be near you again. Please, just let me explain and once I do and you still never wish to see me again I promise you won't have to worry." He said looking into my eyes.

Seeing the sincere look in his eyes and hearing the truth in his voice I could feel his honest words. Not knowing if this would be the biggest mistake in the world for me, I wanted to trust my heart this one time. Opening the door, I waited for Tan ZiHe to join me inside, maybe what he tells me will clear my head and heart once and for all.


Sitting outside on the Tan's patio enjoying a nice watermelon smoothie, I couldn't be happier listening to Momo's report. Finally, it seems that Tan Zi He's has made up his mind and decided to follow his heart. Hopefully, they will both stop being so scared and really take a risk for love, sometimes that's really all one could do in this world.

While I was completely lost in my happy thoughts, I was brought out by the worried voice of Madam Tan. "Oh, Mei-er, it's getting late do you know when He-er is getting home?" She asked sitting next to me.

Nodding, "Don't worry mother, Zi He Ge gave me a call and told me he would be a little late, he needs to finish some documents for a big project coming up. You can go to bed, I'll stay up and wait for him." I told her pulling her up to a stand.

Madam Tan looked at me with sad eyes, "Fine, I'll go to bed but tell He-er that he shouldn't work so late anymore, it's not good for his health."

"I promise everything will be okay, but you know how Zi He Ge can be when he finds a project he enjoys," I told her and watched her go inside.

Sitting back down, I made a call to a little friend of An Su Mei in hopes of learning more about my secret enemy. I got a happy surprise that my little enemy was closer to home for comfort, he was very old and forgotten business rival of the Tan and An family. Phil Lee was just a business guy who was just starting out in China after moving back from America. The only problem was that he never worried about stepping on deals that were owned by bigger companies. After a while, he made some enemies that never forgave or forgot and they worked together to take down Phil Lee. Since he was just a new CEO who arrived in China he couldn't compete with the powers of the Tan and An family. His company soon filed for bankruptcy and no one ever heard from the family again.

The problem is that it is not Phil Lee who is after us but his son Chris Lee who vowed to destroy the companies that took his father's dream away. He builds his own company but kept quiet about his identities all while planning our families destruction. Leaning back in the chair and listen to my contact report, I could only sigh. 'Taking down this guy might be harder than I thought but maybe with the help of Fan MeiLi, I could make it happen. Hopefully, I don't make Tan ZiHe hate me in the process when I offer this plan.