Sugar Queen (14)

Today was the day, the day where I'll finally be finished with this mission world. I don't wish to be mean but being An Su Mei is not my cup of tea, I prefer to slowly take down an enemy that I see all the time. At least today, I'll watch as Phil Lee realizes that he should have learned from his father that my family is not one to fight.

Brushing my hair I couldn't stop humming my happy song, "You're in a good mood." I heard behind me with a chuckle. Putting my brush down, "You should be in a good mood as well, today is the day we'll finally take down Phil Lee." I said with a smile.

Sitting on the bed, Tan ZiHe smile as well, "Yes, I know. Su Mei, I still can't thank you enough for helping me out of this situation." He said.

"Don't even mention it, you where the one who let me know about the plot. Also, if you didn't warn me I would have never known there was a mole in my company." I told him brightly. Pulling him to a standing position, "Now, go meet up with Fan MeiLi so we can start our plan." I said pushing him toward the door.

I was about to close the door when Tan ZiHe stopped me, "Su Mei when this is over I'll talk to both of our families. They are going to be upset because of our fake marriage, so let me take the full force of their anger." He said giving me a serious smile.

I wanted to tell him not to worry, that An Su Mei never felt anger toward him because he followed his heart. Before I could tell him all that he gave me a smile and closed the door, leaving me with a sad frown. 'Tan ZiHe, you really were meant to be the male lead of this world.' I thought while staring at the door.


Walking into the company, I was greeted by a smiling Li Na, "Good morning, Miss An." She said with a bow. Giving her an equally bright smile, "It really is a great morning, is everything ready as I asked for a couple of weeks ago?" I asked while we got into the elevator.

"I have everything prepared, reporters, police, and Mr. Lee will all be at the Rosemary Hotel tonight." Li Na said. As the doors opened, I almost skipped off in happiness, "Great! Everything is great! Since we have all the plans for tonight going right, then let's make the day equally great." I said over my shoulder.

When six o clock came around, I stood from my desk and this time I basically skipped out my office. Li Na also got up and grabbed her purse, "Let's go have some fun!" I said with a smile and which made Li Na giggle with me.

Standing the Royal Hotel's Princess Suite, I got changed into my ruby red cocktail dress. As soon as I was done and walking out of the bathroom, I heard a knock on the door and Li Na rushed to open as I put on my shoes. "Wow, you look stunning" I heard behind me.

Looking over my shoulder I saw Tan ZiHe and Fan MeiLi walking into the room hand and hand. "Thank you, Miss Fan. I dress to impress well, in this case, to take down." I said giving a little pose.

The three of them laughed at my little show, "Su Mei, are you sure you want to go with this plan. We can always figure out another way to trap this guy." Tan ZiHe asked sitting down on the sofa.

Putting on my earings, I shook my head, "No. This guy is tricky and we need to catch him off guard. Since he'll except Zi He Ge having dinner with me, he'll be surprised to see Fan MeiLi. Also, he would never give up the chance to have such a big scandal with the CEO of Tan Corp." I said crossing my arms.

Fan MeiLi stood and took my hands, "Mrs. Tan, I'll try my best to help you and Mr. Tan catch this guy, so don't worry." She said in her small but serious voice.

I squeezed her hand, "When this over I'm sure that we all can have our happy endings." I said giving her a wink and walking toward the door.

"Now everyone, let the game's begin," I said opening the door.