Sugar Queen (15)

I was sitting in the bar area, waiting for Phil Lee's party to arrive. Since he was such a fan of using honey traps, I decided to follow his mindset and use my own. An Wei was more than willing to help me especially since he was in hot water with our grandfather because of his little stunt with the board meeting. When I showed him the file on our little mole, he was beyond furious and agreed to help me with whatever I needed.

I spread a small rumor that found Tang Mei's ears with the help of An Wei help. It said that Tan ZiHe was having an affair and would be meeting his mistress tonight at the Royal Hotel. To make it more believable, I chose the restaurant that had no ties with the Tang or An family and promised complete privacy for their guest. Phil Lee who devoted most of his life on revenge could never resist such a juicy bait to use to take down and humiliate both our families.

Sipping my virgin strawberry cocktail, I was lost in my happy thought with the knowledge that I'll be done with this world in a few hours. My smile disappeared when I heard I heard the matron' dee announce the arrival of Phil Lee. Taking a glance over my shoulder I saw a young handsome man with black hair and dark eyes. 'Let me guess, this Phil guy is this's world second male lead?' I asked Momo.

[Yes, dear host. If the world would have played out in the original way my boss wished for, then the second male lead would have fought the male lead and also try to win over the female lead. He also would have destroyed anyone who got in the way of the female lead's happiness.] Momo explained.

I secretly watched him be seated with Tang Mei in tow as they watched the doors for Tan ZiHe and Fan MeiLi. I smiled and leaned my head and in my hand, what Phil didn't know is that everyone other than the cooks is people from the media and undercover detectives. The reporters were happy to get a story and the detectives wanted to take down Phil Lee. Lucky for me when I was getting a detail report on the guy, I learned that he was involved in a lot of illegal dealings.

Fan MeiLi and Tan ZiHe enter with smiles on their face holding each other close, whispering to each other. When Phil saw them he sat straighter and started to whisper to Tang Mei, probably asking who Fan MeiLi was and where she came from and how they met.

After thirty minutes, I decided that it was enough time and walked over to Phil's table just in time to hear him telling his plans to Tang Mei. "We have pictures and video, there is no way Tan ZiHe will be able to talk his way out of this scandal. This will destroy his image and the reputation of the Tan family and when I attack his company then he won't be able to fight back." Phil said with a smirk.

"That sounds great but what about the An family? Won't they look fondly on An Su Mei as the one who got cheated on?" Tang Mei whispered back.

"Don't worry about her, without Tan's family help that company won't be able to fight me. Once I have the Tan family's company in my hand then the An family won't be able to stand the pressure I put on them." Phil Lee said in wicked voice.

Clapping my hands surprising them both, I gave them a smile, "That plan sounds wonderful but sadly for you, it won't come true." I said tilting my head.

Tang Mei stood in fright, "M-miss An! What are you doing here!?" She yelled.

"Oh! Did I have to report to you where I go, Miss Tang? Since you are so curious, I was playing a game of cat and mouse and just caught a big fat mouse." I said giving Phil Lee an evil smile.

"An Su Mei!" Phil Lee yelled.

"Don't worry, you were a great opponent but I did enjoy the game. Now, I believe our good sirs in blue has some questions for you guys." I said and watched the police come over and grab the two.

"No! Stop! Miss An, we were only here to help you! Your husband is having an affair with Fan MeiLi! My friend works at his company and saw the two, I just wanted to help you get justice." She yelled while she struggled with the cops.

Letting out a yawn, "I would believe you if you weren't a dirty little mole. Also, Zi He Ge is not having an affair when he is a single man."

"What! What are you talking about!?" Phil yelled giving me a weird crazy look.

"Once again I'm sorry, Mr. Phil Lee, but you were just playing the game we laid out. You really should have learned from your father that the Tan and An families are enemies that you can't afford to have in this life."

Tan ZiHe and Fan MeiLi walked over with angry faces directed toward the two, "Don't worry, you'll two will have plenty of times to regret in prison." Tan ZiHe said in a cold voice.

"I hope you two can realize the errors of your ways and become better people. Revenge is a path that will only bring you sadness and hardship. When you serve your time then I hope you come out better, law-abiding people." Fan MeiLi said in a sincere voice.

"With that said, lovely cops please take them away. Also, media personal I hope you got enough information for a great story. But I just want to make sure you all know that Tan ZiHe and Fan MeiLi haven't done anything wrong because we are not really married, and you can quote me on that statement." I said smiling at everyone in the room.