Sugar Queen (16)

[Breaking News! Marriage of the year, Sham!]

[Two heirs join hands to catch an enemy.]

[True love behind the scene.]

Those were just a few of the headlines after the news about my marriage with Tan ZiHe being fake. After finally capturing the mystery enemy bent on destroying the An and Tan family, it didn't even take a day before the story was heard. Many media outlets had already uploaded the confrontation with Phil Lee, also my quote about Tan ZiHe and Fan MeiLi's relationship.

This big news is the main reason I asked both of our families to meet us for dinner before they read about the news. Personally, I believe it's better to apologize at the same time and give both parties a clear explanation.

So that leaves me sitting in a grand restaurant's private room with Tan ZiHe and Fan MeiLi as we waited for our families to arrive. I looked over at Fan MeiLi and a chuckle came out when I saw her face. The sweet girl had gone pale in the face, probably worried about how this dinner would turn out.

Giving her a smile, "Miss Fan, you don't have to be so nervous." I said. "H-huh?" She said startled, probably getting out of her head.

"You don't have to be so nervous. Everything is going to be fine." I said. Still looking scared, Fan MeiLi turned to Tan ZiHe who was giving her a smile. "Su Mei is right. Once we explain everything our families will be calm." He said taking Fan MeiLi's hand.

Fan MeiLi looked at both of us like we were crazy, which only made me laugh. She didn't understand our families, why they were happy to hear about marriage they were more shock. The Tan family always thought that Tan ZiHe saw An Su Mei as a sister. So when they learn about our plan, everything would finally make sense.


Later that evening, I was lounging in my room in the An manor. Now that both families know the whole situation, I didn't see a reason to keep living in the Tan estate. 'Momo, now that I completed the world mission, what should I do?' I asked.

[Dear host, you can leave now or you can live the remaining period of our poor target.] Momo stated.

With my eyes closed, I really thought about the reasons I should stay in this world. While I did enjoy living the life of a rich heiress and enjoying new dessert creations. I wasn't fond of all the hard work of being a CEO, I was never interested in the business world. The only thing left for me in this world would try to keep the An family at the top all while fighting relatives who wanted my position.

Standing up, I looked out the window and smile with my mind made up about my decision. "Momo, I did what I needed to do for An Su Mei, I'm ready for a new adventure," I said out loud.

[Very well, dear host. Preparing exit in 3...2...1...] The world went dark and my soul left An Su Mei's body.


Tan ZiHe's PoV

My family reacted just as I expected they would, a little upset but still understanding. When I took Fan MeiLi home I couldn't help but smile at her nervous frown. Even when I assured her that everything is over and we can all be happy, she said that she felt that some ill-fortune was coming our way. I didn't feel the same way, for tonight I'll sleep refreshed and stress-free for the first time in a long time.

When I woke up the following morning, I had a smile on my face when I went down for breakfast. 'Maybe, I'll take Fan MeiLi out on a date, now that I don't have to worry about the public eye or opinion.' I thought while walking into the dining room when I saw my parents already eating.

"You seem happy?" My mother said looking up at me. Sitting down I gave her a smile, "I am happy, less tired from all the late-night investigations." I told her digging into my food.

"One should be happy with the hard work you put into finding Phil Lee. I just couldn't believe that another Lee thought about taking down our family name." My father said giving me a smile.

I let out a small chuckle when I heard my father's words, that was when the housekeeper came and told my mother she had a call. Getting up to take the phone call, I continue to chat with my father about my future plans. Just as my father was brought up the topic of Fan MeiLi, my mother screamed out in the living room.

"Mother, what's wrong!" I yelled rushing to her side as she fell on the sofa with tears running down her face. "Oh! He-er, it's horrible! Su Mei, poor Su Mei!" My mother cried.

Looking at my father, I grabbed my mother hand and gave them a squeeze, "What are you talking about? What happened to An Su Mei." I asked with concern on my face.

"She's dead! That was Mrs. An, they found An Su Mei dead in her room. She died in her sleep, oh poor Su Mei." Mother wailed.

I sat back in shock not believing the words I heard, An Su Mei is dead without any word or trouble.


It has been five years since An Su Mei suddenly passed away. I was now married to Fan MeiLi, it did take some time convincing my family to accept her but they soon saw the wonderful lady I did every day.

I was worried about the future of the An family and who takes over the family's company. Luckily, Elder An learned from An Su Mei and watched his family members closely. He learned that many of his family members did have good thoughts about how the company should be run. Li Na, who was An Su Mei's loyal assistance learned everything about the company and would follow SuMei's path to keep the company in the image the An family always wanted for the future.

My life couldn't be happier but every year I'll visit An Su Mei's grave to tell her about how the world is progressing every day. I never found out why such a healthy lady could pass away so quickly but I knew she would want me to live my life and not ponder in sadness.