Elemental Priestess (6)

The last two weeks in the West Duke house has been crazy. The night when I came back from the ceremony, my father and brothers were still waiting for me. When my mother told them I was a rare ability user, they cheered in joy. That was when my father declared the West family would be holding a party to celebrate the good news.

Which leads me to my present reality, my mother has been dragging me to countless stores and inviting many tailors so I could have the perfect dress. I did tell her that all this fussing wasn't necessary, but she just laughed and continued her work on me. After an hour of having been dressed up like a doll, I was able to escape to our family's rose garden.

Sitting on the swing bench, I let out a loud sigh with my head down. "What's wrong little sister, not liking the spotlight?" My second older brother, Nate, asked with a sly smile. From the memory of the original soul, Nate also fell in love with Lydia and it drew a rift in the sibling's relationship.

Nate started to believe the rumors about Nadia bulling Lydia and he couldn't stand seeing the woman he loved hurt. He tried to make Nadia stop, but she didn't feel what she was doing was unjust. In the end, Nate joined hands with the crown prince in exiling his sister and getting her disowned from the West family.

'I don't have a problem with him loving Lydia, I just have to break my engagement before any trouble began. If I can do it before Nate, realize his feeling, then no misunderstanding will occur.' I thought while giving Nate a tired smile. "Being in the spotlight is no problem, I'm always in the spotlight as the duke's daughter. It's all the dresses, I really just want a moment of rest."

"Well, get used to mother going overboard. Now that your magic has been confirmed she won't let anything ruin your future. Just take it as a rite of passage as a West child." Nate said sitting next to me.

"Really? I don't remember her acting like this with you or elder brother Nick." I said with a pout. Nate let out a heartful laugh, "That's because our dear duchess is very good at gathering her information. You wouldn't believe how many secret guards she placed around me when I started at the Academy, also she watches so I don't start any scandals." Nate said looking at the sky.

"Really? I had no idea, our mother must really have a great information network."

"Our mother has always been great at gathering any information she needs to help herself. I won't be surprised that she will pass that informant groups seeing as your her only daughter." Nate mention giving me a smile.

Standing up, "That's great for the future but right now I just want a little peace, before my life turns really crazy. I know me having a rare ability will make my name know throughout the kingdom and I probably won't have free time to gather my thoughts." I said facing Nate.

He stood up and patted me on my head, "I don't know what going through your head but you have the entire West family on your side and we'll always help you so you can clear your mind." Nate said then started walking toward the house.

"Would you always be on my side? Even if the entire world wished to go against me and lead me to destruction?" I asked watching his back.

Nate paused in his steps and gave me a confused glanced, but then a bright smile formed on his face. "The future is too unknown so one shouldn't fret too much about the what ifs." He said then walked away.

I tried really hard but I could feel the wicked smile form on my face, 'Momo, I was super wrong this world might be more fun than I first thought' I said bending and picking up a red rose.

[Dear host, I'm sorry but I don't understand?]

'Oh, don't you worry. Just sit back and enjoy a great show, I'm going to show this world how much fun magic really can be.' I told Momo.


I spent two months in the capital city learning about how my powers worked and strengthing my bonds with my family. Tomorrow, I'll start my first day at the Royal Academy, and spend three years there in hopes of raising my powers to the fullest. Usually, those with magical abilities spend more time at the academy before they branched off into their careers but, the king is taking no chances it comes to this prophecy war.

The maids were packing my bags while my mother gave out strict orders about what I need to bring. "Mother, I don't really think I'll need all those ball gowns," I said looking at the three chests full.

"Nonsense! My sweetie, you are not only a rare ability user but also the crown prince's fiancee. You have an image to withhold, besides you really never know when some noble or even the royal family decides to hold a ball or formal party." She said with a smile

Sitting on my bed, "I just hope I can make some fun memories and make some friends."

"You'll definitely enjoy your time, it was one of the best time of life. I also loved spending time with your father and learning so many new things about him."

I laughed and watched my mother finish my packing. We spent the rest of the night talking about the academy and her plans for my future. As I was in bed and starting to fall asleep, I was so ready to be part of my own real live otome game.