Elemental Priestess (7)

It has been two months since I started attending the 'Royal Academy', and I must say it has been a blast. As a person who comes from a non-magical world, having the opportunity to use magic is so fulfilling. At the moment, I was having lunch in the school quad with some other noble ladies who had been blessed with magic. Since we were all in the top level class, it was easy for me to gain information.

One of my mission was to break my engagement with Prince Samuel. Luckily for me, he was in the other top-level class along with the female lead, Lydia Clover. Just like in the original plot, Prince Samuel was very interested in the commoner girl with strong powers. The two could often be found around the school talking or eating lunch not caring about the public eyes.

I had Momo give me daily updates to let me know how far their relationship has progressed. Even with the knowledge of an engagement standing between them, their hearts started to beat for one another. The only difference from the original story, the villainess, Nadia West, didn't raise a fuss about the two beings so close.

'The closer the leads get the better it'll be for me to get an annulment. Especially, when I'll have so many witnesses who could confirm the two's lack of manners. 'Even if I don't care about the two falling in love, it's considered a lack of manners to be so close with one who is not you attended. Sigh, such is a world were formal etiquette is the highest norm.' I thought while sipping some jasmine tea.

"Oh dear! Look over there, it's Prince Samuel and that commoner girl." My friend Rita said glaring at the duo.

"How could they act so brazen when Nadia-sama is right here." My other friend Susan said, seeming very upset on behalf.

"Nadia-sama, are you okay? If you want, we could all go have a talk with that commoner girl and make her understand her place." Susan said with Rita nodding along in her agreement.

"Thank you both, but I'm fine," I said putting my cup down. "Really? So are you going to allow her to be so close to the crown prince." Rita said with a frown.

Standing and packing my belongings to go back to class, "Honestly ladies, I see no problem with classmates getting along with one another. Besides, do you believe if there was something questionable I'll let it side and not say a word." I told them with a warm smile. Rita and Susan looked like they wanted to say more but upon seeing my genuine smile, they could only bottle up their worries.

Getting dressed for my combat class, I heard a startled gasped which had me looking over my shoulder. I saw Lydia and her close friend in school Emelia coming to get dressed for class laughing and talking. "Oh! Lady West, nice to meet you." Lydia said with a smile and a bow.

Closing my locker and flicking my hair over my shoulder I gave them both smile, "It's nice to meet you as well, Miss Clover. It's rare for the two of us to meet especially since the two of us have such a rare ability." I said sitting down and putting on my shoes.

"You're right. I heard so much about you from Prince Samuel, they said you are really strong in combats classes." Lydia said with a smile but in a small voice. I guess she feels nervous about talking about how close she is with my fiance.

"Thanks for the compliment but I heard you are progressing in your training as well, at least that is what the rumors are around the school," I said standing up. "You really are impressive, there are so many rumors around school about you," I said coming closer.

The two ladies started to feel flustered, "Lady West, rumors could be crazy so please don't take them to heart." Lydia said in a shaky voice.

"Of course, now if you'll please excuse me, I need to attend class. As you know a moment, not training could be our downfall when the war begins." I said leaving the changing room. Since my back was toward the two, I never noticed the girls shaky smiles and fear in their eyes.


Lydia's PoV

When the door to the changing room closed, I finally let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding. "That was so scary, the tension was so high that I was afraid to speak," Emelia said sitting down.

"I know, but I was a little surprised," I said opening my locker. "Why?" "Well, I never had a conversation with Lady Nadia West, but I thought she would be more uptight like some nobles here," I said changing into my combat uniform.

"I thought the same as well but she was very calm and kind, so unlike the rumors that go around by members of the West family," Emelia stated. Closing my locker, I had a sad feeling rise into my heart, "She really is a nice noble lady." I said looking at my feet.

Nadia West being so kind only made me feel guilty about my feelings for Prince Samuel. I know it's wrong and me being so close to him, I couldn't help thinking that the two of us were meant to be together. Prince Samuel also told me that he felt something for me but he couldn't break the trust that was put upon him with the engagement of the West family.

Shaking my head and putting on a determined face, 'I can't let my personal feelings get inside my head. I'll think only about getting stronger in the hopes of defending the kingdom of Asteria. Once this war is over then I'll have a proper talk with Prince Samuel and try to figure out what he wished to do for the future.' I thought.

Looking at Emelia, "Let's go we only have so much time to become the best magical user we can be, besides we don't really know when this war will hit the kingdom." I told her while opening the door.

Grabbing my arm, "Then we better become so amazing the kingdom doesn't know what hit them." Emelia said with a bright smile.