Elemental Priestess (13)

Today was the last day of the Academy's training and my group was finishing exploring the 'Selena Springs,' a magical lake that if one drinks from it can greatly raise your powers. Since the springs are so deep in the woods, not many magic users get the chance to see its beautiful sight. I was leaning on a tree with my eyes closed as I waited for the last five in my group to finish with the springs. Hearing footsteps behind me, I raised my guard and waited to see what who was approaching, and now at a faster pace.

"Look at this place! It's so beautiful!" A clear female voice sounded. "Haha, calm down. You do have a point, the 'Selena Springs' is just as the rumors describe. A sight that only once seen can you truly understand the beauty hidden in the crimson woods." A sweet voice also said. Opening my eyes, I saw Lydia and her group coming from the east side. They were happily talking, probably excited that they reached the final location and know that they will go home soon.

When Lydia saw me she stopped talking and which made the others stop and follow her line of sight. Seeing me, everyone gave me a weird look because the two rare magic ability users were not seen together since my engagement was annulled.

'Well, this is awkward.' I thought while giving that group a smile and head bow as a greeting before walking away.

"Wait, please! Lady West!" Lydia yelled running toward me. Stopping in my tracks, I turned and waited for her to get closer, "Miss Clover, what can I do for you?" I asked in a calm tone.

Catching her breath, "Lady West, I have been meaning to talk to you for a while but everything has been crazy since the signs of war started to appear. I wanted to ask for your forgiveness, u-um, about my relationship with Prince Samuel." She said in a smaller voice.

"I sorry, Miss Clover, but I'm slightly confused. Why would you seek my forgiveness for your relationship?" I asked giving her a confused stare.

"I-I'm really sorry. Your engagement was annulled and I feel like it might have been my fault." "Your fault? Miss Clover, now I'm even more confused, did you not read the king's decree?" I asked tilting my head.

Lydia blushed and look at the ground, "B-but!" She stuttered. Smiling, "Miss Clover, I don't really understand why you feel such a way but I can assure you that my engagement annulment had nothing to do with you. As our dear king said, one should marry for love and the simple fact is I felt no romantic love for Prince Samuel." Taking her hand, "That's why I truly wish you two happiness now and in the future, may the goddess bless your union." I said giving her a bright smile.

Not only Lydia but everyone in her group gave me even weirder and confused stares. I'm not really surprised because a noble lady in this world wouldn't behave this way when a childhood engagement has been canceled. Especially, when there is a rumor of another lady involved and the engagement comes from a powerful family.

Leaving them with that statement, I walked back to my group as I saw them finish with the springs. Rita and Susan came over and gave me pity and worry eyes, which only had me giving them a smile. "Nadia-sama, are you okay?" Susan asked with caution. Shaking my head, "I'm fine." "But..."

"Sometimes I believe you guys worry more about me than my own family. I'll tell you what I told them, I'm truly fine about the whole engagement situation." I said as we to grab our bags.

"You say that but what person would be calm when they see the woman who is clearly involved with the reason why your engagement was annulled," Rita explained. She then gave a side glance to Lydia who was leaning down toward the springs. "I can't believe that commoner girl is together with the crown prince. What's more, she acts like she sorry but I bet she super happy that you are no longer engaged." She said with a huff.

Giggling, "I probably would feel the same way as you two if I was in love with the crown prince but just as I told Lydia, I never really felt romantic toward him. Now, shall we be on our way, I believed we spent enough time in these woods." I said and walked in front of the group. The others didn't move for a moment and then they laughed and followed me back on the path that will lead us back toward the capital.


Lydia's PoV

Drinking from the 'Selena Springs' was amazing, I felt the power rushing through my body. "Wow, now I understand why some knights fight in a tournament just to get the chance to drink this," Emelia said coming over. Giving her a smile, "Not only is it the scenery simply breathtaking but just being in this area makes you feel powerful." I said looking the sky.

Passing her cup to the next person, "You know I'm really surprised, how could this place stay so pure while the rest of the woods are in such a dire state." Emelia said as we walked away to give the rest in our group their chance at the springs.

"Young ladies, you know there is a story about these springs," A guy said to our side. One of the imperial soldiers came over, "A story passed around in the knight school is that the goddess saw a wounded animal but had no water to heal its injuries. As the animal was dying, the goddess was crying and one tear enters the animal's mouth and gave it peace at its last breath. She then buried its body in the ground and left the woods. No one understands but only this place change with a huge spring and beautiful greenery full of magic. That's why taking a drink is like getting a small blessing if you're lucky to get to this location." The guard said with a smile.

As I listen to his story it made me look back at the springs, 'A goddess blessing, huh.' I thought.