Elemental Priestess (14)

Five months have passed since the training in the crimson woods, and my first year at the 'Royal Academy' is about to come to an end. Sitting on my bed in my dorm room, I watched as my maids rushed around packing up my room. 'Momo, you told me a little while after I came back from the crimson woods that the war will be starting very soon.' I said.

[Dear host, that is correct. From the knowledge that I obtain of this world, the war the people of this world is scared about will happen any day now.] Momo said.

Listening to Momo, I had no problem with fighting in a war but I would really like to know more about the enemy. Every time I asked Momo to about the other side, the robotic system voice would only give me vague answers. Standing, I grabbed the bag that I had made, it similar to a purse and I used to make quite a fortune in this world.

"I'm going out," I said with a bright smile which had my maids stop what they were doing. "Young miss, if you're going out, allow me to go as well." My personal maid, Lucy said. Shaking my head, "No. You guys have enough to worry about with packing, besides I can protect myself or do you not believe in the kingdom's rare magic ability user." I stated.

"Of course we believe in your strength but for a noble lady going out on her own, it simply improper," Lucy said and the other maids nodded in agreement.

Letting out a sigh, "Listen, ladies, I'll give you some peace of mind. I'm just going to the cafe with the Bear charms that's close to the academy. I'll be there for an hour or two and then I'll return, if I don't you can send an armed guard if you so, please. Now then I'm off." I said in left the room without giving them a chance to refuse.

Once I made it out of the school grounds and then I made my way to the cute cafe ran by an adorable old couple. I was there for 45 min enjoying the cafe's newest dessert when some surprised me by sitting at my table. "Well, isn't this a nice gift for me to see my pretty little savior." Prince Damon said giving me a wicked smile.

Placing my tea down, "I do believe in a lot of things but coincidences are not one of them. So what can I do for you, Prince Damon?" I said in a happy tone. Letting out a whistle, "Even after all this time has passed, you still show no signs of fear." He said with narrow eyes.

"Just like before, I still don't have a reason to be afraid of you. So why are you here? Are you interested in the cafe's new dessert?" I asked taking a bite of the strawberry cream puff.

Grabbing my hand, Damon ate the cream puff off my fork, "Hey!" "You might not have a reason, but I might be giving you one very soon." Confused, I tilt my head, "My pretty little savior, look out at the window." He said taking another bite.

Glancing out at the window, I stood up in shock at what I was witnessing. Magical creatures that lived in the darkness are popping up in the city. "W-what is this?" "Since you saved my life, I thought I should repay the debt." He said standing up which made me follow him out of the shop.

"Are you responsible for this?" I asked already putting up my guard. Smiling, he took my hand and let me to an alley, "Instead of feeling fear, how about anger and regret? To think, the poor guy you saved in the woods is the enemy of your kingdom." "Why?"

"Lady Nadia, I gave your kingdom and your schoolmates some time but it was only for your sake. Now the kingdom of Asteria needs to learn about my kingdom, of the land of Asura." He said leaning in my face.

Looking like he was about to leave I grabbed his arm, "Wait! Let me learn about your kingdom, let's not have a war but live in peace." I said.

"I wish I could but things are already in motion. I already learned about you and I have no doubt that we'll meet again but this time as an enemy. So best of luck, my pretty little savior." He said with a dark smile and then faded away like the first time I met him.

So, Prince Damon is my enemy and now I know I have to fight a forgotten kingdom. Leaning against the wall and watching the chaos that is going on in the city. 'I really can't stand this system, how in the world am I going to complete these missions." I thought while letting out a frustrated groan.