Delicate Flower

Vincent knows how stubborn I am, so while driving to school he filled me up with information about the so called 'Demon King'; the heir of the Y Corporation. The Yuan ancestors are actually the founder of Xin City High so this alone shows how powerful they are. Aside from Xin City High they also own lots of businesses ranging from Marketing up to the Entertainment Industries. They also own hotels and resorts, an airline and several estates. I really can't enumerate all of them.

Anyway, everyone knows this. What I am after is actually his deepest darkest secrets. Vincent's network is very reliable, so I know that I can get something useful from him. I need to counterattack!

When we arrived in the campus several students are already inside, majority of them crowded in the parking area like fans waiting for stars to walk the red carpet. I grimaced as I scanned the scenery outside.

"I already told Mr. Shin to pick you up later." he said as he maneuvered the vehicle to park at his usual parking space.

"Thanks" i said not looking at his direction.

"El..." he said, calling for my attention. I moved my head to look at him. I can clearly see how those green orbs of his flicker with worry.

"Don't worry. I know that associating myself with such a dangerous person will only lead to complications and you know how I despise getting entangled with trouble." I said in a calm reassuring voice. I glanced outside and added "You alone is trouble enough, how can I handle living in a world with many female beasts as enemies? Me, a delicate flower against all these hungry beasts... Ahhh.. how tragic." I said in a very sorrowful manner.

Vincent rolled his eyes. I giggled and winked at him. Then my expression changed into an indiffrent one. "Let's go." I said in a calm voice before opening the door getting out of the car. Welcoming the long day ahead of me.

Vincent chuckled as he also got out of the car. He can hear girls calling his name, greeting him 'good morning'. He saw that the crowd gave Elrae a path to walk through, he smiled at her small back getting farther away from him. Warm evident in his eyes as he also went to the direction of the MAC building.


As I walk towards our classroom, I can hear girl's talking about me. They didn't even bother lowering the volume of their voice when they saw me come near. I ignored them and continued walking forward. I was in the doorway of our classroom when 3 girls blocked my way.

I raised an I brow at them and said "Oh, How grand! I didn't expect to be warmly welcomed early in the morning." I said with a hint of sarcasm.

The three girls were stunned with my words. I rolled my eyes subconsciously. Ugh! How irritating! It's so hard being so beautiful. Men and women tend to flock around you and invade your personal space.

The one in the middle is called Irene Sy a senior year SBC student. She came from a rich family who owns a paper company. On her right is Dian Lim is a junior student from MAC while the one on the left is Myra Ong a junior SBC student. Irene is the president of Vincent's fan club. She hates me so much that she always find time to appear where ever I go and of course try to bully me with her immature words. They really can't do anything that could hurt me physically so they try to use all their brain cells in trying to provoke me using their irritating voices.

The more you hate the more you love. I won't be surprised if in the future they are already head over heels in love with me,

I shrugged and walk past them. I'm tall and physically fit so walking past these sticks is not a problem. When I entered the room everyone's attention was outside the window, it seems like more gorgeous creatures arrived in school. I scanned the room looking for Alyssa but I guess she hasn't arrived yet. I can't be bothered to join in the fun. As they saw me, they parted ways and moved away from my seat. I sat down without glancing at them. I took out my phone and headset out of my bag and started to listen to music; waiting for the school bell to ring.