Pokemon Ball

*Last period in the afternoon*

They say that time flies when you're having fun. But I'm not having fun! Why does it fly so fast?! Did I scare it? Ugh... This is the first time that I would wish not to hear the school bell ring. I was really confident when I arrived this morning, but I was becoming anxious as time goes by.

But just as I finished thinking this, the school bell sounded. I closed my eyes and pep talked my self. I must do this and end this as fast as I could. I just need to act more terrifying than the devil himself. With this in mind, I started gathering my things, shoving them into my bag. When I was near the doorway I felt like someone is looking at me. I looked sideways and saw a pair of clear black eyes looking at me. I recognized that person immediately, it was Alyssa. When she saw me look at her direction, she stiffly slightly bowed her head. Her seat is near the doorway so it's only natural for me to pass by her. She was talking to some of our classmates and when they noticed her actions they also looked at me, I raised my eyebrow at them before exiting the classroom.

I was still near so I heard a girl classmate of mine say to Alyssa "Alyssa.. you're too kind. You should just ignore that person. Don't get yourself involved with her.".

I grimaced and continued to walk. I can already imagine Alyssa smiling at them with her signature kind smile. She always does that every time the other girls try to gossip about me.

I can't really consider her as a friend, we are not close enough for me to call her that. We can be considered as mere acquaintances. Even though Vincent and her are in a relationship, everyone in school doesn't know this. She may get hurt if this news leaks out. Those girls in his fan club might act like angry citizens hunting for a witch.

She also is not allowed to talk to me since my reputation is not much better than Vincent's. Since every one knows that Vincent and I are close friends and is trying to bully me because of my friendly relationship with him, they might think that Alyssa is gaining access through me to get closer to Vincent. They might also try to provoke me by bullying her.

They have been dating for 2 years now. It must be really hard for Alyssa to act like a nobody while other girls flock around her lover. Alyssa came from an average family, her mother is a nurse in one of the Gu families hospital while her father is an accountant in one of our company. She have an older sister who is already married and is living abroad. She also have a 6 years old younger brother.

At first I thought that she is a gold digger and is only interested in Vincent's good looks and money but I changed my opinion of her after two years. For two years, she wasn't introduced to the Gu family as the second young master's girlfriend. Every year during Vincent's birthday parties, she wouldn't come. One day I asked Vincent why he didn't introduce Alyssa to the family yet. He said that it was Alyssa's request. She doesn't want his family to think that she is only after their money. She said that she will only introduce herself when she earns a name for her self. When she becomes worthy enough of becoming the lover of Gu families second young master.

I remember laughing when I heard that and happily congratulated Vincent for finding such an adorable girl. He only chuckled and teased me in return.

I was lost in my thought and didn't realize that I was already in front of the cafe. I pinched my left forearm and cursed at myself. I need to focus on my own ordeal than worry about others love life.

I took out my mobile phone from my pocket and sent a message to Mr. Shin, I said that I am in the cafe in front of the school. I don't want to trouble others, I know that Mr. Shin might get worried if he can't find me inside the campus.

I placed the phone back to my skirt's pocket. I lifted my chin up and straightened my back before I elegantly walked inside the establishment.I stood in the entry way, scanning the place. I'm looking for a devil, and throw a pokeball at him once I see him.