
If this is a webtoon then I am sure that a smoke is now hovering over my head while my eyes turn into red-hot flames ready to burn this pervert of a brother. I was about to shout unsophisticated words at him when we suddenly heard a clapping sound by the bedroom door. We both looked at its direction and saw a tall slim figure elegantly leaning against the door frame.

"Qian honey~ stop teasing your sister. You are not a child anymore. Why not tease mommy instead?" a cheerful clear calm voice echoed inside the room.

Qian shook his head as he chuckled at our mothers' remark. He walked towards our mother and kissed her on her cheek. "You're no fun mom. You won't react like how Elrae does when I tease her. You won't erupt like a volcano as she does." Qian said to mother as he places his right arm over her shoulder.

My mother faintly laughed before pulling my brother's ear painfully making him utter "ouch!" in the process. "Go ask for your sister's forgiveness." mother said as she pulled him by the ear.

"Ow- Ow--- Fine, Fine... I'm sorry dear. Won't ever happen again." my brother said in a very gentle yet pitiful tone of voice. I shrugged my shoulder as he pleadingly looks at me with that pair of sky blue orbs of his.

"You are not a child anymore. You should stop your childish tricks, Mr. Qian Tan." I said sternly.

"Hmmm... It must be the face. I do have such a handsome baby face that--" Qian retorted. I didn't let him finish, I won't give him the pleasure of bragging to the whole world how awesome and handsome he is. (-.-)

"Yeah... Yeah... cut the whole narcissistic speech brother dear. I already know the whole script. Your face won't change the fact that you just acted like a pervert to your sister. I am not 10 or younger anymore, stop treating me like a child."

"Oh... How mature of you little miss. The boys at your school must have been turned off by that grandma attitude of yours." Qian smirked at me.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Hmmm.. Who was the one who bullied and threatened all those young boys who confessed to me before? Oh... right... YOU! Qian Tan! You better stop interfering with my relationships. I know how to handle things myself." I coldly said to him.

Qian only shrugged his shoulders before saying "I'm just a concerned citizen here. Your brother is trying to protect you from the beasts in the wilderness."

"Concerned your face! You enjoyed it." I said to him as I massaged my temple with my index finger.

"Okay, that's enough children. Your father is not in an excellent mood right now so you both better behave yourselves. Let's all go down and enjoy lunch together." mother said in a calm happy tone of voice. She then turned around to leave the room. Both I and my brother turned to look at each other, communicating with our eyes. We both sighed at the same time as we quietly follow our mother into the dining area.

The maids downstairs are moving non-stop. They are busy moving things inside the house. I raised my eyebrow when I saw the number of things they are carrying. "Are those yours?" I suspiciously asked Qian as 4 men lifting a brand new full-screen TV pass us.

Qian shook his head. "Nope. I will only stay here for less than 48 hours. Why would I even bring this much stuff?"

So who- oh... right... Our parents are also at home at the moment. I followed Qian as he strode in the dining area. When I arrived there, I saw a man sitting at the head of the table with a laptop facing him. He didn't bother moving his gaze away from the object in front of him as he furiously types on it. His brows are furrowed together as he concentrates on his work. This workaholic man is no other than the Head of the Tan Family and my biological father Simon Tan.

My mother sneakily went up behind my father's back and in seconds the laptop in front of him was shut closed. Father angrily glared at his wife as mother sat down on the chair at his right side. "I was almost done!" a cold low voice sounded in the now very quiet room.

Mother sneered at him. "You were only playing 'Hangman' Simon Tan! That stick man wouldn't die no matter how many times it hangs on that pole."

Father glared at her before lifting his hand to signal butler Yan to come closer to him. When Mr. Yan reached behind him, he gave him the laptop and icily instructed Mr. Yan to burn the poor thing.

I rolled my eyes at my father's antics. My brother merely took a sip on his freshly brewed coffee and didn't utter a word. Mother didn't look at him as she moved her hand to grab a bread in front of her in a chic manner. Mr. Yan secretly looked at me as he received the laptop. I gave him a slight nod as he went to his original position. This is great! I will have a new item to sell online later.

"So, I guess you both had a bet and the unlucky person who lost is father?" Qian stated in a calm tone of voice, breaking the eerie silence.

"Yup!" mother happily confirmed as she brightly smiled at her husband.

"Your mother cheated," father said.

" I did not!" mother retorted.

"If you didn't wear an inappropriate clothe earlier, I would have surely won," Father said as a matter of fact.

"What was it about this time?" I said, joining in the conversation.

"We rode our bikes and raced. Whoever gets here first, wins." mother explained.

"You brought bikes? Cool! What's the model? Is it the latest one?" Qian excitedly inquired.

With a wide grin on her face, mother charmingly answered "We rode Bicycles honey~"

Qian's smile immediately turned upside down. I couldn't suppress my laughter as I saw my father's dark face and my brother's awkward reaction. This is epic! My mother only winked at me as she continued on shoving a lot of food onto my father's plate.