Qian's smile immediately turned upside down. I couldn't suppress my laughter as I saw my father's dark face and my brother's awkward reaction. This is epic! My mother only winked at me as she continued shoving a lot of food onto my father's plate.

I tried my best to calm myself, I wiped the tear on the edge of my eye with my finger. I happily turned my head to look at my brother who is now helplessly shaking his head as he watches our parents fight over food. My mother is now holding a spoon full of ginger soup which she loves. My father is staring at it with horror as he leaned back on his chair. My father who looks cold and indifferent is now staring at a spoon full of ginger soup with absolute terror in his eyes. Mother slowly moved her hand closer to her husband with a wide grin on that beautiful face of hers. Father took a deep breath before he moved his body closer to his wife. He opened his mouth and ate the ginger soup that he despises.

Qian then stood up and walked out of the room. He wasn't gone for long, a maid is now following behind him with a tray in hand. With a smile on his handsome face, he motioned for the servant to place the tray on the table. I can see colorful pastries with different shapes and sizes. He respectfully offered one pastry to father which the latter gratefully accepted, Qian knows how to curry favor from our parents. (=.=)

Qian returned to his seat. "So the reward for the bet is?" Qian asked.

Mother turned to look at him before saying "Your father is very picky about food. He avoids those which are beneficial for his health so I challenged him on a race. If I win he is going to eat herbal foods and vegetables for 6 months. If I lose then I will never force him to eat the food he hates ever again. It is too favorable for him so he didn't argue with me but of course, I will not let him win that easily." mother cheerfully explained as she picked up one of the pastry and elegantly shoved it into her mouth.

Father didn't say anything as he silently ate the food mother placed into his plate. I also started eating as I silently listened to my brother and mother talk about some random stuff they encountered during their trips. After eating his fill, father grumpily stood up and headed towards his study. The three of us remained for a while to catch up and report to mother the things that she already probably knows ahead of time. Well, she is my mother so checking her daughter's well-being is a responsibility that every parent must diligently not forget. I just don't like the fact that my parent often uses me or my brother as their target for their weird hobby.

Simon Tan is a 41-year-old business tycoon. He established his own company, way before the Tan Clan even transferred their businesses to him. He also looks like a typical CEO protagonist described in novels. From head to toe, his features are handsome that I would even question myself if my brother is my father's son. (-.-) Fine, it is evident that we are indeed our parent's biological children basing on our gorgeous looks and MY awesome personality. Simon Tan is known in the Business world as the 'Strategist'. His colleagues came up with this nickname after experiencing his sometimes weird yet advantageous business approach. Other people see him as the cold and indifferent CEO of the Tan Family Corp who is very hard to please and a terrifying enemy. Mother is the only one who have the guts to challenge this so-called 'Strategist' into petty bets for fun.

Zinith Mae Qin Tan is a 39-year-old actress and writer. She is the second daughter of the main house of the Qin family. She is known in the entertainment industry as the 'Mask'. Yeah, it is a weird name but this accurately describes my mother's image in the entertainment industry. She may be over 30-year-old but her face is still as young as a 20-year-old university student. She can also portray very well whatever role she is given which will make you believe that the character she is acting as if it's the real her. It's like she is wearing a mask every time she acts, the mask of the character. During her interviews, she is all smiles and polite making those malicious reporters who wanted to provoke her end up with contorted facial expressions. My mother is also a writer. I do respect her for being able to balance both of her careers at the same time. Because of her, I was encouraged to read a lot of books during my free time. She would often let me read her handwritten drafts as she types new chapters into her computer.

Both of my parents are awesome and great in their fields. They are respected and being idolized by many but those people don't know that this power couple is only a pair of eccentrics in real life. Mother is a thrill seeker and a gambler. She does her action films without a double because she thinks that the thrill of being thrown in the air in fight scenes is an enjoyable and exciting experience.

Father, on the other hand, loves challenges. There was a time when he purposely almost bankrupt his company and then saves it afterward. His reason? He said that he was bored.

My parents have never crossed paths before they were set in an arranged marriage by both families. They first met in my father's office after mother unexpectedly barged in uninvited. She outright challenged my father in a duel to see if he is as great as to what her parents told her. She told him that if her husband to be is not worth it then she will announce publicly that the so called great stategist of the business world is merely an idiot with strong backing. Of course father won't let an arrogant little princess dirty his image so he accepted the challenge. In the end mother lost and have to publicly announce that she fell in love with him and it was love at first sight. Actually, mother had a childhood sweetheart once but he passed away at a very young age due to an illness. She still haven't moved on by the time she got married to my father. Father, on the other hand, took this as a challenge and later on won my mothers heart which resulted in my brother being born.

My existance in this world is due to a very embarassing reason. Really! I prefer not knowing the truth! You see, I was born because of a bet. A bet that my parents started while drunk. UGH!! Absolutely rated SPG!!!