
The girls nervously turned their heads to look at me. I smiled sweetly at them, showing my cute little dimples. "What is it?" girl 1 asked in a small voice, it seems almost like a whisper.

I took two steps forward making them take a step back. I wonder why they are so afraid of me. Well, it is a given that they are still first years so they might feel intimidated by their senior but something feels off. I stopped walking and looked at each of their faces. I'm not familiar with them, which means that they don't belong to the group of girls who are always trying to harass me everyway possible.

"Tell me the exact words Young Master Yuan said this morning." I said, direct to the point.

The girls looked at each other then girl number 2 cleared her voice before saying "Master Neo said 'Who ever lay a hand or disturb the Young lady of the Tan family will be punished severly. This is a warning to everyone, no one is exempted.' He.. he said that and then left together with his friends."

What?!! He announced such a thing? It's like a gangster saying to not touch his property. But I am not his property! I want to yell these words right now but I have to keep my cool and indifferent image so I stayed poker faced. "Is that so. Are you sure? Maybe you heard wrong." I said in hope that this is just a joke.

"N-no... There's even a forum on the school's webpage about it. Everyone in school now knows about Young Master Neo's.... affection-" Girl number 1 was not able to finish her statement because I already cut her off.

"Stop." I said with a very sweet smile plastered on my beautiful face. I stopped her from continuing her sentence. What affection? Maybe you mean affliction! What happened to being a secret? How can he cause even more trouble for me? Doesn't he know that because of his actions, his girls will now label me as their public enemy number one?

"Alright, you can go now. But remember, do not tell anyone about our encounter here. Do you girls understand?" I said to them coldly.

The girls repeatedly nodded their heads before scrambling out of the ladies room. I sighed and calmed myself down. Is this his way of making me fall for him? By acting like a knight in shining armour? He just literally made everything worse! Because of this, his fandom will continue to mark me as their enemy even after our 'fake girlfriend' deal is over.

After calming myself down, I went back to my classroom. I acted indifferent to everyone's doubtful gazes. It seems like their back to their old selves as they openly glared at me as I passed by.

Time flew by fast and the school bell rang, indicating the end of last period. I plan on looking for Neo to tell him never to interfere in my life here in school when a commotion suddenly broke out. I heard girls sweetened voices as they demurely act like love sick fools towards someone.

They seem ecstatic for some reason. While me on the other hand is already sweating. Oh please... please... please... Please don't be Neo. Come on. Please be Vincent instead! I silently prayed as the irritating voices come near our classroom.

I do want to confront Neo but not like this! Why can't he just stay aloof and indifferent? He can just stay silent and not care if im being bullied or not. I will still help him break off his engagement without this much trouble! Why make things more complicated as it already is!?

I am standing near the doorway as of the moment because I was actually about to go out the room when I heard the commotion. I took a deep breath and walked out of the room. I can see a crowd of girls line up in the hallway like they are waiting for an actor during the red carpet. It will look too eye catching if I walk away right now because everyone will then focus their attention on me. So I guess I better wait for them to disperse before heading out.

I can see the anticipation in their eyes as they excitedly stare at the direction of the staircase. I rolled my eyes because of their reactions. I better stay inside the classroom. There are a lot of handsome young men in our campus so maybe this is just a case of boys showing off their popularity.

I turned around and headed towards the classroom doorway when suddenly everyone fell silent. Super silent. I can only hear the tapping of shoes on the tiled floor at the moment. I slowly turned to look at the direction where the sound is coming from. I saw him, the sly hot and sexy devil walking elegantly as he pass through the crowd. The crowd would give him space as he and his companions walk through. There are three of them. The boys walking at both of his sides are also handsome. They are also wearing the same poker face as their leader right now. This must be his gangmates. I wonder if all the members of his gang are all good looking.

Wait! This is not the right time to be worrying about that! What is he doing here? Why does he keep on showing up near my building anyway? Tsk... This is not good. I better walk away before he can even approach me. It is not good if his fan girls sees me talking to Neo and his companions. Ugh.... Neo Kei Yuan! Don't even dare follow me and make a scene here! I turned around and was about to walk towards the classroom doorway when I noticed that every girl near me are already standing at the side of the hall. I am now standing in the middle of the hall with the girls eyes focused on me. I didn't hear a single whisper or even murmur among the crowd. They just stood there like statues in the garden.

I snapped back to my senses. But unfortunately, it is now too late because I can now here footsteps just behind me. I sighed and subconsciously prepared myself for a battle of wits when I suddenly saw 3 figures walk pass me. They didn't even stop to look at me. Wha... What just happened? Did they just ignore me? Really?

I stood there stoned on my spot as I watch Neo and his friends approach a girl by the window a few feet away from where I am standing right now.

That girl. That girl with her nerdy attire. It's... It's actually Ms A! So she does belong to the SB Curricullum. No wonder I keep on crossing paths with her and Neo in this area.

"Huh! Look at this girl. Did she really thought that Master Neo came here to look for her? The young lady of the Tan family is so conceited. Oopss... I was wrong, sorry. Adopted Young lady of the Tan family should be the right term." A fourth year student said this as she smirked at me. This remarks made me clench my fists hard, almost hurting myself.

Neo Kei Yuan! You did this to deliberately embarrass me right? I screamed inside my head as I looked at Neo and his friends converse with Miss A.