Miss A.J. Shen

I really want to kick that devil's knee and ask him why he keeps on bothering me. Why not just do his plan in a calm and simple way other than going around the bush and making things complicated for an innocent pretty lady like me?

If I don't have an image to maintain, I will surely go and try to beat that guy and his friends but unfortunately I cannot do so. I don't want him to think that his plan on agitating me is working smoothly so I need to calm myself and act as the cool and indifferent Ice queen the whole campus sees me to be.

I straightened my body and looked at the direction of the senior student who started to bad mouth me. The girl was taken aback by my glare but she composed herself quickly and glared back at me. A mocking smile evident on her lips as she looked at me from head to toe. My eyebrow raised when I saw her actions. Is she looking down on me? The girl then sneered as she whispered something to the girl next to her. My eyebrow raised higher as I saw them snicker.

"My oh my. I don't recall saying something unnecessary. I never said that Young Master Yuan actually came here for me. I wonder how you ended up with such a conclusion senior." I said to her in a loud clear voice. Everyone who heard me started whispering to the person closes to them.

She didn't seemed to be bothered by the current situation. She actually looked confident that she can humiliate me in front of this crowd.

"You don't need to say anything. Isn't it obvious with your actions? Everyone knows that you always leave the classroom later than everybody else, but today you specifically stopped your daily routine to take a glimpse at Master Neo right?"

What?!! Can't a hard working lady like me go home early? I looked at her and smirked. "Ah, I didn't know that I am this popular. I didn't expect that girls also monitor my schedule this closely." I said acting flustered. I sighed and acted as if I'm really bothered by the thought of girls stalking me. "What shall I do? I am not against this kind of relationship among other people but I'm not really into this type of .... uhmm.... bond."

The senior girl and everyone who heard me were bewildered. The faces of some of the girls even turned red, while the boys who came to observe looked very interested in our topic.

"Bond?? What nonsense are you talking about! I am not interested in a country bumpkin like you!" the senior girl yelled in anger.

" Oh! That's right. You are not interested in me. hmmm let's see. You went out of your way just to see Neo. Are you also expecting that he came all the way here to see you?" I said to her.

"You--You-- Wh--what did you just call Master Neo?" she stuttered as she said this to me like I just did something very unbelievable.

"Hmm?? Why? Did I say something wrong?" I asked in an indifferent tone of voice. "I heard a very interesting rumor this morning." I said this as I turned and faced Neo's direction. I was not surprised at all when I saw that Neo and his friends are actually looking at me.

They have this nonchalant expressions on their handsome faces. They look cool and enchanting at the same time especially with a nerd by their side, they look more ravishing than before.

I did not smile or show any exaggerated expression on my face as I faced them but I also did not hide my distaste as I looked at them. "I wonder if what I heard is true or not? I heard that the very popular Young master Yuan announced that whoever caught gossiping or bullying me will be greatly punished. Is it true?" I frankly stated this in a calm yet cold tone.

I boldly stared at those bottomless black orbs of his as he also intently stared back at me. Making eye contact with this handsome creature is very tiring. I do admit that this guy is very attractive especially if he stares at you with interest evident in his eyes, but I am not easily wooed.

"Ehem, Miss Tan. You should act more appropriately. It is rude to stare." The nerdy girl said this with confidence as she slightly moved her body forward, due to her movement she is now standing in front of Neo like a shield against pointy arrows.

"Staring is rude?" I asked. "You are all staring at me right now and I'm the one being rude?" I lightly laughed like I heard a funny joke. "I am not staring by the way. I am boldly checking him out. I was wondering about which color I like more black or green. I guess i like green more. Its cooler." I said this and turned my back to leave. The students around me have a mix of puzzlement and amazement plastered on their faces. I walked a few steps towards the direction of the staircase when I heard a low and cold masculine voice from behind.

"Keannu." Neo only said one word but it felt like everyone who heard it became statues. Nothing else can be heard except for the slow constant sound of my foot steps.

"Miss xxxx a senior of class xxxx. Your family owns xxxx company and is doing pretty good at the moment, unfortunately they have an unfillial daughter who cannot the school rules. You will be suspended for 2 weeks, and will have a bad record. Anyone else who wants to be punished?" the guy called Keannu said with authority in his voice. I remember Vincent mention that Neo has a very resourceful person in his gang and that guy is called Keannu Lu. He is the 3rd son of the Lu family that have a military lineage.

He quickly found out the identity of the senior who insulted me. Everyone's jaw dropped as they heard him. They became pale and in an instant the crowd which was blocking my way separated as if I have a contagious disease. I stayed nonchalant as I slowly and elegantly walked down the hall.

"Hey, xxxx wake up. Oh no! She fainted because of the shock." I heard a girl yell from behind. So melodramatic, she was so brave earlier and now she is acting like a frail little miss.

"Kei, can't you at least give her another chance? She must have not known about the rumor this morning. At least give her a light punishment as a warning." a cute and pleasant voice said.

I stopped walking and turned around to face them. I have been waiting for a while for this, that is why I have been walking like a turtle in a runway show. I know that Miss A would say something to defend those who bully her so called 'rival'. Neo already have his eyes fixed on me and everyone else followed. I confidently smiled sweetly as I said

"This is interesting I wonder what 'lighter punishment' will be given."

"Just go away Miss Tan. You are only causing more conflict here." Miss A said to me harshly.

"And you are?" I said to her as if I am really not aware of her identity. It is true though, I do not know her given name but I already know a few secrets about her. So ironic.

I heard the crowd gasp as they heard my question. Miss A looked at me mockingly. She then said with total confidence "I am Ashly Jane Shen and I am Kei's childhood friend."

I was not able to stop myself from chuckling as I heard her say childhood friend. "A childhood friend. Interesting. Well then friend, you better stop meddling into other peoples affair if you don't wanna get in trouble. You know, you should never fully trust a good looking man. They have many skeletons in their closets. On the other hand, a girl who hides her true appearance with an odd fashion sense like you cannot be fully trusted either. At least try to use reading glasses with grades, it will be a lot more convincing." I said this in a loud clear voice.

"You-" Ashly was about to retaliate but I stopped her by saying. "It is nice of you to protect such a beautiful lady like me Neo but if you can't even match your actions with the words you said then it will only be troublesome. I do not need a fake knight in shining armor." I then turned my heels and walked away faster than earlier.

"Continue with the punishment said earlier." I heard Neo said this as I stepped down the stairs. His cold loud voice echoed in the very silent hallway.