
Vinz massaged his temple as he helplessly leaned on his sit. "I thought my little brother is a genius but look at you acting foolish right now."

"Ugh...You are my big brother not my big sister, so stop with all this nagging Vinz." Vincent said to his brother as he placed his mobile phone on top of the bedside table.

Vinz was about to retaliate when a knock sounded from the bedroom door. He stood up and walked towards the door to open it. The maidservants who were standing outside the room greeted him and Vincent before entering the room with their meal in hand. He helped Vincent get out of his bed and settled him in a nearby chair.

After preparing everything, Vinz then ordered everyone to leave them alone and just come back after an hour. The maidservants then respectfully bowed to the young masters before leaving the room.

Once the door shut close, Vinz turned around to say something to his brother but ended up helplessly shaking his head as he saw Vincent leaning on his chair with a pale complexion. Vincent then moved his head to look at his brother who is now staring at him with those green eyes full of worry.

Vincent smiled at his brother as he said "You're a doctor. You shouldn't look at your patient like that. You should smile and give them a more positive feeling."

"Hey, I am positive. I am positive that I can cure you, just believe in me bro." Vinz smiled at his little brother. He is already set on finding a cure for his brother's sickness.

Vincent saw the determination lit up in his brother's eyes. He smiled at him and nodded his head in response. They ate peacefully as they talk about random topics. The maidservants together with the head butler then came to gather the dishes. After confirming that everything is now okay and that the second young master is comfortable in his room, they then respectfully bowed and left.

Vincent then told Vinz that he wants to go to the comfort room. Vinz then helped his brother stand up and walk towards the comfort room when Vincent suddenly felt his head hurt. He squeezed his head using both of his hands as he fell on his knee with a thud. Vinz then quickly opened the drawer on the bedside table. He hastily retrieved a small vial and a syringe inside the drawer then crouched down beside his brother who is now lying on the ground, groaning in pain. Vincent is now biting his right forearm hoping that the pain will distract him from the pain he is now feeling on his head. Vincent is biting his arm so hard that a trickle of blood started to flow out.

Without hesitation, Vinz grabbed his brother's left arm and injected into his vain the medicine inside the vial earlier. Vincent abruptly stopped biting his forearm, he is slowly calming down and catching his breath. Vinz sighed in relief as he saw his brother calm down after the sudden attack.

"Feeling any better?" Vinz asked.

"Yes, Thanks." Vincent weakly muttered as he try to calm his breath.


Elrae's POV

I watched outside the window as we slowly approached our residence. I dialed Vincent's number one last time, hoping that he might have already turned on his phone. The line wont connect, I sighed as I shoved my phone unto my bag.

Mr. Shin noticed my mood as he worriedly asked "Young Miss, do you want to send someone to check on young master Vincent?"

"Thank you for the concern Mr. Shin but there's no need for that. I'm not his mother for me to check on him like that. It's just uncommon for him to suddenly vanish like this without informing me." I said to Mr. Shin as I continued looking outside the window.

It is very uncommon for Vincent to vanish without even giving me a hint as to where he is going. That and the fact that he left me a card saying about living once is definitely sketchy.

"Understood." Mr. Shin politely answered.

The car parked in front of the house. I alighted the vehicle as Mr. Shin opened the door for me. I was about to thank him when I noticed the car parked a few inches in front of us.

It is a black sports car and I noticed that it is the latest model at the market right now. I didn't need to ask who is the owner of the vehicle because he is already leaning at the side of his car like a model in a magazine. I gently passed my bag to Mr. Shin before I started walking towards the entrance of the house.

I did not even glanced back to see his reaction as I walked pass him. I am now a meter away from him and is almost inside the house when I heard a voice speaking but it is not the devil's voice.

"We are in an On-Off Relationship. It's our 5th time breaking up this year." a proud female voice said

"5th?? Who are you?" a female's small fragile voice asked.

"My name is Elrae Vienne Tan, and yes 5th as in five times. I thought this would be our last and final break-up but I guess my honey is still in love with me and I can't deny my love for him too." a confident voice declared.

I cringed and stood frozen on my spot as I heard those words. The servants who are standing by the entrance to greet me stood there frozen as well and their expressions were of surprise and worry.

They looked down and acted as if the tiles on the floor is the most amusing thing right now. Mr. Yan the butler silently bowed his head and dragged the servants inside the house. Mr. Shin also silently bowed and went inside the house leaving me standing here like a statue. I clenched and unclenched my hand and calmed myself before I turned around ready to beat this creature back to the underworld.

Neo is now standing straight while looking at his phone. He did not even moved his head to look at me as I walked towards him.

I am now in front of him and without a word I snatched his phone, threw it on the ground and stepped on it hard until it cracked and broke down.