
After my little act of violence, I looked at Neo's black orbs as he also looked at me with complete insouciance to the fact that I just destroyed his phone.

"Don't even try reminding me about the fact that you still have a gazillion copy of those videos hidden somewhere. It just feels nice to break a very expensive phone which I snatched from your priceless hand in front of your extravagant car. So what are you doing here your majesty?" I said to Neo like I am not afraid of the consequences at all. So what?! I don't care anymore! I'm done with being calm and understanding in front of this guy. He wants a fake girlfriend? Alright, then I'll give him one but he must pay the price of choosing this goddess as his target.

I won't be lenient with him any longer. He wants to use me? Then I will also use this chance to make a profit out of him. Do not blame this innocent little flower in the future Mr. Neo Kei Yuan.

He raised an eyebrow at me before he went back to his nonchalant expression. "Come with me." Neo said using his sexy baritone voice.

"No" I said to him disinterestedly.

"It's either you wear your uniform inside a high-end restaurant or you go change your clothes fit for dinner in a high-end restaurant? No other options. Now choose." Neo said.

I thought for a moment before answering. "Okay, I will change my clothes first in one condition."

"I said no other--" I did not let him finish. "In one condition, I want you to let me drive your car. Understand?" I said this firmly as if I am talking with a child.

"No." he firmly said with his signature cold and indifferent tone of voice.

I raised an eyebrow at him and didn't even move an inch from where I am standing. We stayed still and fought a deadly battle of staring contest for about 10 minutes before he finally gave in and said "after dinner". He said those two words coldly coupled with a poker face expression on his face, but it was enough for me to give him an ok sign before I went inside the house to change into a more comfortable set of clothes. I didn't bother inviting him in and even told Mr. Yan to not bother with the unwanted-- ehem uninvited guest. If he wants to come in then let him in if not then just let him stand outside in the cold.

After changing, I leisurely took my time walking down the stairs wearing a pair of acid washed tattered jeans, red white round neck shirt and a red colored all star sneakers. The house servants looked at me with a smile on their faces but I can see the worry and curiosity glitter in their eyes.

Mr. Yan patiently waited for my instructions as he stood by the front door. Once I came near him I told him that I will be eating outside for tonight.

"Understood, young miss." he respectfully said as he slightly bent his upper body.

I went out of the door with a nonchalant expression on my face. Neo is now leaning on his car looking devilishly handsome as ever. He is currently engrossed on his phone that he did not immediately noticed my presence. I looked down on the ground near his feet, lying there is the broken and abandoned mobile phone which I stepped on earlier. I am not going to ask him where he got that other phone of his. I am not interested on knowing how many brand new and expensive cellular phone models he have in that expensive car at all.

When he finally noticed my presence, he looked up to look at me. A crease then formed on his forehead as he examined my appearance from head go toe. "I know I'm beautiful, no need to stare." I said confidently. I was about to walk towards the passengers side when Neo reached his long slender arm to grasp my right wrist. I slowly turned my head to look at him. "Ah, are we in the holding hand stage now?" I said to him impatiently.

"Didn't I tell you that we are going to a high-end restaurant? Why are you dressed inappropriately?" he said this as he tightened his grip on my wrist.

"I'm wearing something comfortable not inappropriate." I said to him as I forcefully pulled my hand away from his grip. "If you think that this is inappropriate then just cancel your reservation and lets eat somewhere else because I am not going to change my clothes." I added. I know that I am acting like a spoiled brat here, but I want this guy's blood to boil in irritation because of me. It will be delightful to see that poker face of his crack and shatter in pieces.

He let go of me but he still have that cold gaze directed to me. "Fine."

I secretly smirked as I turned around and continued on walking towards the passenger's seat. I saw Neo enter the vehicle, I rolled my eyes as he started the engine without even glancing at my side. I guess the word "gentleman" is not on his vocabulary.


Meanwhile inside the Tan Mansion:

Mr. Shin and Mr. Yan are standing by the house entrance as they watch the vehicle disappear in the distance. Mr. Shin was about to say something to his old friend when Mr. Yan's phone suddenly rang. He then shut his mouth close as Mr. Yan pulled out his phone from his back pocket. They both sighed as they saw the caller I.D. Mr. Shin took a step back as Mr. Yan answered the call.

Mr. Yan: Good evening madam.

Mrs. Tan: Is Elrae there yet? How is she?

Mr. Yan heard his mistress ask this questions in one breath.

Mr. Yan: Answering Madam. The young miss did arrive already but she left just now together with the young master of the Yuan family to have dinner together.

Mrs. Tan: So she's fine then that's good. Did your master already called to check--

His madam suddenly fell silent. He was about to ask if she was still on the line when he suddenly heard an ear piercing shriek from the other side of the line. He was about to ask if what was wrong when his madam suddenly yelled at him.

Mrs. Tan: WHAT? Dinner?! Together? Are they alone? Is Vincent with them?

Mr. Yan: The second young master Vincent has been away for the past few weeks madam. It looks like he haven't returned in the country yet.

Mrs. Tan: You mean she is alone with a guy aside from Vincent?

Mr. Yan: *clears throat* Yes madam. It-- uhm-- it looks like a dinner date madam.

Mr. Yan cautiously said to his very hyper mistress.

After a second or two the line was suddenly cut off, indicating that the madam already hang up on him. He looked at his friend and comrade, Mr. Shin, who is a step behind him before heaving a sigh.

They both shook their heads helplessly as Mr. Yan's phone rang again. They both know the drill, so Mr. Shin quietly waited for his friend to finish on reporting about the young miss to their employers. He just wish that their young miss can survive her parents and older brother's interrogation.


Next Chapter Preview:

Fadjie Bar... Will the words "small world" be able to explain the situation I am in right now??!! Or is this a set up planned by this devil who is currently holding my hand??!!


Hi! this is me... the author who keeps you waiting... I apologize for the delays in my updates... and I am forever thankful for those who keeps on waiting and supporting ABBD.


1. I just wanna announce that starting tommorow, I will be updating regularly. I will do my best to update 2 to 3 chapters per day. If I will not be able to update 2 chapters then I will update the delayed chapters on the next day.

2. By the way I love reading your comments about the chapters that I released, especially about the characters. I really created the characters on a whim, especially Vincent and Neo. They were on experimental stage since I am not sure how to portray them effectively. That is why I am very happy every time you comment about them. I also like reading your plea for updates, it means you really like the story so I am really touched by this.

3. Honestly, I already have an ending on my mind from the very beginning. I just want to make their journey worth while before the finale. Since I already introduced the important characters to you, so now let's start the "romance" part of the novel.

4. I am new to being an author so I lack in many areas especially since I am very busy with my work and can't have the time to type a new chap. Btw, thank you webnovel and inkstone for your app update. Now I don't have to use the office computer just so that I can update a chapter. I can now use my phone in typing and updating new chaps. Sorry for my long speech, I have little interaction with my readers so I got carried away.


Whose ships did you build? I guess no one is sailing yet.

P.S. Reviews, power stones and comments are greatly appreciated. AGAIN THANK YOU SO MUCH!