
Miss A gently grasp Fei's left arm as she tries to calm her. "It must have been knocked down accidentally. Come on, I will help you clean up in the ladies room."

"It's just water, it won't stain." Neo said with an indifferent tone of voice. Wow, what a very interesting way of saying 'Im sorry'.

Miss A looked troubled because she don't know if she should reprimand Neo or not. Fei on the other hand is glaring angrily at Neo. Some of the waiters came to our table to clean the mess and to know if Fei is alright. Juaqin offered his coat to Fei. He draped his expensive coat over her shoulder and he also gave her his handkerchief. What a gentleman, I told myself as I saw how attentive Juaqin is towards Fei.

I was watching them quietly as I finish the chocolate cake on my plate. Time flew by so fast that I didn't even noticed that we are already eating our desert.

I was taken aback when Fei suddenly glared at me for a moment then back to Neo. Her glare became a frown then the frown turned into a knowing look, and for some unknown reason she is now smiling mischievously. I raised a brow at her.

A crease formed on Miss A's smooth forehead as she looks at her cousins sudden change of mood. "Fei, are you okay? We can--" Miss A asked, concern evident in her clear gentle voice.

"No, I'm fine. Go back to your seat." Fei said to Miss A without even looking at her direction.

"But-" Miss A said with a puzzled look. Fei did not give any attention to her so she dejectedly went back to her seat like a pitiful little puppy abandoned by her owner.

Fei bowed to the other guests and apologized for disturbing their peaceful dinner. Fei thanked Juaqin and the waiter before she sat back to her seat.

"Elrae, are you one of this brat's flings?" Fei said to me without any warning.

My brow raised again at her forthrightness. I looked at Neo who is acting like a rock on the side of the road. Wow, he really has no plan on helping me. Fling??!! I don't even want to be in a same room with this devil and now you are asking me if I am his fling?! I really wanna yell this out loud but I have to do otherwise.

"Fei, that should not be--" Juaqin wanted to reprimand Fei but I did not let him finish.

"No." I said, completely insouciance to the matter at hand.

"I see. So you think he is serious about you?" she said, without even hiding her interest.

"No." I answered her back as if the topic doesn't concern me at all.

Fei lightly laughed, she then turned her attention to the nonchalant iceberg sitting across her.

"Do you know that this cold uncaring prince is already engaged?" her question is directed to me but she is intently studying Neo's expression as she said this.

"Fei, that topic should not be discussed in this kind of place. It haven't been announced publicly yet. Of course she doesn't--" Miss A said. Her voice is warm and gentle with a hint of alertness. She wants Fei to stop but at the same time she is also confirming that Neo is indeed engaged.

"I know." I said, cutting her off.

Everyone's attention is now on me, well except for the iceberg beside me whose full attention is on the wine he is leisurely sipping.

"What? What do you--" Miss A said but did not finish her sentence. A crease formed on her forehead as her voice trailed off.

"Neo told me about it. He said that he is engaged, ah... i mean arranged to marry." I said with a sheepish smile tugging on my lips. "I know that is why I don't think he is serious about me at all." I continued.

"I am serious." Three words. He only said three words but the people around him felt like their time stopped moving.

I wasn't expecting the rock-- i mean the iceberg to intervene in our conversation. He is serious?! Serious about what?!

It looks like Fei is also thinking the same as she straightforwardly asked Neo "Serious about what?!" she said to Neo with a doubtful expression on her face.

"I am serious about her." Neo declared without any hesitation.

"Kei--" Miss A's voice sounded like she is having a hard time voicing out what's in her mind. Her hands are tightly clasp together on top of her lap. Her almond shaped eyes are becoming misty due to the tears slowly forming in her eyes. "You're only kidding right?" Miss A said in a very small and pitiful tone of voice.

"I have no funny bone present on my body. I don't need to inform you anything." Neo said coldly as he stood up from his chair. He signalled for the waiter to come with the bill.

"Where are you going? Come on, let's talk. You're not just going to leave us here with our questions unanswered right?" Fei said looking distressed at the situation at hand. It looks like she never thought that Neo will coldly slap their faces with this sudden declaration of love. The worst part is that the fiancee and the current lover are present.

"Neo, why don't we calmly talk about this first." Juaqin said in a calm tone of voice.

"Why? Even if you are older than me, you don't have the authority to tell me what to do." Neo said to Juaqin with a serious and dangerous expression on his face.

"Were leaving." he said to me as he grabbed my left arm and gently pulled me up to my feet. Oh.. I thought he would just coolly walk out and leave me behind. Good thing he still remembered that he brought an innocent Goddess into his fadjie bar family war.