
With a small smile on my lips, I followed Neo's lead. I hurriedly stood up and moved swiftly to his side. I then slightly bent my body to bid farewell to the three musketeers seated across us. "Nice meeting you."

"Kei, please stop. I'll come with you." Miss A said in a panicky manner. She abruptly stood up to come closer but before she could even take a step out of the table Neo already turned his back and walked a few strides away. As the demon's tail, here I am doing my best not to lose my elegant bearing as he drag me towards the entrance. Neo's hand which was gripping my left arm earlier sled down to my left hand, so now we are literally looking like a couple with our hands intertwined.

I took a glance back to see if Miss A really did follow us but fortunately Fei held her back and is now comforting her broken hearted little cousin.

I noticed that a waiter stood by the side to let us through, Neo stopped in front of him and said in a low cold tone of voice "Free drinks for everyone here tonight. Place the bill to my account."

As if on script, the waiter bowed to Neo and said that he understands. How can this waiter blindly agree to his request? Is Neo a frequent customer here? Or does the owner know Neo? I don't remember the Yuan family owning G-palace though."My mother inherited this from her maternal family " Neo said, answering the question floating in my head.

I did not say anything and just continued on walking side by side with this iceberg. When we arrived at the entrance of the hotel, Neo's car is already parked in front and the valet is already waiting by the side for the owner to fetch his car key. When the valet saw us, he quickly gave the car keys to Neo before stepping to the side wishing us a safe trip.

Once he received the car key, Neo swiftly let go of my hand. I quickly lifted my left hand towards my chest and gently massaged it using my right hand. I was about to step forward, towards Neo's car when a grey object suddenly went flying towards my face. I was not fast enough to dodge it, resulting in it covering my head. I almost yelled in squealed in surprise, good thing I stopped myself in time.

A faint masculine musk then wafted into my nostrils making me flinch as reflex. This smell is familiar and yet unknown at the same time. I grabbed the object, it felt soft and smooth to the touch. This kind of material is surely of high quality, making me more skeptical as to why this expensive clothing came flying out of nowhere.

I frowned when I took a closer look at the object in my hands. Grey business suit coat? My head snapped up to look at Neo who is now standing beside his car with his mobile phone placed on top of his right ear. He is now only wearing a white long sleeve and a loosened necktie.

With the coat on hand, I strode towards his direction. He just ended his conversation on phone and before I can even ask what was he thinking throwing his clothe into other peoples face he already coldly said to me " Wear it."

"What? No! Why would I?!" I said to him as I shoved the coat in front of his chest.

"Wear it." He again said but this time his voice is louder and colder than before.

I was about to stubbornly refuse when he suddenly threw a small object towards me. On reflex, i caught it and stared at it for a while before it registered to my mind. Car keys?! Not ordinary car keys. This is actually the key to his car.

"You can leave first. As promised, I will let you drive my car." Neo said with an indifferent tone of voice.

"What about you?" I asked him as I excitedly moved towards the door in the driver's side.

"A family driver will come pick me up." he said as he stepped away from the car.

I am still holding his coat and I am also taking his car. He is only wearing a thin clothing and its still cold outside.

I deeply sighed as conscience unexpectedly started tugging my heart. Fine, I'm not that inhuman anyway. With that in mind, I called for Neo's attention who is about to step on the side to wait for his ride.

"Hey, hop in." I said to him.

With a raised brow, he looked at me with that signature poker face of his. "I said get in. You wouldn't want your fiancee and the others to see you here alone right? You look like an abandoned puppy out there." I teasingly said to him. With his clothing like that and his car gone, he looks like he just got robbed.

"Ashly, it would be fine. He must only be teasing you. He only wants to make you jealous." a very familiar voice sounded from within the entrance of the hotel. Then within seconds, two girls came into view. A faint sobbing sound can be heard as they walk closer to us.

I chuckled as I saw Neo casually walking towards the passenger side of the car. Miss A must have noticed Neo as he opened the passenger door.

"Kei!!" She hastily moved forward to catch up to Neo but Neo only slammed the car door close as he nonchalantly got in his car.

"That's Kei's car. Why are you--" Miss A said with indignation in her voice.

I cut her off "Oh, I said I wanted to drive so he let me drive. I am such a good driver you know." I said to her with a mischievous smile on my lips. I winked at her before I got in the car and sped off like a drag racer. It's such a waste if I don't use this baby to her full potential right?