
I was stupefied when he chuckled again. I give up, this guy is too complicated for me. I sighed, better go home and sleep than stay here with him.

I was about to turn the engine back to life when Neo suddenly said "They say that I am cold and indifferent but in my opinion you are colder than me."

My hand froze in place when I heard him say that. What?! I am colder than him? Is he really not sane at the moment?! How can I be colder than him?

I slightly laughed as I regained my composure "You said that you don't have a funny bone in your body but I guess you were lying because what you just said is really funny." I said to him.

"I am here, heartbroken but you chose to ignore me and actually act like nothing happened. Isn't that harsh?" Neo said without batting an eye.

"Why? Why would I even do that? The young master of the Yuan family is actually hurting because he got his heart broken again and again by the girl he loves. Do you want me to take you to the hospital then? We can ask for painkillers and any med that can help your bleeding heart. Is that the concern that you have been hoping?" I said to him in a calm tone of voice. I smiled sweetly at him as if convincing an ignorant little boy how to mend his heart.

Neo didn't answer, he only stared in the distance like he is really deep in thought. Huh! Maybe he should go to the hospital. Who would have thought that the so called demon king of Xin City High will be this powerless against a mere girl.

"Did you also go to the hospital?" Neo suddenly asked.

The sweet smile on my lips suddenly turned upside down. "What? Why would I go there?" I said, giving him a puzzled look.

"Ain't your heart broken too? Did you go to the hospital to get it fixed?" Neo said, turning his head to stare at me straight in the eyes. A smirk then appeared in those kissable sexy lips of his as if mocking me for what I said.

Am I talking to a first grader?! Where is this conversation leading to? I took a deep breath and tiredly slumped my back in the driver's seat. Neo is still slumped back on his seat as his eyes follow my every move. I massaged my left temple using my left hand. Closing my eyes for a bit, I can feel my body relax even though I am in an odd situation. I opened my eyes and stared in front. My hands tucked underneath Neo's coat which have been on my lap this whole time.

"What is this about? You already knew right? You knew that she would be there. Why are you acting like you just found out about their affair when in reality you had already known about it before hand?" I said to him in a forthright manner.

He didn't seem bothered by my manner as he again shifted his gaze towards the road in front. There are a lot of street lights illuminating the wide paved road. Beautiful landscapes lined up on both sides of the road making one think that you are in a different country. A refreshing view to behold compared to the giant buildings lined up in the city.

"Knowing and actually seeing it in person is not as easy as you think. I've only found out about it for less than two months, that is not enough time to actually abandon this feeling of care and trust." I heard Neo say placidly as he stared in the distance.

I sighed and silently agreed to him. It is true that it is hard to accept reality when all your life you have been living in a lie.

"So the guy that 'stole' your fiancee's love from you is actually Juaqin? Are you sure? He seemed to be closer to Fei than Ashly though." I commented as I recalled Juaqin and Fei's intimate gestures earlier.

"Fei is already engaged and is happy with her relationship. Juaqin and Fei only sees each other as siblings." Neo said.

"How can you be so sure?" I said with a hint of curiosity.

"I just know." Neo said as if those three words explains everything.

I rolled my eyes at his response. "Fei was with them when we saw them earlier. They were not alone earlier, so there is no need to --"

"When you and Ashly are still in the ladies room, Fei said that it was only a coincidence that she met Ashly and Juaqin there. She was originally on her way to meet her highschool classmate but her friend cancelled in the last minute because of an emergency, that's when she saw Ashly and Juaqin enter. The rest, you already know." Neo patiently said.

We all discused this without even looking at each other, it's like we are only conversing via phone. Is this what they call, near but far? Silence then engulfed us. Both deep in thought. "Why? Why are you telling me all this? Do you think we are close enough for you to openly share this secret to me?" I frankly said to him.

"My grandfather will be announcing my engagement to Ashly at the charity ball next weekend. Once it becomes public, it will be hard for me to break it off." Neo said.

"Is that the reason why you acted like that in school? Is this why you skipped being a secret admirer and instead became a persistent stalker?" I said to him in an indifferent tone of voice.

Neo chuckled before saying "Stalker? Is that how you view me Ms. Tan?"

"Indeed, a stalker. The creepy type." I said to him like I'm refferring to another person.

"What if this stalker will ask you to become his rebound girl. Would you agree?" Neo said this in a calm and natural manner that made me think if what I just heard was wrong.