
I never experienced being in an intimate or romantic relationship with the opposite sex before but this didn't hinder me from knowing the meaning of being a rebound girl. There must be wrong with my ears tonight. Did I just hear the youth proclaimed by his peers as the demon king, ask me to become his rebound girl? Not his fling, not his friend and not his girlfriend but actually a rebound girl??!! I could not help but laugh as I ponder on what he just said.

"Rebound" I again burst out laughing. "Hey, do you even know what rebound girl means? Better yet, did you even consider the fact that you just straightforwardly asked the young miss of the Tan family to become your rebound girl?" I continued.

Neo stayed silent and his expression is that of nonchalance as I laugh at him. "Ah, I just discovered how an iceberg tell jokes. Good one... Very... Not funny at all." after saying that, my laughing expression transformed into a cold angry face. Neo stared at me with a serious expression on while I glared at him.

"I know it's not funny. That's because it's not a joke." Neo said to me. His voice steady and clear. It felt like I am not talking to the same person anymore. On the outside, my expression is still the same but inside I am getting curious and alert for I know that the Neo I am talking to right now is more serious and dangerous than before.

"I already agreed on becoming your decoy. Being your fake girlfriend is already more than enough. A rebound girl? Do you even know the difference between the two?" I said to him with a serious tone of voice.

"Yes, I know. I want you to be my girl. I want you to end this pain that I am feeling in my heart. I want you to stop looking at your childhood friend. I want you to only look at me." Neo said, his voice not faltering one bit.

If this was a movie and this guy who have a very good looking face and a well defined body say this things to the female protagonist then it will surely look like a confession of love, but this is not a movie. I am not the female protagonist of a scripted film. Obviously, Neo is also not confessing his love for me.

He said those lines without an ounce of sincerity in his voice and expression. He sounded like he is only reading aloud a line he read on the internet. Any person who will think of this as romantic is definitely not in their right minds.

"Neo Kei Yuan, you're really getting out of your usual character tonight. Where did you even get those lines anyway? We should just go home and forget about all this. I bet my parents already know that I went out to have dinner with you and they will surely misunderstand it. Getting home late will not help at all." I sighed and didn't wait for his reply. I shifted my body in the right posture and started the engine.

I was about to step on the accelerator when the engine suddenly died down. A crease formed on my forehead, then I noticed that the key is no longer in the keyhole. My head then hastily moved to look at the guy seated beside me. I can see the back of his head as he stare out of the window beside him. I can see his reflection on the tinted window as he also stare at me through our reflection on the window.

"This is a waist of time. What do you really want? Spit it out and let's get this over with." I said to him calmly as I glared at his reflection on the tinted window.

"Why not agree to become my temporary fiance then? If my plan works and my engagement with the Shen family becomes invalid then my engagement with you will resurface. It will still be the same." Neo said placidly.

"First, you want me to act as your fake girlfriend, then now you want me to become your temporary fiance and rebound girl?! My temper may not be the most stable but it doesn't mean that I become muddle headed when faced in this kind of situation. I am still quite sure that you are only doing this to avoid being partnered with another girl right? I am like your shield and safety net. Don't spout words of empty love in front of me ever again." I said to him with indignation.

I continued "So what if your engagement with her get cancelled? Me being the true young miss of the Tan family is not known by anyone else except for a few trusted people, everyone else still sees me as the commoner living the life of a noble. Your family will surely not accept a mere commoner to become the fiance and possible next mistress of house Yuan in the future. Even if it is only temporary, I will still not agree." I said to him without any hesitation in my voice. After saying this, I grabbed my phone from my bag and texted Mr. Shin my location and shoved my phone back inside the bag afterwards. Knowing him, I am sure that he is still on standby in case I need to be fetched in town.

"Is it because of Vincent?" Neo said, his voice is sharp and cold.