Water Fountain

"What? Water works? So you went out to look at a water fountain. Did the girl complain because the water fountain didn't work?" Keannu said, not really that interested about his friends failed date. He quickly prepared a drink for the both of them. He strode back towards Neo and handed him his drink.

"No, I cried." Neo said as he accepted the wine glass Keannu gave him. Keannu on the other hand almost sprayed the wine that is on his mouth before finally gulping it down his throat. He stared dumbfounded at Neo who is nonchalantly sipping his wine. No words came out of his mouth because his mind is busy deciphering the coded words Neo just said.

Both of them then swiftly moved their head when a 'bang' was heard. Damian came out of his room just in time to hear what Neo said. He unconsciously closed the door with a greater force than necessary due to his shock. He then walked towards the two and said in a doubtful tone of voice "Are you drunk?"

After hearing this, Neo chuckled as he again took a sip of his wine. "That's what she also said to me."

"It's a normal reaction." Damian said without a second thought.

"Did you succeed in making her agree to help us?" Keannu said, changing the topic. He would only feel uncomfortable if they proceed in asking more question about Neo crying in front of a girl.

"I told her to become my rebound girl and temporary fiance but she didn't take it seriously." Neo said nonchalantly like he is only talking about the weather.

Keannu and Damian could not even look at each other's eyes as the dumbfoundedly stare at Neo. Silence then engulfed the whole place as they both don't know how to properly react. A phone ringtone then broke the silence, bringing Damian and Keannu back to reality. Damian recognized the ringtone as his so he pulled his phone from his jean's pocket. He looked at the caller ID then shifted his gaze to Neo before answering his phone.

"Hey honey... I'm sorry but I will have to cancel our date tonight. There's an emergency... Yeah.. I know.. I think my little brother has gone crazy... Yeah.. no not that brother.. Alright, see you next time then. I love you." Damian then took note of the girls name and age on his phone so that his schedule with his other dates won't overlap.

"Ehem...." Damian cleared his throat as he shoved his phone back to his jean's pocket. "So you actually said that you want her to become your rebound girl after you cried in front of her? Do tell me that you did not cry because of that ****." Damian said without any hesitation. He is the oldest out of the four friends, he is also the most experienced when it comes to women that is why he strongly thinks that he should be responsible in making his little brothers be more of a woman magnet just like him.

"We met Fei, Ashly and Juaqin in the restaurant this evening." Neo said, not stating every detail of the said dinner date. The two men alongside him already have a good grasp of what occured earlier. What they don't understand is, how can Neo actually shed tears in front of a girl who he is not even close with.

Damian sighed and asked "So the water works actually didn't worked? Where were you at that time?"

"In the car. We stopped beside the road near their home." Neo replied with ease.

"Oh... just like in the movies... So you stopped the car before you arrive in her home and seized the opportunity to-- wait.. which car? You actually let her ride your baby?!" Damian exclaimed, feeling awestruck to what he just heard.

"Yes, but I was not the one driving." Neo said without any hint of other expression other than nonchalance.

"What do you mean?" This time it was Keannu who asked. He can't also believe what he is hearing.

"She drove us there. She was also the one who drifted us into a stop." Neo said before gulping down the remaining wine on his glass.

The two handsome friends of his have unexplainable expressions on their faces as they stare at him like he is a book full of wonder. His brow raised as he looked at them. His irritation came back as he recall being rejected by that girl.

She did not only reject him but also left him more intrigued and interested that it's making his emotion haywire.

"Not only did you let her ride your most treasured car, but you also let her drive it? And she still rejected you?!" Damian said, his voice full of excitement and curiosity.

"She did leave a good impression on me when she easily manipulated the people around her during that time in the SB Curriculum's hallway." Keannu said earning him a glare from Neo.

"I said a good impression, not a lover prospect. Judging by the way she carries herself, she would be hard to handle not my cup of tea." Keannu explained.

"But if she have the guts to reject Neo then maybe she already have a lover or she already have some one she likes?" Damian said, analyzing the situation like a love guru.

"I heard that she is known in school as the ice queen. There are a lot of suitors but they were all coldly rejected. I did hear that she is quite close to our classmate. The second young master of the Gu family, Vincent Gu, but it has been a while since he came to school." Keannu said stating the data that he knows about the adopted daughter of the Gu family.

A loud shattering sound of a glass echoed in the room. Keannu and Damian jumped back, to avoid the glass shards which splattered on the floor. The only carpeted area of this huge room is the center part of the room. Where the couch and table is located. The four sides of the room is covered in wood tiles, including the bar area.

Keannu and Damian looked at Neo who wordlessly stood up and headed towards his room. But before he closes the door, he looked back and told Keannu "Send those pictures to my grandparents the day before the charity ball. Make sure the plan goes smoothly." he then closed the door without waiting for his two friends to snap back to their senses.