
*****Three days before the Yuan Clan's Annual Charity Ball.*****

Elrae's POV (^^)

I stretched my arms high in the air, moving my body into a slight curve. I breath in and breath out the fresh air surrounding me right now. I closed my eyes and stretched my upper body as I sat here on the grass field by the manmade lake. A tall tree behind my back shielding me from the harsh rays of the sun.

The bell just rang, indicating the end of lunch break but I decided to stay and act rebellious at least once. I have been having trouble getting along with my classmates for some time now. I wouldn't have minded their rudeness if it was not affecting my grades but unfortunately it does.

The problem of being in an elite school is that the students are either brats or snubs. I'm an exception though, I'm on the good kid list. I do admit that not everyone have the so called rich-kid-syndrome. Those who have this disease is bound to act like he is above all and will start bullying the poor or those in less status.

One example of this is Neo Kei Yuan. Tsk. That sadist is in critical stage he can't be cured. The only way to not experience hell is to not cross paths with him and unfortunately I'm one of those innocent victims of his attacks.

Fadjie Bar! If it wasn't for him then I wouldn't be in this mess. Seriously, he's like a combination of a storm, earthquake, tsunami and volcano eruption.


I leaned my back on the huge tree trunk and looked at the scenery in front. The lake is clear and blue, reflecting the cloudless sky above. An occasional cold breeze would go my way making me feel more relaxed.

I accidentally found this place as I decided to walk out of my classroom to take a break from my classmate's scornful gazes. I left my things in class but I do not mind even if they place something or took something from it. They are still afraid of being punished by Neo and the school council if they try to bully me again. I only took my phone, headset, wallet and my sketching materials with me.

We have this one group project in class where we need to submit a sample sketch of a one storey coffee shop. The estimated cost should also be included in the report. The class will be grouped by three. He let us choose our teams and as expected, no one wanted to be in the same team as me. I called for the professor's attention and asked if I can do the project alone. He was hesitant at first but still decided to just let me do what I want since I am the top of our class anyway.

I am not that good in arts, I only know how to make abstract paintings and drawing stickman is my specialty. Way too far from the coffee shop that I need. I sighed and thought of a way to lighten my load. I looked around and a smile then formed on my lips.

It's so peaceful out here. I wonder why I never knew such a place existed inside the campus. I never saw anyone else as I walked here earlier. There was no warning sign or something similar that prohibits anyone from entering the premises.

I placed the sketch pad and pencil on the ground beside me before putting on my headset and turning my favorite music on. Since I decided to be a bad student for once and actually skipped my classes, then I better do what a bad student does during his or her free time and that is taking a nap.

Closing my eyes I drifted into dream land in no time. I do not know how long I have been sleeping but I can now feel my body being uncomfortable. My body slipping sideward from the tree trunk that I am leaning on. My eyes and consciousness unwilling to leave dream land yet, I slightly moved my body into a more comfortable position but for some reason my legs feels heavy and numb.

It's like a rock is placed on top of my lap, holding my outstretched legs in place. Because of my movement, I can now feel the tingling sensation on my legs giving me the urge to stretch my body. So I moved my body and stretched without opening my eyes but my whole body froze to a sudden stop when I felt a soft warm thing touch my skin just above my knee. A low groan then sounded like a complain to my sudden movement.

Warning signals then lighted inside my body giving me adrenaline rush. My eyes opened and with no second thoughts, I pushed hard the creature on top of my lap.

Since I chose the tree closes to the edge of the lake, the creature I pushed rolled straight into the water. A loud 'splash' sound can be heard breaking the serene atmosphere of the place.

Fadjie Bar!!! My heart is beating too fast and it seems like it will not slow down for a while. I took deep breath in and out to help me calm my raging nerves. My eyes darting from one place to another before settling it to the lake in front.

Wait... Am I still dreaming? Is this a nightmare then? I pinched my left forearm using my right hand and winced in pain. So it's real? Really?

I stand corrected, that thing I just pushed is not a creature. Will the god of water be considered a creature?

Why does this guy look so familiar? I thought to myself as I stared at the man standing on the lake, glaring at me. Half of his body is underwater while from waist up is soaking wet. He messed his hair using his right hand, trying to shake off some water from it. His wet round neck t-shirt clung unto his lean yet a bit mascular body. His eyes then caught mine, bringing shivers to my spine.

What the Fadjie Bar! Neo Kei Yuan!? You again?! My mind screamed as recognition dawned on me.