Release The Supreme Commander From His Post, I'll Do It (XIV)

"Enemy, enemy attack... enemy..."

A wave of arrows fell from the sky onto the battlement wall and the voices of the guards at the gate stopped abruptly. Soft whimpering could be heard. Any figures that half-rose toppled over with a loud crash. However, the rain of arrows was still falling, and the arrows quickly pierced into the fallen bodies which were beginning to resemble porcupines.

Crimson blood flowed out of the bodies and soaked into the stones and bricks that made up the city wall. It dampened the ground and caused a cloyingly sweet yet fishy smell to saturate the air. It was nauseating.

After the first wave of "arrow rain," everyone on and under the wall became alert.

How was this possible?

Why was there an enemy here?

Someone was shot in the arm by an arrow. He clung tightly to the foot of the battlement. Holding up a wooden shield, he cautiously poked his head out.