Release The Supreme Commander From His Post, I'll Do It (XV)

Dozens of Red Lotus followers desperately tried to prop up the city wall. Due to the movements caused by the ax, sandy soil from the outermost layer of the wall was rustling down on top of their heads.

The day was bitterly cold and the ground was freezing, they couldn't use all of their strength in such conditions. They put both hands up against the wall and it just felt as if they were touching a large ice cube.

"Let's hold on for a bit longer, we can't let those thieves get in..."

The words of the leader of this small group were cut off as dozens of people felt an incomparably powerful force coming from outside of the city gates. It was like a mountain had collapsed and the ruins were pressing down on their heads.

The next moment, the city gate, which already had huge cracks in it, suddenly opened wide with a screech.