Release The Supreme Commander From His Post, I'll Do It (XVI)

Jiang Pengji held an advantage here, but to produce such results as an attacking player without any siege equipment was a feat.

She said, "Now that the weather is cold, the corpses will not rot easily. Get people to collect the soldiers' bodies and send them back."

Following the habits of war, the soldiers' corpses were usually dealt with on the spot.

One, there were too many corpses, which made them difficult to carry and transport. Dealing with them also consumed manpower.

Two, the weather could be terrible, which made it difficult to preserve the corpses. Also, many accidents could happen during a march, so it was inconvenient to carry bodies with them.

But the weather was freezing cold now, and it was not that easy for the corpses to rot and collect maggots.

Jiang Pengji intended to have them sent back to their hometowns instead of having them buried in a foreign land.