Black Paladin King

Any player could take part in the Blade Peak Arena. There was no minimum number of battles required. Points were given regardless whether the player won or lost. One thing that kept players coming was the chance of a random reward simply for participating in the Arena — a Battlefield Honorable Gift Pack.

There were many great items that could be obtained from the Battlefield Honorable Gift Pack. On-the-spot Resurrection Talisman, 2.5x EXP Scrolls, etc. There was even a small chance of obtaining a Tier 1 Equipment Set and a rare mount.

Their sights set on this random Battlefield Honorable Gift Pack, Blade Peak Arena bustled more and more each day. Of course, not everyone left happy. For example, when one player killed another player. Then 'Ding!" the defeated player received a Battlefield Honorable Gift Pack, while the victorious player received nothing...