True Power

Was that shameless? Not in the slightest!

The Dwarfs' height was commonly known as their fourth Innate Ability. It was precisely because they were too small that it made them too difficult to find. In a battle, their opponents were the ones who suffered.

Of course, height was neither an absolute advantage nor an absolute disadvantage. Li Yi used the Dwarf's height to leap over his head in the rain and mist, making it so that he could not react in time. If it were a player from any other race, he would not be able to achieve that with the height of his jumps.

He had 2,200 Battlefield Points now. A translucent virtual ranking board appeared before Li Yi. Now that his points had met the mark, he had entered the rankings!

The Arena Point Rankings did not reveal the players' names, only their classes, and their current positions. This was to prevent players from cheating when away from the arena by using other methods to attack the higher-ranked players.