Fight for the First Clear

The Light and Darkness Instances all had a large amount of lore. The story was that the Cursing Sect was desperately gathering faith to revive the Evil God whilst the Church of Holy Light worked on sullying their attempts. As the two factions were locked in a heated battle right outside the Ancient Civilization Ruins, due to the immense power of the two sides clashing together, the force of the battle had caused the seal on the Ancient Civilization Ruins to be destroyed, releasing an ancient evil soul called the King of Soul which then proceeded to take over the territory.

The King of Soul's spiritual power was extremely strong. Not only could he use summoning spells to forcefully summon all the Ancient General who had died in this place to fight for him, but he could also use Spirit Control to enslave a majority of the Cursing Disciples and the Church of Holy Light Paladins forcing them to do his bidding.