The Team Charges In

The Light and Dark Instances are composed of five level 40, 5-man Small Instance Dungeons; five level 50, 5-man Small Instance Dungeons; five level 60; 5-man Small Instance Dungeons and the remainders are all large-sized raids. The difficulty ranges from high to low, and it would satisfy nearly every players' leveling needs.

Among the five level 40 5-man Small Instance Dungeons, Light's Beginning that Li Yi had cleared was of medium difficulty. Whereas Light's Duel that was cleared by the Southern Continent's Violent Warrior Gai'er was the easiest one, and The Cursed Rider that took both Big Boy and Lil Girl's combined effort to beat was the toughest of them all.

Li Yi looted Leos' corpse, but only obtained a piece of level 40 gold-colored equipment meant for Warriors. Just as he exited the Instance Dungeon and was proceeding to the next one, the System had made its first kill announcement once again.