High Cleric

Li Yi gave one of the Paladins a Hunt Target so that his party could concentrate their attacks on it.

Xu Man and her sister rushed up to it as well, their daggers flying in their hands as they fired up their DPS.

Moonlight Ocean was a dual-wielding Cyclone Thief whereas Xu Man was an Explosive Thief with only one weapon. The sisters' equipment was more or less the same, and their DPS was similar as well. Both of them dealt more than 3000 in damage per second, which was a definite pass.

Compared to everyone else, the sisters' DPS was more than decent. Compared to Li Yi, however, it was far from enough. Even without the potion, Li Yi's DPS was over 7000, more than the two girls combined.

Little Elf from the Magical Realm was the only one who could not quite keep up. Her DPS was only 1,500. Her character was a Sky Vagabond with a full focus on healing, so her DPS was never high to begin with. When she solo-ed dungeons, she did it by pure grind.