Magical Jello

There were many ways to level up in King of Pantheon. Those who were not keen on farming monsters could opt for a lifestyle class or run simple quests such as delivering letters to level up.

Of course, farming monsters to level up was still essential in this sort of game and the hardest part about this was seeking a map with a high frequency of respawning.

There were many such maps in King of Pantheon. Li Yi's murloc killing spree in Underwater Remnants was one of them.

The spot with unlimited respawn of patched snakes found by Windless Heavenly Robe was a good one, with three directional passageways leading towards the East, West, and South. A patched snake appeared every ten seconds. If none of them were defeated, they would respawn nonstop until their numbers went up to 1,000. Until then, these three passageways would constantly spawn patched snakes.